The Child and the Book

Author: MORLEY, Christopher
Title: The Child and the Book
Publication: Chicago: American Library Association, 1922
Edition: First Edition

Description: Bifolium (19cm); single sheet of beige stock, folded vertically at center, with text and illustration printed in brown; [4]pp. Fine.

A short, moving vignette in support of public libraries, recalling a chance encounter Morley had on a side-street in Philadelphia, where he came upon a young girl sitting on a stoop, reading a library book. "In the soiled little book she had shown me was the label of a Public Library, and I thought that nothing could ever repay the people who founded and conducted that library for the service they were rendering. Here, in this poor little street, lost in the heat and strident clamor of a great city, a child had escaped from the cage, into the free and windclean open spaces, into fairy land." Cover illustration by Edward C. Smith.

Seller ID: 44403

Subject: Bibliography & Book History, Juvenile Literature

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