A lot of 10 Praktica camera bodies for repair and/or for parts - in a metal case

Sold as is - no returns

Cosmetically, most of them are in pretty good shape - one has some engravings - two have no battery cover - for three, the winder/shutter mechanism does not work at all. For another three, the shutter mechanism works, but the second curtain moves to early, so there is no opening. For four, the winder & shutter work, but the shutter speeds are off (all details are given below)

The cameras are numbered by column, from top to bottom - according to the second and third pictures

* left column
1. Praktica Super TL
2. Praktica Super TL
3. Praktica PL nova I

* mid column
4. Praktica IV
5. Praktica Nova B
6. Praktica Super TL
7. Praktica MTL5

* right column
8. Praktica LLC
9. Praktica EE2
10. Praktica LTL3

  • 1. Praktica Super TL
    The shutter can be cocked; the shutter release works; and the shutter curtains move. But the shutter speeds are way off:
    the 1/500s and 1/125s are approx 3x too long; the speeds of 1/60s and slower are x1.5 to x2.0 too long
  • 2. Praktica Super TL
    The shutter can be cocked; the shutter release works; and the shutter curtains move. But the shutter speeds are way off:
    the 1/500s and 1/250s are approx 10x too long; for 1/125s the shutter stays open; the 1/60s and 1/30s are x2 too long; and the 1/15s tp 1s are all in the range of 1/100s-1/200s
  • 3. Praktica PL nova I
    The wind lever is not working - moves without any resistance 
  • 4. Praktica IV
    The shutter can be cocked; the shutter release works; and the shutter curtains move. But the shutter speeds are off:
    the 1/500s - 1/125s are approx 5x too long; the slower speeds of 1/60s - 1s are between 1.5x to 2x too long
  • 5. Praktica Nova B
    The shutter can be cocked; the shutter release works; and the shutter curtains move - however, the second curtain moves too early and there is no opening between the two curtains
  • 6. Praktica Super TL3
    The shutter can be cocked; the shutter release works; and the shutter curtains move - however, the second curtain moves too early and there is no opening between the two curtains
  • 7. Praktica MTL5
    The shutter can be cocked; the shutter release works; and the shutter curtains move. Some shutter speeds are off: 
    the slow speeds (1/30s and longer) are 10%-90% too slow; the speeds of 1/60s and faster are all approx. the same (1/230s - 1/360s) - the battery cover is missing - the leatherette on the back is missing
  • 8. Praktica LLC
    The mirror is stuck upwards / winding does not cock the shutter
    Cosmetically: The camera has some engravings - the battery cover is missing
  • 9. Praktica EE2
    The shutter can be cocked; the shutter release works; and the shutter curtains move - however, the second curtain moves too early and there is no opening between the two curtains
  • 10. Praktica LTL3
    The mirror is stuck upwards / winding does not cock the shutter

The metal case has many small dents, but it closes well - and it comes with keys

The photos are of the actual items for sale.
Ships from the US.