This is for a near complete collection of Arcadia Quest and Masmorra in excellent condition. There are 3 missing items and two caveats to this being complete. The missing items:The nameless campaign The Usagi Yojimbo packand from Masmorra the monster dice set Now for the two caveats. First, you likely notice I don't have the guildmaster or the optional extra figures from the first kickstarter. i instead have the warpaint collection. This included painted minis for every figure released for the first kickstater so you have every character released but they did not include the game cards for any of the characters in the warpaint. However, i printed out all the character's cards and sleeved them (and most of the other characters) with magic cards behind them so you can't tell the difference. I do have beyond the grave full game and all game components they are combined with the main game box. Which leads me to the second caveat, i don't have the original unpainted minis for arcadia quest or beyond the grave since i had the warpaint i got rid of the unpainted minis which were not needed.Condition wise everything is great. I never played inferno, pets, or riders campaigns so the game content in those are mostly all new. Item cards, heroes, pets, and riders were all combined though. We simply would always just play base or beyond campaigns. All content we did use was sleeved when played. There are still a good amount of figures and extras in shrink.Masmorra was played twice Listing of what is included with the optional figures that are included in the warpaint (so no official character card) noted. Warpaint BasegameWarpaint Beyond the GraveWarpaint Extras & OptionalArcadia QuestBeyond the GraveInferno PetsRidersMasmorraPlastic Coins multiple setsMetal CoinsHealth markers (probably 2 sets)Skull tokensAll factions bags and faction plastic markers (some not pictured)Healing fountain promo extraFrosted dice (extra dice possibly too from kickstarters)Plastic game tokens - unopenedPoison dragonChaos dragon - NISFire Dragon - NISIce Dragon - NISA whole lotta lavaHell of a BoxMasmorra KS exlusive boxRiders KS Exclusive boxMasmorra crossover kit - NISMasmorra Adventuers Set - NISMasmorra promo dice set (above the ks exclusive set)Luke the LuckyTomrickHaldor & BrennaNibbles (in warpaint)Bob the conjurer (in warpaint)Elysia (in warpaint)Tiaret & MittensLeeroyAericFarfallaYunMcHammerHassanAnvil & ValmaZahra (in warpaint and optional extra copy)Mamba & RoshViola & Crash - NISPigsy (warpaint)CerbySlingshot Promo cardsPet Pack 1 - NISPrincess PearlYona & Kuruk - NISHildaPet Pack 2 - NISRiders - Pack 2HoshiNinaChuck - NISRiders - Pack 1