Lake Longemer-Dinner at an American Camp
Clemenceau (prime minister) visiting French Aviation Camp near front
Marshal Foch & General Pershing at Chaumont American GHQ
Explosion of German time bomb in Cambria (nord)
on board U.S.S. Rumpler ready for the subs
U.S.S. Rumpler with Anti-Sub Gun and depth bomb at Brest

so very recently like last month Ebay changed they payment method to us sellers.. .. I no longer have your instant payment deposited and reflected in my Pay Pal account.. however you choose to pay EBAY holds the payment and it will be deposited in my CHECKING account within normal banking cycle times.
So in practice that has taken 5 days.. please bear with me while I wait to see if the payment actually shows up in my account.
I realize you have payed someone or some entity.. but I do not have any visibility to that payment.