asrock j3355mNew-Openbox3B-92779

We require immediate payment

Item will be shipped after cleared payment.


We commonly use FedEx, UPS, and USPS for domestic and international shipments; if you have special shipping needs, please specify them at the time of order. Generally, all domestic shipments arrive within 4-7 days and orders shipped internationally may stay in transit for 14-21 days. The transit time can vary depending on the specific courier selected. Change of Delivery Address Orders placed will be dispatched within three business days. You can request to cancel an order at any time. If the package has been shipped already, you will be liable for the return shipping label.


Maintaining 100% customer satisfaction is priority.

Please leave a 5 star Positive feedback review as soon as possible.

If you have any issues about the order, please reach out using the ebay messaging system so your issues can resolved in a timely and professional manner.


To be eligible for a return, please return the item within 14-days, and we will issue a refund promptly. Outside of 14-days, we cannot issue a full refund. The customer is responsible for shipping costs associated with returning the item. To be eligible for a return, your merchandise must be in the same condition that you received it in. After receiving your return, please allow three business days for us to process the return.


Please use the ebay messaging system to contact us.

Thank You!

ITR:asrock j3355mNew-Openbox3B-92779