I purchased this bag used from eBay , I have worn it myself for the past year I bought this bag in July 2023

The reason im selling is I just purchased a new bag and dont find use for this bag anymore


there are visible wear and tears on the corners of the bag except for one corner in the back which is in better condition than the other corners. The overall condition of the bag would be considered C grade.

The leather on the bag is in good condition its just the wear on the corners of the bag on the top corners of the bag and the four bottom corners with wear another possible sign of wear and tear is the mark from the zipper on the flap of the bag rubbing against the front of the inside of the bag which is shown in the picture another is wear on the sides on the bag from me crossing the chain to be shorter

I can additionally add a bag chain adjusters to make the bag shorter for your size and Im automatically including a bag inserted to widen the bag as much as the bag can

But personally I don’t find the wear and tear that noticeable to the naked eye unless they examine the bag up close the only noticeable thing is the side creases of the bag