Yamaha NS-10M Studio


YAMAHA NS-10M Speakers, same serial number, sound quality/sound localization, good
Tested at high volume for a long time. No crackling, chattering, or other problems were found.
Tenmoni sound is good. There is no doubt that this is a Tenmoni sound, however, we do not guarantee a good sound.
Good sound is a personal feeling, and some people may not find the sound of the sealed 10M to be suitable for their needs.
Nothing in this world is perfect.

The product has been in production for quite a few years, and there are minor scratches.
Please refrain from bidding if you are looking for perfection in appearance other than sound.

Speaker terminals replaced with new banana plugs.
 The drawback of NS10M. Because of its old design, only very thin cables can be connected, and there are almost no usable cables.
It would be better to have a terminal that can connect thicker cables without banana plugs.
The terminals have been changed since NS10M PRO.
Replacing speaker terminals is a difficult task for the average person because it requires a variety of tools and requires removing all solder. Minimum required tools (nut driver, soldering iron, drill, pliers, nippers)

The bolts have been replaced with stainless steel bolts. The original bolts are also included and can be replaced if you do not like them.

All units are in good condition. No sign of sticking.
(Sound can be produced even if sticking, but the volume will be low and the localization will be strange during stereo playback.)
(If the unit is sticking, the sound volume will be low and the localization will not be correct during stereo playback. In case of sticking, you have no choice but to replace it.
  Even if the item is for sale, you should avoid treating it as junk or saying that the sound output has not been confirmed. You will lose money buying a cheap product.
 This is a common problem with sealed speakers.

It is often seen that the adhesion of the coil of the network has peeled off due to deterioration.
If the network is detached, we glue it back together, and if it is not detached, we reinforce and glue it back together.

The NS-10M and NS1000M have the same sound tendency, so we compared the sound of these speakers and found that they sound very good and have no localization problems.
The NS-10M and NS-10M STUDIO are built on the same concept, and I cannot detect much difference in sound.
I think the difference is the difference in allowable input.
The NS-10M has an allowable input of 25W maximum input of 50W.
25W 90dB I don't think it is possible to put 25W input in an average home. The sound is too loud and beyond the level of listening to music.
The NS1000X was released at a different time and has a slightly different sound direction, so I have not made a comparison.

Most of the 10Ms on the Internet, except for those from audio stores, have a tinny sound.
 They are not maintained. There is nothing to compare them with, so you can't tell, or you have a bad ear.
 We have done a simple restoration and confirmed the sound of the 10M before selling it.

Before shipping, we check the sound for about an hour at high volume to ensure that there are no problems as much as possible.

Amplifier: DENON PMA1600NE
CD player: DENON DCD1600NE
RCA cables: audio-technica PCOCC
Cable: BELDEN 8470
Comparison speaker: NS-1000M /NS-10M STUDIO
music: Jumyo