Dried Lavandula Angustifolia Herbal Tea 100% Natural BIO
Herbal Remedy / Medicinal Pure Lavender Flower Tea
Calmness, Wellness, Sleep, Anti-Stress, Anxiety, Tension, Mental Health,
Migraine, Headaches, Skin & Hair, Cramps, Digestive & Respiratory Health,  
25g/50g/100g Premium Quality Natural & Wild Crafted *


Organictas Dried Lavender Buds (Lavandula Angustifolia ex Lavandula Officinalis)
Pure 100% natural organic Lavandula Angustifolia in the form of dried Flower Buds. Natural aromatic and strong scent!
Wild Harvested & Wild crafted in an ecologically clean non-contaminated area in the Bulgarian mountains.

Free from any Pollutants, No Preservatives, No Artificial Colours, No Artificial Flavours, No Artificial Sweeteners, No added Sugar/Salt, GMO-Free, No Gluten, No Wheat, No Soya, No Yeast, No Milk, No Starch, No Lactose, No Chemicals, Pesticide Free, Eco friendly Package.

About Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia):
People usually associate lavender with two specific traits: its fragrance and its color. But you may not know that the lavender flower has a long history in herbal medicine.
In ancient times, lavender was used as a holy herb. Additionally, it was often used to freshen up and give a light scent to a variety of personal items, such as clothes and hair.
Lavender is a multipurpose plant. People use lavender in many ways to promote good health and well-being. It’s no accident that lavender pops up all the time in soaps, shampoos, lotions and other body and self-care products.

Synonyms/Common Names:
Lavandula angustifolia (Lat.), True Lavender, Lavender, Lavandula officinalis (Former Name), Common Lavender, English Lavender, Garden Lavender, Narrow-Leaved Lavender, Old English Lavender, Spike Lavender, French lavender, Betty’s Blue, etc..

Lavender is tradionally used in/for*:
  • Sedative, Analgestic, Nervine, Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Depressant
  • Help Improve Sleep and lower Stress, Anxiety, Tension and Fatigue.
  • To help promote Calmness and Wellness.
  • Mental Health Issues and Depression.
  • By inhalation, lavender is used as aromatherapy for insomnia, pain, and agitation related to dementia.
  • Headaches, Toothaches, Migraine, Sprains, Nerve pain, Sores and Joint Pain.
  • Help Treat Skin Blemishes, Acne and Skin Irritations.
  • Effective in acne, decreases swelling and redness.
  • Effective in eczema, reduces itching and congestion.
  • Lavender Buds are used to moisturize skin, good for chapped and sunburned lips, hands and feet.
  • Lavender Buds act as a skin toner.
  • Reduce Blood Pressure and Heart Rate, supports circulation.
  • Natural Remedy for pain, muscle aches.
  • Promotes Hair Growth, anti-dandruff effect and conditions hair naturally.
  • The antioxidant activity of lavender also contribute to wound healing.
  • Relieve Asthma Symptoms and clears sinuses.
  • Lessens Menopausal Hot Flashes.
  • Help Combat Fungus Growth.
  • Nausea and Vomiting.
  • Loss of Appetite.
  • To Promote Menstruation and soften menstrual cramps.
  • Lavender is used for a variety of digestive complaints like meteorism, intestinal gas (flatulence), and upset stomach.
  • Lavender may offer protection to cognitive health and function, including memory.
  • Some people add lavender to bathwater to treat circulation disorders and improve mental well being.
  • In foods and beverages, lavender is used as a flavor component.
  • Lavender Buds contain deodorizing action, often used in homemade parfumes and deodorants.
  • Deodorize and freshen laundry.
  • Natural bug and insect repellent.
What does Lavender Bud Tea taste like?
The initial sensory impact of lavender is a pungent floral flavor and aroma, with subtle notes of herbaceousness, earthiness, and mint. It tastes light and fresh if made correctly.

How to use/consume Dried Lavender Flower Buds?

Place two teaspoons of lavender buds in a pot and pour 250ml. boiling water over them. Allow the lavender to steep for 10 minutes. Pour the tea through a strainer into a cup.

Cold Brewing Tea:
1/2 teaspoon of lavender buds for every cup of water. Cover pitcher and put in refrigerator for at least 12 hours and up to 24 hours.
Strain out lavender buds and pour tea into a cup.

2 tbsp. lavender buds are poured with 500 ml of boiling water, soak for 2 hours. Drink 150 ml 3 times daily before meals.

Lavender Vinegar and Lavender Infused Oil:
Place the lavender buds in a 1:4 ratio into a clean jar and pour vinegar over the top. Example: 1 cup lavender to 4 cups vinegar
Cover jar with a plastic or metal lid. Let sit for 2-3 weeks. Strain the lavender flowers from the vinegar. Save the infused vinegar in a clean jar.
Add to spray bottles for use as cleaner or hair rinse. This method also works for creating lavender-infused oil. 

Lavender-Infused Sugar:
The dried flowers can also be chopped up and mixed in with sugar to be added to a variety of baked goods. To infuse sugar with the floral flavor, seal lavender in an airtight container with granulated sugar for a week. 
Use this naturally gluten-free lavender sugar for beverages, desserts, and baked goods.

Whether you’re using it as a garnish or a main ingredient, lavender lends a subtle floral flavor to sweet or savory dishes. Just remember that a little goes a long way!
There are lot of recipes available online on how to make for example: Lavender-Honey Ice Cream, Frozen Lavender Blueberry Mini Pies, Lavender Latte with Oak Milk, Lavender Scones, Blueberry Lemon Lavender Ice, Lavender Shortbread Cookies, Lemon Lavender Bundt Cake, Earl Grey Lavender Cheesecake Bites, Blackberry Lavender Chocolate Chip Cookies, Blueberry Lavender Jam, Iced Lavender Latte, Lavender Lemon Sweet Rolls, Lavender Biscuits, Lavender Lemonade, Lavender Tea Bread, Lemon Lavender Mint Julep, Honey Lavender Butter, Almond Lavender Biscotti, etc..

Dryer Bags:
Toss out the old chemical-laced dryer sheets and opt for easy-to-make lavender dryer bags for some fresh-smelling clothes. Simply fill organza bags (alternatively tea bags) with lavender buds, tie tightly, toss in the dryer, and enjoy your naturally scented laundry. Also, you can place lavender in different areas around the house to help freshen the smell of a stale room. This can include the laundry room, the garage, and closets.
Lavender buds will hold their scent for a long time, so you can use your dryer bag up to 10 times!

Lavender Sleep Sachet:
Fill up a bag with dried lavender buds (you can also add dried chamomile for a sleep-inducing aroma). Tuck the bag in your pillowcase or under your pillow and enjoy better sleep quality!

Lavender Facial Steam:
Add 1/2 cup lavender flowers to 2 quarts of hot water, simmer over low heat until steam starts to rise, then remove from heat. Hold face over pot (make sure it is comfortable and not too hot) and cover head with a towel for up to 10 minutes.

Lavender Bath:
Place 1 cup of flowers in a muslin bag or cloth and tie closed. Place in tub and soak. (Replace half the lavender flowers with oatmeal to make an effective herbal washcloth.)

Lavender Body Powder:
Mix 2 ounces of finely ground lavender flowers with 2 ounces of white clay, let stand for a few days. Sift out any large particles and apply.

Lavender Simple Syrup:
Put 3/4 cup of water, 3/4 cup of sugar and 3 tablespons dried lavender buds into a sauce pot, bring to boil. Let simmer until the sugar is completly dissolved. Cool and strain out the lavender. Store in regrigator for up to 1 month.

Lavender water:
Simply an infusion made with lavender flowers makes a fragrant skin toner or aftershave and it helps sooth irritates skin.

Avoid this product if you are allergic to lavender!

Recommended daily dosage:

This Organic Dried Lavender Buds Product is best before:

November 2025 or better.
(The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.)
Do not use the product after the expiry date which is stated on the pack.

Country of origin / Made in / Packed in:
Bulgaria, a country of the European Union.

How to store loose dried Lavender Buds:
In dry, ventilated, cool and dark places in tightly closed packages.
This product is packaged in airtight stand-up, resealable doy-pack for optimum freshness.
Once opened, just push the air out of the doy-pack before resealing it in order to preserve maximum potency.

Hand Packed. Eco Friendly Water-proof Kraft Paper Doypacks / Stand-Up Pouches with with Aluminum Foil and Bag Zip. 
25g tester packages are packed in small resealable nylon packing!

*Final Word, Disclaimer &Warning:

*If you're considering the use of this product or any other herb/supplement/product for a health condition, make sure to consult your physician first.
*Self-treating a condition and/or avoiding and/or delaying standard care may have serious consequences.
*Consult your physican before using this or any product if you are pregnant or nursing, taking medication, precription drugs or have a medical condition. Our product has not been studied alongside or against your prescription medication or alongside other supplements or herbs. Please make sure your health care provider is aware of all dietary supplments and natural herbs you are taking . This will help ensure coordinated and safe care.
*For medical, over-the-counter drugs, homeopathic and herbal products: indications are based soley on traditional homeopathic use. They have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Short Product Description in other languages:
(GB/USA) Organic Lavender Flower bud tea for Anti-Stress, Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, Migraine, headaches and much more.
(Arab) شاي برعم زهرة اللافندر العضوي لمكافحة الإجهاد والأرق والقلق والاكتئاب والصداع النصفي والصداع وأكثر من ذلك بكثير.
(CRO) Čaj od pupoljaka od organske lavande za antistres, nesanicu, anksioznost, depresiju, migrenu, glavobolju i još mnogo toga.
(CZ) Organický levandulový květinový čaj proti stresu, nespavosti, úzkosti, depresi, migréně, bolestem hlavy a mnohem více.
(D) Bio-Lavendel-Blütenknospentee gegen Stress, Schlaflosigkeit, Angstzustände, Depressionen, Migräne, Kopfschmerzen und vieles mehr.
(DK) Organisk lavendelblomsterknoppet te mod stress, søvnløshed, angst, depression, migræne, hovedpine og meget mere.
(E) Té orgánico de capullos de lavanda para combatir el estrés, el insomnio, la ansiedad, la depresión, la migraña, los dolores de cabeza y mucho más.
(EST) Orgaaniline lavendli lillepungatee stressivastase, unetuse, ärevuse, depressiooni, migreeni, peavalude ja palju muu jaoks.
(F) Thé biologique de bourgeon de lavande pour anti-stress, insomnie, anxiété, dépression, migraine, maux de tête et bien plus encore.
(FIN) Orgaaninen laventeli kukannuppu teetä stressiä, unettomuutta, ahdistusta, masennusta, migreeniä, päänsärkyä ja paljon muuta.
(GR) Βιολογικό τσάι μπουμπουκιών λεβάντας για αντι-στρες, αϋπνία, άγχος, κατάθλιψη, ημικρανία, πονοκεφάλους και πολλά άλλα.
(HEBREW) תה ניצן פרח לבנדר אורגני נגד לחץ, נדודי שינה, חרדה, דיכאון, מיגרנה, כאבי ראש ועוד.
(HUN) Organikus levendula Virágrügy tea stressz, álmatlanság, szorongás, depresszió, migrén, fejfájás és még sok más ellen.
(I) Tè biologico ai boccioli di fiori di lavanda per anti-stress, insonnia, ansia, depressione, emicrania, mal di testa e molto altro.
(IRE) Tae bud Flower Lavender Orgánach le haghaidh Frith-Strus, Insomnia, Imní, Dúlagar, Migraine, tinneas cinn agus go leor eile.
(JAP) 抗ストレス、不眠症、不安神経症、うつ病、片頭痛、頭痛などのためのオーガニックラベンダーフラワーバッドティー。
(KOR) 스트레스 해소, 불면증, 불안, 우울증, 편두통, 두통 등을위한 유기농 라벤더 꽃 봉오리 차.
(LAT) Organiskā lavandas ziedu pumpuru tēja pretstresa, bezmiega, trauksmes, depresijas, migrēnas, galvassāpju un daudz ko citu.
(LIT) Organinė levandų žiedpumpurių arbata nuo streso, nemigos, nerimo, depresijos, migrenos, galvos skausmų ir daugelio kitų.
(NL) Biologische lavendelbloemknopthee voor anti-stress, slapeloosheid, angst, depressie, migraine, hoofdpijn en nog veel meer.
(NOR) Organisk lavendelblomsterknoppte mot stress, søvnløshet, angst, depresjon, migrene, hodepine og mye mer.
(PL) Organiczna herbata z pączków lawendy na stres, bezsenność, niepokój, depresję, migrenę, bóle głowy i wiele innych.
(POR) Chá orgânico de flores de lavanda para antiestresse, insônia, ansiedade, depressão, enxaqueca, dores de cabeça e muito mais.
(RO) Ceai organic cu muguri de flori de lavandă pentru anti-stres, insomnie, anxietate, depresie, migrenă, dureri de cap și multe altele.
(RU) Органический чай из бутонов цветка лаванды от стресса, бессонницы, беспокойства, депрессии, мигрени, головных болей и многого другого.
(SRB) Чај од пупољака од органске лаванде за антистрес, несаницу, анксиозност, депресију, мигрену, главобоље и још много тога.
(SLK) Organický čaj z kvetov levandule proti stresu, nespavosti, úzkosti, depresii, migréne, bolestiam hlavy a oveľa viac.
(SLO) Čaj iz organskih sivkinih cvetov za antistres, nespečnost, tesnobo, depresijo, migreno, glavobole in še veliko več.
(SWE) Organiskt lavendelblomsterkopp för anti-stress, sömnlöshet, ångest, depression, migrän, huvudvärk och mycket mer.
(TR) Anti-Stres, Uykusuzluk, Anksiyete, Depresyon, Migren, baş ağrıları ve çok daha fazlası için Organik Lavanta Çiçeği tomurcuğu çayı.
(UKR) Органічний лавандовий квітковий чай від антистресу, безсоння, тривоги, депресії, мігрені, головного болю та багато іншого.
(WELSH) Te blagur blodau lafant organig ar gyfer Gwrth-Straen, Insomnia, Pryder, Iselder, Meigryn, cur pen a llawer mwy.


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