Mendelssohn 16 Two-part Songs

Schirmer Library of Classics Volume 377 Vocal Duets

Condition: New - Unused - Unopened
Authorized Dealer: Musical Progressions
Publisher: Schirmer
Series: Vocal Ensemble
Composer: Felix Mendelssohn
Pages: 96
Contents: Autumn Song - By the Plashing Fount I Stand - Evening Song - Farewell Song/Birds of Passage - For in His Own Hand - For So Hath the Lord Commanded - Greeting - How Can I Blithe and Cheerful Be - I Leaned Against Tow'ring Mast - I Waited for the Lord - I Would That My Love - The Maybell and the Flowers - My Song Therefore Shall Be - Now We Are Ambassadors - O Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast - Tulerunt Dominum Meum.

Autumn Song - By The Plashing Fount I Stand - Evening Song - Farewell Song/Birds Of Passage - For In His Own Hand - For So Hath The Lord Commanded - Greeting (Mendelssohn) - How Can I Blithe And Cheerful Be - I Leaned Against Tow'ring Mast - I Waited For The Lord - I Would That My Love - Maybell And The Flowers,The - My Song Therefore Shall Be - Now We Are Ambassadors (Mendelssohn) - O Wert Thou In The Cauld Blast - Tulerunt Dominum Meum

Size: 10.5in x 6.75in

UPC: 73999344516

ISBN: 9781495022555

Inventory#: 050254590