Your Receive 6 cuttings of 4 inches each.
Called ‘mistletoe cactus’ because of its white berries, it ranges from Florida to Brazil, including the Caribbean and may occur in Africa, the only cactus to do so. The spaghetti-like strands are very long, up to six feet or more with very long stems between branches. This species was once known as cassutha in Florida where it is a rare epiphyte in the southernmost part of the Everglades. A very decorative species that gives an instant tropical look to any garden or greenhouse displaying its long, cascading strands.

subsp. baccifera
DISTRIBUTION. Neotropics including the Caribbean (also E Mexico & Florida), Central America and northern South America, southwards to at least Paraiba state, Northeastern Brazil : epilithic and epiphytic, low elevations to at least 1600 m altitude.

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Plant is listed on C.I.T.E.S and cannot be exported from the United States.