All items are shipped within 24 hours of sale, during business hours, Mon-Fri. Most items will ship same day, as long as the post office is open and we are able to ship.
If you are purchasing multiple items and would like us to combine shipping, please ask us for an invoice before paying for your items. We will gladly give you an exact shipping quote based on the combined size and weight of the items you purchase. If you forget to do that, know that we will voluntarily give you a shipping refund for the difference, without you asking us for it.
We package all items in a clean, dedicated packing area, with professional packaging, to highest specifications. Our fantastic feedback speaks for itself. We have gotten thousands of compliments, specifically for our quality of packaging. That does not mean that an error can not happen. If/when it does, we pride ourselves on our ability to fix the situation. Please contact us if there is any issue with your order, and give us a chance to make things good.