Virginia Civil War
 Book Collection on 16 GB USB


 The Ultimate Collection of 

 56 Books        



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 This USB contains 56 interesting books about Virginia in the Civil War.
 You will discover information on many topics such as war, battle roll, military operations, Virginia girl, Lee's invasion, Virginia before, during and after the war, soldier life and reminiscenses of a rebel as well as many illustrations of specific events, settings and portraits of honorable people and much more!


This outstanding book collection serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in history and genealogy!





A Virginia girl in the Civil War, 1861-1865 : being a record of the actual experiences of the wife of a Confederate officer (1903) - Avary, M. L. - 412 pages

Military operations in Jefferson County, Virginia
 (and West Va.) 1861-1865 (1911) - n.a. - 56 pages

Social life in old Virginia before the war 
(1898) - Page, T. N. - 128 pages

The Army of Northern Virginia in 1862
 (1892) - Allan, W. - 560 pages

Virginia after the war
. An account of three year's experience in reorganizing the Methodist Episcopal Church in Virginia at the close of the Civil War (1891) - Conser, S. L. M. - 102 pages

A history of the Laurel brigade
, originally the Ashby cavalry of the Army of northern Virginia and Chew's battery (1907) - McDonald, W. - 580 pages

A record of events in Norfolk County, Virginia
, from April 19th, 1861, to May 10th, 1862, with a history of the soldiers and sailors of Norfolk County, Norfolk City and Portsmouth, who served in the Confederate States army or navy (1892) - Porter, J. W. H. - 384 pages

Acts of the General Assembly of the state of Virginia
 : Passed at the extra session, commenced December 4, 1862, in the 87th year of the commonwealth (1863) - n.a. - 116 pages

Antietam and the Maryland and Virginia campaigns of 1862
 from the government records--Union and Confederate--mostly unknown and which have now first disclosed the truth; approved by the War department (1912) - Heysinger, I. W. - 332 pages

Army of northern Virginia memorial volume 
(1880) - Jones, J. W. - 360 pages

Battle roll of Surry County, Virginia
, in the War Between the States, with historical and personal notes (1913) - Jones, B. W. - 82 pages

Bull run to Bull run
; or, Four years in the army of northern Virginia. Containing a detailed account of the career and adventures of the Baylor Light Horse, Company B., Twelfth Virginia Cavalry, C. S. A., with leaves from my scrap-book (1900) - Baylor, G. - 426 pages

Called to the field
; a story of Virginia in the civil war (1906) - Thruston, L. M. K. - 368 pages

Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac 
(1882) - Swinton, W. - 724 pages

Detailed minutiae of soldier life in the Army of Northern Virginia
, 1861-1865 (1882) - McCarthy, C. - 266 pages

General Lee, his campaigns in Virginia, 1861-1865 
(1906) - Taylor, W. H. - 354 pages

Gettysburg campaign and campaigns of 1864-1865 in Virginia 
(1905) - Stribling, R. M. - 316 pages

Grant's campaign in Virginia
, 1864 (the Wilderness campaign) (1908) - Sawyer, G. H. V. - 226 pages

History of Clarke County, Virginia and its connection with the war between the states
 (1914) - Gold, T. D. - 382 pages

History of the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac
, including that of the Army of Virginia (Pope's), and also the history of the operations of the federal cavalry in West Virginia during the war (1900) - Rhodes, C. D. - 214 pages

History of the Ninth Virginia cavalry
, in the war between the states (1899) - Beale, R. L. T. - 202 pages

History of the Seventeenth Virginia infantry, C.S.A.
 (1870) - Wise, G. - 326 pages

 History of the Twelfth West Virginia Volunteer Infantry
 : the part it took in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865 (1900) - Hewitt, W. - 260 pages

Itinerary of the Army of the Potomac, and co-operating forces in the Gettysburg campaign
, June 5 - July 31, 1863; organization of the Army of the Potomac and Army of northern Virginia at the battle of Gettysburg; and return of casualties in the Union and Confederate forces (1888) - Drum, R. C. - 76 pages

Last days of the Army of Northern Virginia
; an address delivered before the Virginia Division of the Association of the Army of Northern Virginia at the annual meeting (1893) - Jones, T. G. - 56 pages

Lee's invasion of northwest Virginia in 1861 
(1911) - Hall, G. D. - 176 pages

 Memorial, Virginia military institute
. Biographical sketches of the graduates and élèves of the Virginia military institue who fell during the war between the states (1875) - Walker, C. D. - 604 pages

Mosby and his men
: a record of the adventures of that renowned partisan ranger, John S. Mosby, (Colonel C.S.A.) (1867) - Crawford, J. M. - 406 pages

Mosby's Rangers
 : a record of the operations of the Forty-third Battalion of Virginia Cavalry, from its organization to the surrender (1909) - Williamson, J. J. - 584 pages

Ohio militia and the West Virginia campaign, 1861
. Address of General Carrington, to Army of West Virginia, at Marietta, Ohio, Sept. 10, 1870 (1904) - Carrington, H. B. - 26 pages

On the war path
; a journey over the historic grounds of the late Civil War (1890) - Kerbey, J. O. - 312 pages

One of Jackson's foot cavalry
; his experience and what he saw during the war 1861-1865 (1912) - Worsham, J. H. - 390 pages

 Personal reminiscences of the war of 1861-5
; in camp--en bivouac--on the march--on picket--on the skirmish line--on the battlefield--and in prison (1911) - Morgan, W. H. - 304 pages

Reminiscences of a Confederate soldier of Co. C, 2nd Va. Cavalry
 (1913) - Peck, R. H. - 97 pages

Reminiscences of a Mosby guerilla
 (1906) - Munson, J. W. - 338 pages

Reminiscences of a Rebel
 (1913) - Dunaway, W. F. - 144 pages

Reminiscences of the year of 1861-1865
 (1912) - Brown, P. F. - 60 pages

 Report of the Commissioner Appointed to Wait on the Governor of Virginia
, to the General Assembly of Maryland. Extra Session, 1861. (1861) - Horsey, O. - 12 pages

Report of the Culpeper, Virginia
, Monument Commission of Pennsylvania (1914) - n.a. - 96 pages

Report of the proceedings of the Society of the Army of West Virginia, at its first three meetings
 : held at Moundsville, West Virginia, September 22d and 23d, 1870. Wheeling, West Virginia, Oct. 19th and 20th, 1871. Marietta, Ohio, September 19th, 1879. With constitution and by-laws of the Society (1880) - n.a. - 64 pages

Reports of the operations of the Army of Northern Virginia
 : from June 1862, to and including the battle at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862 Vol.1 (1864) - Lee, R. E. - 640 pages

Reports of the operations of the Army of Northern Virginia
 : from June 1862, to and including the battle at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862 Vol.2 (1864) - Lee, R. E. - 612 pages

Study of Civil War Sites in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia 
(1992) - n.a. - 326 pages

The army songster
. Dedicated to the Army of northern Virginia (1864) - Bidgood, G. L. - 76 pages

The conspiracy unveiled
. The South sacrificed; or, The horrors of secession (1863) - Hunnicutt, J. W. - 470 pages

The formation of the state of West Virginia
, and other incidents of the late civil war (1875) - Parker, G. - 500 pages

The life and campaigns of Major-General J.E.B. Stuart 
: commander of the cavalry of the Army of northern Virginia (1885) - McClellan, H. B. - 508 pages

The long arm of Lee
; or, The history of the artillery of the Army of Northern Virginia; with a brief account of the Confederate bureau of ordnance Vol.1 (1915) - Wise, J. C. - 530 pages

The long arm of Lee
; or, The history of the artillery of the Army of Northern Virginia; with a brief account of the Confederate bureau of ordnance Vol.2 (1915) - Wise, J. C. - 538 pages

The Shenandoah Valley and Virginia, 1861 to 1865
 (1903) - Kellogg, S. C. - 260 pages

The story of a cannoneer under Stonewall Jackson
, in which is told the part taken by the Rockbridge artillery in the Army of northern Virginia (1907) - Moore, E. A. - 360 pages

The surrender of General Lee and the Army of northern Virginia at Appomattox, Virginia
, April 9, 1865 (1916) - Scott, H. B. - 12 pages

Virginia before and during the war
 (1892) - Farmer, H. H. - 110 pages

War history of the old First Virginia Infantry Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia 
(1884) - Loehr, C. T. - 96 pages

War reminiscences by the surgeon of Mosby's command
 (1890) - Monteiro, A. - 252 pages

With Lee in Virginia
 : A story of the American Civil War (1890) - Henty, G. A. - 452 pages


Here are a few images from the collection:




 Attention eBay Staff: The books on this media were copyrighted prior to January 1, 1923 and/or are Government publications which are free of copyright restrictions. This media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office. 

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