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The Diary of a Young Girl

by Anne Frank, Otto M. Frank, Mirjam Pressler, Susan Massotty, Nadia Murad

This first trade paperback edition of the beloved classic "reveals a new depth to Anne's dreams, irritations, hardship, and passions. . . . There may be no better way to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II than to reread (this) testament to an indestructible nobility of spirit in the face of pure evil" (Chicago Tribune). of photos.

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Publisher Description

THE DEFINITIVE EDITION • Discovered in the attic in which she spent the last years of her life, the remarkable diary that has become a world classic—a powerful reminder of the horrors of war and an eloquent testament to the human spirit.

Updated for the 75th Anniversary of the Diary's first publication with a new introduction by Nobel Prize–winner Nadia Murad

"The single most compelling personal account of the Holocaust ... remains astonishing and excruciating."—The New York Times Book Review

In 1942, with Nazis occupying Holland, a thirteen-year-old Jewish girl and her family fled their home in Amsterdam and went into hiding. For the next two years, until their whereabouts were betrayed to the Gestapo, they and another family lived cloistered in the "Secret Annex" of an old office building. Cut off from the outside world, they faced hunger, boredom, the constant cruelties of living in confined quarters, and the ever-present threat of discovery and death. In her diary Anne Frank recorded vivid impressions of her experiences during this period. By turns thoughtful, moving, and amusing, her account offers a fascinating commentary on human courage and frailty and a compelling self-portrait of a sensitive and spirited young woman whose promise was tragically cut short.

Author Biography

ANNE FRANK was born in 1929 in Germany. Her family moved to Amsterdam in 1933, and she died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945.


"A truly remarkable book."
—The New York Times

"One of the most moving personal documents to come out of World War II."
—The Philadelphia Inquirer

"The new edition reveals a new depth to Anne's dreams, irritations, hardship, and passions. . . . There may be no better way to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War II than to reread The Diary of a Young Girl, a testament to an indestructible nobility of spirit in the face of pure evil."
—Chicago Tribune 

"The single most compelling personal account of the Holocaust . . . remains astonishing and excruciating."
—The New York Times Book Review

"How brilliantly Anne Frank captures the self-conscious alienation and naïve self-absorption of adolescence."

Review Quote

"The new edition reveals a new depth to Anne's

Description for Reading Group Guide

This guide is organized to help readers understand and reflect on Anne Frank's diary. Background information, time lines, and the glossary provide historical context for the years of Anne's life and are designed to place her diary within the framework of the events taking place during World War II and the Holocaust. Special details have been included to highlight the twenty-five month period during which Anne and her family hid in the Secret Annex, as well as the aftermath. The study questions for students are arranged in three parts. The first set of questions relates to facets contributing to Anne's personal identity. The second set of questions examines the relationship of Anne to the world outside the Annex. The final set of questions considers the ongoing issues that Anne raised in her diary over fifty years ago. For additional educational materials, including teacher's notes and activities, please contact the Anne Frank Center USA, 584 Broadway, Suite 408, New York, NY, 10012.

Discussion Question for Reading Group Guide

1, a) After the Nazi invasion of the Netherlands in May 1940, the Dutch people were immediately faced with the question of choice: how to respond to the Nazi occupation. Tens of thousands of Dutch people followed Hitler, and millions more looked the other way. Eventually, a resistance movement began to grow. The Nazis needed Dutch collaborators to carry out their fascist decrees. What would have influenced someone to become a collaborator? What factors would have encouraged someone to join the resistance? Do you think these factors were based on personal characteristics or political beliefs? What was the price of resistance during the war? What was the price of collaboration? b) Anne Frank and her family were German refugees who resettled and tried to build their lives in the Netherlands. Although the Franks were proud of their German heritage, their feelings toward Germany became very complicated during the war. Anne wrote: "Fine specimens of humanity, those Germans, and to think I''m actually one of them! No. that''s not true, Hitler took away our nationality long ago. And besides, there are no greater enemies on earth than the Germans and Jews." (October 9, 1942.) Although Anne had lived in the Netherlands since 1934, she did not become a Dutch citizen. Did Anne have a nationality? If not, were Anne''s civil rights protected by any nation? By 1939 some 250,000 Jews, half of Germany''s Jewish population, had fled their homeland. Did these refugees have any guaranteed rights? After the war Otto Frank responded to references to "the Germans" by asking "which German?" He believed strongly that blaming all Germans was another form of stereotyping. What constitutes a stereotype? How is a stereotype different from discrimination? c) In The New York Times the writer Anna Quindlen asked, "Would our understanding of the Holocaust be quite the same if Anne Frank had not taken a small plaid diary into hiding with her?" What has most shaped your understanding of World War II: personal experience, Anne''s diary, popular films such as Schindler''s List, newsreel footage, academic or historical texts? d) Otto Frank chose to edit out some of the negative comments Anne made about her mother and a number of the other residents of the Secret Annex--comments that have been restored in the new translation by Susan Massotty. He believed that Anne would have wanted him to do so. Do you think he was correct? e) In her diary Anne opined: "...if you''re wondering if it''s harder for the adults here than for the children, the answer is no...Older people have an opinion about everything and are sure of themselves and their actions. It''s twice as hard for us young people to hold on to our opinions at a time when ideals are being shattered..." (July 15, 1944.) When was the last time as an adult that you experienced the "shattering" of an ideal? Is the media a neutral force, or do you think it plays a role in supporting or destroying idealism? f) Are there certain characteristics common among those few individuals who risked their own lives to rescue Jews during World War II? Why do so many of them deny their own heroism? g) A disturbing number of neo-Nazi groups have taken hold in all parts of the world. What social conditions would be necessary for them to grow? What do you believe would be the most likely basis of another world war: pride, nationalism, fear, racism, economic interests, or religious intolerance? h) Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann was asked how he could explain the killing of 6 million Jews. He answered, "One hundred dead are a catastrophe, a million dead are a statistic." Have we become more or less tolerant of murder since he made this observation? i) Anne Frank wrote: "I don''t believe the war is simply the work of politicians and capitalists. Oh no, the common man is every bit as guilty; otherwise, people and nations would have rebelled long ago!" (May 3, 1944.) How should accountability be assigned? So many say they never understood what was happening. How likely could that have been? j) Hitler published Mein Kampf in 1925, describing his plan for the elimination of Jews. At that time, what steps might have been taken to stop Hitler''s rise to power?

Excerpt from Book

June 12, 1942 I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support. Comment added by Anne on September 28, 1942: So far you truly have been a great source of comfort to me, and so has Kitty, whom I now write to regularly. This way of keeping a diary is much nicer, and now I can hardly wait for those moments when I''m able to write in you. Oh, I''m so glad I brought you along! Sunday, June 14, 1942 I''ll begin from the moment I got you, the moment I saw you lying on the table among my other birthday presents. (I went along when you were bought, but that doesn''t count.) On Friday, June 12, I was awake at six o''clock, which isn''t surprising, since it was my birthday. But I''m not allowed to get up at that hour, so I had to control my curiosity until quarter to seven. When I couldn''t wait any longer, I went to the dining room, where Moortje (the cat) welcomed me by rubbing against my legs. A little after seven I went to Daddy and Mama and then tothe living room to open my presents, and you were the first thing I saw, maybe one of my nicest presents. Then a bouquet of roses, some peonies and a potted plant. From Daddy and Mama I got a blue blouse, a game, a bottle of grape juice, which to my mind tastes a bit like wine (after all, wine is made from grapes), a puzzle, a jar of cold cream, 2.50 guilders and a gift certificate for two books. I got another book as well, Camera Obscura (but Margot already has it, so I exchanged mine for something else), a platter of homemade cookies (which I made myself, of course, since I''ve become quite an expert at baking cookies), lots of candy and a strawberry tart from Mother. And a letter from Grammy, right on time, but of course that was just a coincidence. Then Hanneli came to pick me up, and we went to school. During recess I passed out cookies to my teachers and my class, and then it was time to get back to work. I didn''t arrive home until five, since I went to gym with the rest of the class. (I''m not allowed to take part because my shoulders and hips tend to get dislocated.) As it was my birthday, I got to decide which game my classmates would play, and I chose volleyball. Afterward they all danced around me in a circle and sang "Happy Birthday." When I got home, Sanne Ledermann was already there. Ilse Wagner, Hanneli Goslar and Jacqueline van Maarsen came home with me after gym, since we''re in the same class. Hanneli and Sanne used to be my two best friends. People who saw us together used to say, "There goes Anne, Hanne and Sanne." I only met Jacqueline van Maarsen when I started at the Jewish Lyceum, and now she''s my best friend. Ilse is Hanneli''s best friend, and Sanne goes to another school and has friends there. They gave me a beautiful book, Dutch Sagas and Legends, but they gave me Volume II by mistake, so I exchanged two other books for Volume I. Aunt Helene brought me a puzzle, Aunt Stephanie a darling brooch and Aunt Leny a terrific book: Daisy Goes to the Mountains. This morning I lay in the bathtub thinking how wonderful it would be if I had a dog like Rin Tin Tin. I''d call him Rin Tin Tin too, and I''d take him to school with me, where he could stay in the janitor''s room or by the bicycle racks when the weather was good. Monday, June 15, 1942 I had my birthday party on Sunday afternoon. The Rin Tin Tin movie was a big hit with my classmates. I got two brooches, a bookmark and two books. I''ll start by saying a few things about my school and my class, beginning with the students. Betty Bloemendaal looks kind of poor, and I think she probably is. She lives on some obscure street in West Amsterdam, and none of us know where it is. She does very well at school, but that''s because she works so hard, not because she''s so smart. She''s pretty quiet. Jacqueline van Maarsen is supposedly my best friend, but I''ve never had a real friend. At first I thought Jacque would be one, but I was badly mistaken. D.Q. Initials have been assigned at random to those persons who prefer to remain anonymous. is a very nervous girl who''s always forgetting things, so the teachers keep assigning her extra homework as punishment. She''s very kind, especially to G.Z. E.S. talks so much it isn''t funny. She''s always touching your hair or fiddling with your buttons when she asks you something. They say she can''t stand me, but I don''t care, since I don''t like her much either. Henny Mets is a nice girl with a cheerful disposition, except that she talks in a loud voice and is really childish when we''re playing outdoors. Unfortunately, Henny has a girlfriend named Beppy who''s a bad influence on her because she''s dirty and vulgar. J.R.--I could write a whole book about her. J. is a detestable, sneaky, stuck-up, two-faced gossip who thinks she''s so grown-up. She''s really got Jacque under her spell, and that''s a shame. J. is easily offended, bursts into tears at the slightest thing and, to top it all off, is a terrible show-off. Miss J. always has to be right. She''s very rich, and has a closet full of the most adorable dresses that are way too old for her. She thinks she''s gorgeous, but she''s not. J. and I can''t stand each other. Ilse Wagner is a nice girl with a cheerful disposition, but she''s extremely finicky and can spend hours moaning and groaning about something. Ilse likes me a lot. She''s very smart, but lazy. Hanneli Goslar, or Lies as she''s called at school, is a bit on the strange side. She''s usually shy--outspoken at home, but reserved around other people. She blabs whatever you tell her to her mother. But she says what she thinks, and lately I''ve come to appreciate her a great deal. Nannie van Praag-Sigaar is small, funny and sensible. I think she''s nice. She''s pretty smart. There isn''t much else you can say about Nannie. Eefje de Jong is, in my opinion, terrific. Though she''s only twelve, she''s quite the lady. She acts as if I were a baby. She''s also very helpful, and I like her. G.Z. is the prettiest girl in our class. She has a nice face, but is kind of dumb. I think they''re going to hold her back a year, but of course I haven''t told her that. Comment added by Anne at a later date: To my great surprise, G.Z. wasn''t held back a year after all. And sitting next to G.Z. is the last of us twelve girls, me. There''s a lot to be said about the boys, or maybe not so much after all. Maurice Coster is one of my many admirers, but pretty much of a pest. Sallie Springer has a filthy mind, and rumor has it that he''s gone all the way. Still, I think he''s terrific, because he''s very funny. Emiel Bonewit is G.Z.''s admirer, but she doesn''t care. He''s pretty boring. Rob Cohen used to be in love with me too, but I can''t stand him anymore. He''s an obnoxious, two-faced, lying, sniveling little goof who has an awfully high opinion of himself. Max van de Velde is a farm boy from Medemblik, but a decent sort, as Margot would say. Herman Koopman also has a filthy mind, just like Jopie de Beer, who''s a terrible flirt and absolutely girl-crazy. Leo Blom is Jopie de Beer''s best friend, but has been ruined by his dirty mind. Albert de Mesquita came from the Montessori School and skipped a grade. He''s really smart. Leo Slager came from the same school, but isn''t as smart. Ru Stoppelmon is a short, goofy boy from Almelo who transferred to this school in the middle of the year. C.N. does whatever he''s not supposed to. Jacques Kocernoot sits behind us, next to C., and we (G. and I) laugh ourselves silly. Harry Schaap is the most decent boy in our class. He''s nice. Werner Joseph is nice too, but all the changes taking place lately have made him too quiet, so he seems boring. Sam Salomon is one of those tough guys from across the tracks. A real brat. (Admirer!) Appie Riem is pretty Orthodox, but a brat too. Saturday, June 20, 1942 Writing in a diary is a really strange experience for someone like me. Not only because I''ve never written anything before, but also because it seems to me that later on neither I nor anyone else will be interested in the musings of a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl. Oh well, it doesn''t matter. I feel like writing, and I have an even greater need to get all kinds of things off my chest. "Paper has more patience than people." I thought of this saying on one of those days when I was feeling a little depressed and was sitting at home with my chin in my hands, bored and listless, wondering whether to stay in or go out. I finally stayed where I was, brooding. Yes, paper does have more patience, and since I''m not planning to let anyone else read this stiff-backed notebook grandly referred to as a "diary," unless I should ever find a real friend, it probably won''t make a bit of difference. Now I''m back to the point that prompted me to keep a diary in the first place: I don''t have a friend. Let me put it more clearly, since no one will believe that a thirteen-year-old girl is completely alone in the world. And I''m not. I have loving parents and a sixteen-year-old sister, and there are about thirty people I can call


Author Nadia Murad
Language English
ISBN-10 0385480334
ISBN-13 9780385480338
Media Book
Format Paperback
Illustrations Yes
Year 1996
Imprint Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group
Subtitle The Definitive Edition
Place of Publication New York
Country of Publication United States
Birth 1929
Death 1945
Residence GW
DOI 10.1604/9780385480338
AU Release Date 1996-02-01
NZ Release Date 1996-02-01
US Release Date 1996-02-01
UK Release Date 1996-02-01
Translator Susan Massotty
Pages 368
Publisher Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc
Publication Date 1996-02-01
Edited by Mirjam Pressler
DEWEY 940.5318092
Audience General
Audience Age 13-17
