THUMB SAVERS are the best manufactured and highest quality loaders on the market today. Our proprietary software uses lasers to fully scan a magazine,  taking thousands of highly precise measurements. This ultra precise measuring allows our software to design the perfect custom fitted speed loader with the most exacting fit that has ever been released to the public.

THUMB SAVERS help make the most of your range time. Our Thumb Savers take the strain out of loading your magazines meaning you can spend less time loading magazines and this results and less fatigue and no more sore thumbs!  Some people spend the day before going to a range loading dozens of magazines to optimize their range time. With our Thumb Savers you can take a single magazine and ammo a range and reload your magazine quickly and not need the expense of the extra magazines to spend a day at the range.

Many different colors and models available. Visit our STORE

  Designed,Tested, and Guaranteed for the:

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