Lab-created opal is a type of synthetic opal that is created in a laboratory setting rather than being formed naturally in the earth's crust. The process involves growing tiny particles of silica in a controlled environment to form opal.

The resulting lab-created opal has physical and chemical properties that are very similar to natural opal, including its color, hardness, and chemical composition. However, lab-created opal can also have some advantages over natural opal, such as being more durable and having a more consistent color and pattern.

Lab-created opals are often used in jewelry-making and are a popular choice for people who want the look and beauty of natural opal but at a lower cost. They can also be used in scientific research, as their properties can be controlled and studied more easily than those of natural opals.

Lab Created Black Opal Oval Cabochon

Color : Beautiful Black With Rainbow Color
Quality : Top Quality Gem with Astonishing Luster
Clarity : Opaque
Specific Gravity : 1.98 – 2.25
Refractive Index : 1.80-1.90
Hardness : 4 on Moh's Scale