This is an exciting graphic novel featuring the iconic characters of Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Betty Cooper, and Veronica. Written by Paul Dini, illustrated by Marc Andreyko, and colored by Laura Braga, this single unit comic book is a must-have for any fan of the DC Universe. The story revolves around the meet-up between Harley and Ivy, and their subsequent adventures.
The comic book is in the modern age era (1992-now), and is a first printing. It is a trade paperback format, and is published by DC Comics. The intended audience is general, and the comic book is in English language. The superhero team featured in this comic book is the Justice League of America. The cover art is by Paul Mounts and Amanda Conner. This comic book is a great addition to any collection of US Comics, and is perfect for fans of action, superheroes, and teen genres.
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