Pokemon Gen 3 Complete Event Distribution Cartridge RSE/FRLG




The most comprehensive and complete Gen 3 Distribution cartridge online!

Cartridge Includes:

 Special Notes and Criteria:

Event List:

1.    2004 Tanabata Jirachi (JPN)

2.    2005 Tanabata Jirachi (JPN)

3.    2006 Tanabata Jirachi (JPN)

4.    Ageto Celebi (JPN)

5.    All Nippon Airways Pikachu (JPN)

6.    Altering Cave (EMER) - Mareep, Aipom, Pineco, Shuckle, Teddiursa, Houndour, Stanler, Smeargle

7.    Altering Cave (FRLG) - Mareep, Aipom, Pineco, Shuckle, Teddiursa, Houndour, Stanler, Smeargle

8.    Aura Mew (ENG)

9.    Aura Mew (FRE)

10. Aura Mew (GER)

11. Aura Mew (ITA)

12. Aura Mew (SPA)

13. Aurora Ticket (EMER)

14. Aurora Ticket (FRLG)

15. Berry Program Update Zigzagoon (ENG) - Shiny Zigzagoon

16. Berry Program Update Zigzagoon (JPN) - Shiny Zigzagoon

17. Channel Jirachi (ENG)

18. Colosseum Pikachu (JPN)

19. Doel Deoxys (ENG)

20. Eon Ticket (EMER) – Latias or Latios, depending on players choice

21. Festa Metang (JPN)

22. Gather More Pokémon! Campaign 1 (JPN) - Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip

23. Gather More Pokémon! Campaign 2 (JPN) - Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile

24. Gather More Pokémon! Campaign 3 (JPN) – Ekans, Pikachu, Meowth, Growlithe, Bellsprout, Slowpoke, Shellder, Chansey, Kangaskhan, Scyther, Electabuzz, Magmar, Tauros, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Qwilfish, Sneasel, Delibird, Mantine

25. Gather More Pokémon! Campaign 4 (JPN) - Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle

26. Gather More Pokémon! Campaign 5 (JPN) - Pikachu, Lotad, Seedot, Surskit, Skitty, Sableye, Mawile, Meditite, Plusle, Minun, Roselia, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Chimecho

27. Gather More Pokémon! Campaign 6 (JPN) - Pikachu, Hoothoot, Mareep, Aipom, Sunkern, Wobbuffet, Pineco, Gligar, Snubbull, Shuckle, Teddiursa, Houndour, Stantler, Smeargle

28. GW Pikachu (JPN)

29. Hadō Mew (JPN)

30. Hadō Regice (JPN)

31. Hadō Regirock (JPN)

32. Hadō Registeel (JPN)

33. Journey Across America Celebi (ENG)

34. Journey Across America Top 20 Pt1 (ENG) - Bulbasaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Pikachu, Alakazam, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Dragonite, Typhlosion

35. Journey Across America Top 20 Pt2 (ENG) - Espeon, Umbreon, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Tyranitar, Blaziken, Absol, Latias, Latios

36. Mitsurin Celebi (JPN)

37. Mystery Mew (ENG)

38. Mystic Ticket (EMER) - Ho-Oh

39. Mystic Ticket (FRLG) - Ho-Oh

40. Old Sea Map (EMER) - For Emerald (ENG) only!

41. Party of the Decade Top 20 Pt.1 (ENG) - Bulbasaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Pikachu, Alakazam, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Dragonite, Typhlosion

42. Party of the Decade Top 20 Pt.2 (ENG) - Espeon, Umbreon, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Tyranitar, Blaziken, Absol, Latias, Latios

43. PCNYb - Evolution Stone Promo (ENG) - Pikachu, Gloom, Staryu

44. PCNYb - EX-Dragon TCG Promo (ENG) - Altaria, Flygon, Seadra, Salamence

45. PCNYb - Halloween Bash Monster (ENG) - Level 50 Exploud, Level 100 Exploud, Level 50 Aggron, Level 100 Aggron, Level 50 Wailord, Level 100 Wailord, Level 50 Crawdaunt, Level 100 Crawdaunt

46. PCNYb - Monster Week (ENG) - Shedinja, Cacturne, Shuppet, Duskull

47. PCNYc - Ancient & Aliens Week (ENG) - Armaldo, Sableye, Mawile, Crawdily

48. PCNYc - Baby & Trade Week (ENG) - Azurill, Wynaut, Gorebyss, Huntail

49. PCNYc - Campaign 6 Pokémon (ENG) - Machamp, Ludicolo, Shiftry, Golem

50. PCNYc - Colosseum Tourney Promo (ENG) - Houndour, Mareep

51. PCNYc - Dragon Week Pokémon (ENG) - Ice Beam Seadra, Leer Seadra, Flygon, Flamethrower Altaria, Ice Beam Altaria, Salamence

52. PCNYc - Evolution Stone Promo (ENG) - Pikachu, Gloom, Staryu

53. PCNYc - EX-Dragon TCG Promo (ENG) - Altaria, Flygon, Seadra, Salamence

54. PCNYc - Halloween Bash Monster (ENG) - Level 50 Exploud, Level 100 Exploud, Level 50 Aggron, Level 100 Aggron, Level 50 Wailord, Level 100 Wailord, Level 50 Crawdaunt, Level 100 Crawdaunt

55. PCNYc - Monster Week (ENG) - Shedinja, Cacturne, Shuppet, Duskull

56. PCNYc - Pokémon Box RS Promo (ENG) - Flygon, Seviper, Spite Absol, Wish Absol

57. PCNYc - Slither & Swim Week (ENG) - Zangoose, Seviper, Milotic, Kingdra

58. PCNYc - Unknown Spring Pokémon (ENG) - Gardevoir, Tropius, Salamence

59. PCNYd - Ancient & Aliens Week (ENG) - Armaldo, Sableye, Mawile, Crawdily

60. PCNYd - Baby & Trade Week (ENG) - Azurill, Wynaut, Gorebyss, Huntail

61. PCNYd - Campaign 6 Pokémon (ENG) - Machamp, Ludicolo, Shiftry, Golem

62. PCNYd - Colosseum Tourney Promo (ENG) - Houndour, Mareep

63. PCNYd - Dragon Week Pokémon (ENG) - Ice Beam Seadra, Leer Seadra, Flygon, Flamethrower Altaria, Ice Beam Altaria, Salamence

64. PCNYd - Pokémon Box RS Promo (ENG) - Flygon, Seviper, Spite Absol, Wish

65. PCNYd - Slither & Swim Week (ENG) - Zangoose, Seviper, Milotic, Kingdra

66. PCNYd - Unknown Spring Pokémon (ENG) - Gardevoir, Tropius, Salamence

67. Pokémon Box Bonus Eggs (ENG) - Swablu Egg, Zigzagoon Egg, Skitty Egg, Pichu Egg

68. Pokémon Box Bonus Eggs (JPN) - Swablu Egg, Zigzagoon Egg, Skitty Egg, Pichu Egg

69. Pokémon Center 5th ANNIV Eggs (JPN) - Teeter Dance Pichu, Wish Pichu, Charm Ralts, Wish Ralts, Spite Absol, Wish Absol, Iron Defence Bagon, Wish Bagon

70. Pokémon Rocks America '05 Metang (ENG)

71. Pokémon Stamp RS Absol (JPN)

72. Pokémon Stamp RS Contest Pichu (JPN)

73. Pokémon Sunday Wobbuffet (JPN)

74. Pokémon Trade and Battle Day (ENG) - Ekans, Sandshrew, Vulpix, Oddish, Psyduck, Growlithe, Machoke, Slowpoke, Shellder, Haunter, Staryu, Tauros

75. PokéPark Celebi (JPN)

76. PokéPark Eggs (JPN) - Psyduck, Pichu, Igglybuff, Corsola, Taillow, Surskit, Whismur, Skitty, Plusle, Minun, Spoink, Spinda, Cacnea, Corphish, Wynaut

77. PokéPark Jirachi TID 60731 (JPN)

78. PokéPark Jirachi TID 60830 (JPN)

79. PokéPark Meowth (JPN)

80. PokéPark Mew (JPN)

81. Sapporo Pikachu (JPN)

82. Space Center Deoxys (ENG)

83. Top 10 Distribution Pokémon (ENG) - Charizard, Pikachu, Articuno, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Latias, Latios

84. Top 10 Distribution Pokémon (FRE) - Charizard, Pikachu, Articuno, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Latias, Latios

85. Top 10 Distribution Pokémon (GER) - Charizard, Pikachu, Articuno, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Latias, Latios

86. Top 10 Distribution Pokémon (ITA) - Charizard, Pikachu, Articuno, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Latias, Latios

87. Top 10 Distribution Pokémon (SPA) - Charizard, Pikachu, Articuno, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Latias, Latios

88. Wish Eggs (ENG) (Chansey)

89. Wish Eggs (ENG) (Drowzee)

90. Wish Eggs (ENG) (Exeggcute)

91. Wish Eggs (ENG) (Farfetch'd)

92. Wish Eggs (ENG) (Kangaskhan)

93. Wish Eggs (ENG) (Lickitung)

94. Wishing Star Jirachi -Restricted- (JPN)

95. Wishing Star Jirachi -Unrstd- (JPN)

96. Wishmaker Jirachi (ENG)

97. Yokohama Pikachu (JPN)


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