Narrative of a Voyage to Senegal in 1816

Author: Savigny, J. B. Henry & Alexander Correard
Title: Narrative of a Voyage to Senegal in 1816
Publication: London: Henry Colburn, 1818
Edition: First English Language Edition

Description: Hardcover. 9 x 5.5 inches, old early 19th century calf boards, recent leather spine stamped and decorated in gilt, neat cloth strengthening to inner hinges, very good, some very dark small stains to front cover, contents very good and bright, with hand colored frontispiece of King Zaide and full page engraving of the raft of the Medusa. Bookplate on flyleaf. 360 pp; the Medusa plate facing p. 330 (sometimes found elsewhere in the book). Very good.

Seller ID: H33671

Subject: Africa

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