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  • title: The Bible Cookbook
  • author Marian Maeve O'Brien
  • publisher : The Bethany Press, St. Louis
  • pages 350
  • size 8.75" x 5.75" x 1.6"
  • illustrated;
  • hard cover; no dust jacket; cover itself has image,Cover clad in protective film
  • year printed 1958 , first edition
  • book weight 1 lb 8 oz
  • condition: it is an old book. Book seems unread. Square, tight biding; No marks, notation -- all pages clean and unmarked. Very light foxing (yellowing of the pages) . Book seems looked through, but definetely NOT used in the kitchen. Protective film applied to cover.
  • book will be shipped in a cardbaord box
  • Shipping cost is actual cost: Shipping cost includes the money paid to the Post Office and ebay fees on shipping. FREE (on me) : packing papers, plastic bags, bubbles, tape, plastic mailing envelopes and occasionally boxes (most boxes are recycled)
