A large collection of vintage Witchcraft e-books available on 1 Data DVD.

You will receive an interesting mix of books on Witchcraft covering a fantastic array of subjects: Magic, Sorcery, Witches, Witchcraft, Demonology, and much more!

These are not paper-white copies of e-books, some of these titles are 100-150 years old, and these pdf’s are scans of the original books.

All these titles are long out of print, and have been scanned by various organisations around the globe. All these books are scans of the original books from Library collections (and 100 years old), therefore, you might get marks, scratches, some text written on it (usually pencil), all sort of things which were done to the books by the Public in the library during the last 100 years. 99% of the pages & illustrations/drawings are intact.

This is a great resource for your personal interest or historical research. All 133 files are in PDF format, organised in alphabetical order in 1 folder. Titles on the DVD are shorter than original in the listing (containing mainly the title + year, no subtitle), but you can match them easily with our listing.

You will need a PDF reader like Adobe Reader (freely available on the internet).


More than 31400* Pages!

133 E-books in PDF Format!

Free delivery in UK!

You Will Receive 1 NEW DVD with artwork (as shown on the picture) in plastic sleeve (no BOX included).

Please note this DVD is for use in a computer that has a DVD optical drive, it will not work in a traditional DVD player that is connected to a television. Files can be printed and/or transferred to tablets/phones/other devices.



133 Vintage e-Books Collection on DVD:

A Case of Witchcraft (October 1, 1917)

A collection of modern relations of matter of fact, concerning witches & witchcraft upon the persons of people. : To which is prefixed a meditation concerning the mercy of God, in preserving us from the malice and power of evil angels. (1693)

A collection of rare and curious tracts on witchcraft and the second sight; with an original essay on witchcraft (1820)

A Compleat History of Magick, Sorcery, and Witchcraft: Vol I

A confirmation and discovery of witchcraft (1648)

A contemporary narrative of the proceedings against Dame Alice Kyteler : prosecuted for sorcery in 1324, by Richard de Ledrede, bishop of Ossory (1843)

A Dialogue Concerning Witches & Witchcrafts (1842)

A Full and Impartial Account of the Discovery of Sorcery and Witchcraft

A Full Confutation of Witchcraft [1712]

A historical account of the belief in witchcraft in Scotland (1884)

A history of penal methods; criminals, witches, lunatics (1914)

A History of the Witches of Renfrewshire (1877)

A History of Witchcraft in England from 1558 to 1718 (1911)

A Pequot-Mohegan Witchcraft Tale (April 1, 1903)

A philosophical essay on credulity and superstition, and also on animal fascination, or charming (1849)

A short history of the Inquistion, what it was and what it did : to which is appended an account of persecutions by Protestants, persecutions of witches, the war between religion and science, and the attitude of American churches toward African slavery (1907)

A short history of the Salem village witchcraft trials : illustrated by a verbatim report of the trial of Mrs. Elizabeth Howe (1911)

A short treatise touching sheriffs accompts (1683)

A treatise of the fovre degenerate sonnes, viz. the atheist, the idolater, the magician and the Jew. : wherein are handled many profitable questions concerning atheisme, witchcraft, idolatry and Iudaisme ... ; Being the fourth volume of the workes of Mr. Ioh. Weemse [i.e. Weemes] (1636)

A Trial for Witchcraft Six Hundred Years Ago (May 1, 1917)

A tryal of witches, at the Assizes held at Bury St. Edmonds for the County of Suffolk, on the tenth day of March, 1664, before Sir Matthew Hale Kt., then Lord Chief Baron of His Majesties Court of Exchequer (1838)

Allusions to witchcraft and other primitve beliefs in the Zoroastrian literature (1911)

American criminal trials (1844) (Volume 1)

American criminal trials (1844) (Volume 2)

Among my books (1870)

An advertisement to the jury-men of England touching witches (1653)

An essay on demonology, ghosts and apparitions, and popular superstitions (1831)

An history of magic, witchcraft, and animal magnetism (1851)

Annals of witchcraft in New England : and elsewhere in the United States, from their first settlement. Drawn up from unpublished and other well authenticated records of the alleged operations of witches and their instigator, the devil (1869)

Antipas; a solemn appeal to the right reverend the archbishops and bishops of the united churches of England and Ireland; with reference to several bills passed, or passing through the imperial Parliament; especially that concerning witchcraft and sorcery (1821)

Aradia, or, The Gospel of the witches (1899)

Bibliographical notes on the witchcraft literature of Scotland (1897)

Bygone church life in Scotland (1899)

Cambrian superstitions, comprising ghosts, omens, witchcraft, traditions, &c : To which are added a concise view of the manners and customs of the principality, and some fugitive pieces (1831)

Confessions of Witches Under Torture, 1617 (1886)

Cotton Mather & witchcraft (1870)

Dæmonologia: A Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax, of ... (1882)

Daemonologie by James I, King of England.

Daimonologia, or, A treatise of spirits : Wherein several places of scripture are expounded, against the vulgar errors concerning witchcraft, apparitions, &c. To which is added, an appendix, containing some reflections on Mr. Boulton's answer to Dr. Hutchinson's Historical essay; entitled The possibility and reality of magick, sorcery and witchcraft demonstrated (1723)

Demonology and Witchcraft ([18--?])

Demonology and witchcraft with especial reference to modern spiritualism, so-called, and the doctrines of demons (1889)

Dungeons and Dragons - Witchcraft Suicide Violence

Highland Superstitions: Connected with the Druids, Fairies, Witchcraft, Second-sight, Hallowe'en ... (1901)

History of Salem Witchcraft: A Review of Charles W. Upham's Great Work (1872)

Hours with the ghosts, or, Nineteenth century witchcraft : Illustrated investigations into the phenomena of spiritualism and theosophy ([c1897])

Hypnotism, mesmerism and the new witchcraft (1896)

Irish witchcraft and demonology (1913)

J. N. Andrews, Samuel and the Witch of Endor- The Sin of Witchcraft (1889)

King Philip's war, and Witchcraft in New England (1890)

Lectures on Witchcraft, Comprising a History of the Delusion in Salem, in 1692 (1831)

Letters on demonology and witchcraft, addressed to J.G. Lockhart, esq. (1830)

Magic and witchcraft (1852)

Magic, witchcraft, animal magnetism [&c.]. (1852)

Mary Schweidler, the amber witch. The most interesting trial for witchcraft ever known (1903)

Mesmerism, spiritualism, witchcraft, and miracle : a brief treatise showing that mesmerism is a key which will unlock many chambers of mystery (1858)

More wonders of the invisible world, or The wonders of the invisible world displayed. In five parts (1823)

Mysteries, or, Glimpses of the supernatural : containing accounts of the Salem witchcraft, the Cock-Lane ghost, the Rochester rappings, the Stratford mysteries, oracles, astrology, dreams, demons, ghosts, spectres, &c., &c. (1852)

Naples in the nineties- a sequel to Naples in 1888 (1897)

Narratives of sorcery and magic, from the most authentic sources (1852)

Narratives of the witchcraft cases, 1648-1706 (1914)

Notes on the history of witchcraft in Massachusettes (1883)

Notes on witchcraft (1907)

Observations suggested by the cattle plague, about witchcraft, credulity, superstition, parliamentary reform, and other matters (1866)

Of credulity and incredulity, in things natural, civil, and divine. Wherein, among other things, the sadducism of these times, in denying spirits, witches, and supernatural operations, by pregnant instances, and evidences, is fully confuted: Epicurus his cause, discussed, and the jugling and false dealing, lately used, to bring him and atheism, into credit, clearly discovered: the use and necessity of ancient learning, against the innovating humour, all along proved, and asserted (1668)

Pott's Discovery of witches in the county of Lancaster (1745 [i.e. 1845])

Reasons for concluding that the act of 1711, reversing the attainders of the persons convicted of witchcraft in Massachusetts in the year 1692, became a law (1884)

Records of Salem witchcraft, copied from the original documents (1864) Vol.2

Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway song: with historical and traditional notices relative to the manners and customs of the peasantry (1810)

Saducismus triumphatus- or, Full and plain evidence concerning witches and apparitions. : In two parts... (1700)

Salem : a tale of the seventeenth century (1874)

Salem witchcaft; comprising More wonders of the invisible world (1861)

Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather. A Reply (1869)

Salem witchcraft in outline. The story without the tedious detail (1895)

Salem witchcraft- with an account of Salem village and a history of opinions on witchcraft and kindred subjects (1959)

Select Cases of Conscience touching Witches and Witchcraft

Spiritualism identical with ancient sorcery, New Testament demonology, and modern witchcraft : with the testimony of God and man against it (1866)

Strange phenomena of New England: in the seventeenth century: including the "Salem witchcraft," "1692." From the writings of "the Rev. Cotton Mather, D.D." .. (1846)

Studies in the history of religions (1912)

The Asuri-Kalpa: a witchcraft practice of the Atharva-Veda ([1889])

The attitude of the Catholic church towards withcraft and the allied practices of sorcery and magic (1915)

The book of witches (1909)

The certainty of the worlds of spirits, and consequently, of the immortality of souls. of the malice and misery of the devils, and the damned. And of the blessedness of the justified, : fully evinced by unquestionable histories of apparitions, operations, witchcrafts, voices, &c. ... (1691)

The discouerie of witchcraft, - wherein the lewde dealing of witches and witchmongers is notablie detected, the knauerie of coniurors, the impietie of inchantors, the follie of soothsaiers, the impudent falshood of cousenors, the infidelitie of atheists, the pestilent practices of Pythonists, the curiositie of figure casters, the vanitie of dreamers, the beggerlie art of alcumystrie, the abhomination of idolatrie, the horrible art of poisoning, the vertue and power of naturall magike, and all the conueiances of legierdemaine and iuggling are deciphered: and many other things opened, which have long lien hidden, howbeit verie necessarie to be knowne. : Heerevnto is added a treatise vpon the nature and substance of spirits and diuels, & c (1584)

The discoverie of witchcraft (1886)

The displaying of supposed witchcraft : wherein is affirmed that there are many sorts of deceivers and impostors, and divers persons under a passive delusion of melancholy and fancy : but that there is a corporeal league made betwixt the devil and the witch, or that he sucks on the witches body, has carnal copulation, or that witches are turned into cats, dogs, raise tempests, or the like, is utterly denied and disproved : wherein also is handled, the existence of angels and spirits, the truth of apparitions, the nature of astral and sydereal spirits, the force of charms, and philters, with other abstruse matters (1677)

The Elegant Witch

The fair puritan : an historical romance of the days of witchcraft (1875)

The fate of Dietrich Flade (1891)

The First Execution for Witchcraft in Ireland (March 1, 1917)

The History Of Witchcraft And Demonology (1926)

The Impossibility of Witchcraft...

The Literature of Witchcraft in New England (1896)

The mysteries of astrology, and the wonders of magic: : including a history of the rise and progress of astrology, and the various branches of necromancy : together with valuable directions and suggestions relative to the casting of nativities, and predictions by geomancy, chiromancy, physiognomy, &c. : also ... narratives, anecdotes, &c. illustrative of the marvels of witchcraft, spiritual phenomena, and the results of supernatural influence / by Dr. C. W. Roback.. (1854)

The other world; or, Glimpses of the supernatural. Being facts, records, and traditions relating to dreams, omens, miraculous occurrences, apparitions, wraiths, warnings, second-sight, witchcraft, necromancy, etc (1875) Volume 1

The other world; or, Glimpses of the supernatural. Being facts, records, and traditions relating to dreams, omens, miraculous occurrences, apparitions, wraiths, warnings, second-sight, witchcraft, necromancy, etc (1875) Volume 2

The philosophy of witchcraft (1839)

The poetry of witchcraft illustrated by copies of the plays on the Lancashire witches (1853)

The political history of the devil, as well ancient as modern : in two parts ; part I. Containing a state of the devil's circumstances, and the various turns of his affairs ... ; part II. Containing his more private conduct, down to the present times ... (1726)

The popular superstitions and festive amusements of the Highlanders of Scotland ([1851])

The possibility and reality of magick, sorcery, and witchcraft, demostrated. Or, A vindication of a compleat history of magick, sorcery, and witcraft. In answer to Dr. Hutchinson's Historical essay ... In two parts. Part I. Containing an examination and answer of the positions laid down in that book. Part II. An essay of the nature of material and immaterial substances .. (1722)

The Puritan in England and New England (1896)

The Salem witchcraft, The planchette mystery, and Modern spiritualism (1886)

The secret book of the black arts - containing all that is known upon the occult sciences of daemonology, spirit rappings, witchcraft, sorcery, astrology, palmistry, mind reading, spiritualism, table turning, ghosts and apparitions, omens, lucky and unlucky signs and days, dreams, charms, divination, second sight, mesmerism, clairvoyance, psychological fascination, etc. ... : together with a mass of other matter, giving inner views of the arts and sciences, whether recondite and obscure, or plain and practical (1878)

The secrets of black arts! : A key note to witchcraft, devination, omens, forwarnings, apparitions, sorcery, daemonology, dreams, predictions, visions, and, the devil's legacy to earth mortals; compacts with the devil! With the most authentic history of Salem Witchcraft (1900)

The sorceress a study in middle age superstition (1905)

The superstitions of witchcraft (1865)

The tryal of Richard Hathaway : upon an information for being a cheat and imposter, for endeavouring to take away the life of Sarah Morduck, for being a vvitch, at Surry assizes, begun and held in the burrough of Southwark, March the 24th, 1702 ..., to which is added a short account of the tryal of Richard Hathaway, Thomas Wellyn and Elizabeth his wife, and Elizabeth Willoughby, wife of Walter Willoughby, upon an information for a riot and assault upon Sarah Morduck, the pretended witch, at the said assizes (1702)

The witch of Salem or, Credulity run mad (1893)

The witchcraft delusion in New England; its rise, progress, and termination, as exhibited by Dr. Cotton Mather in The wonders of the invisible world, and by Mr. Robert Calef in his More wonders of the invisible world (1970) Volume 1

The witchcraft delusion in New England; its rise, progress, and termination, as exhibited by Dr. Cotton Mather, in The wonders of the invisible world; and by Mr. Robert Calef, in his More wonders of the invisible world. With a preface, introduction, and notes, by Samuel G. Drake .. (1866) Volume 2

The witchcraft delusion in New England; its rise, progress, and termination, as exhibited by Dr. Cotton Mather, in The wonders of the invisible world; and by Mr. Robert Calef, in his More wonders of the invisible world. With a preface, introduction, and notes, by Samuel G. Drake .. (1866) Volume 3

The witchcraft delusion of 1692 (1870)

The witchcraft trial in Moscow (1936)

The witch-cult in western Europe : a study in anthropology (1921)

The witches' dream book and fortune teller (1885)

The witches' pharmacopœia (1896)

The witches' Sabbath (1917)

The wonders of the invisible world : being an account of the tryals of several witches lately executed in New-England (1862)

Witch Hill - a history of Salem witchcraft, including illustrative sketches of persons and places (1870)

Witch stories (1861)

Witch, warlock, and magician; historical sketches of magic and witchcraft in England and Scotland (1889)

Witchcraft & Second Sight in the Highlands & Islands of Scotland: Tales and Traditions Collected ... (1902)

Witchcraft and . superstitious record in the south-western district of Scotland : witchcraft, fairy lore, wraiths, death customs, ghost lore ... (1911)

Witchcraft and Demonism of the Modern Iroquois (October 1, 1888)

Witchcraft and medicine 1484-1793 (1974)

Witchcraft illustrated. Witchcraft to be understood. Facts, theories and incidents. With a glance at old and new Salem and its historical resources (1892)

Witchcraft in Kenmore, 1730-57- Extracts from the Kirk Session Records of ... (1893)

Witchcraft in North Carolina ([1919])

Witchcraft in Salem village (1904)

Witchcraft in Salem village in 1692 : together with some account of other witchcraft prosecutions in New England and elsewhere (1892)

Witchcraft of New England explained by modern spiritualism (1881)

Witchcraft: or The art of fortune-telling unveiled: from the low ambition of the celebrated Mary Pitcher, to the more elevated, but equally vague pretensions of the injudicious astrologer. (1805)

Woman's witchcraft (1854)

*Pages are counted as is, that includes covers/library cards, etc. The amount of pages with actual text might be slightly lower than the original count of 31400.


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