WOE IS I: The Grammarphobe's Guide to Better English in Plain English; a revised and expanded Riverhead Trade paperback printing, 2003. "Plus a word to the wired--a whole new chapter on language in the age of e-mail."

From Garrison Keillor on the front cover: "'You forget so much about English as you go along being profound in it, like who a gerund is and where adverbs go, until one day you stand up to receive you honorary LL.D. and children snicker at your grammatical errors. WOE I SI can save you from that. I mean, this is, like, a cool book.'"

From Daniel Pinkwater, The New York Times Bok Review: "'Lighthearted and funny. . .It's like Strunk and White combined with S.J. Perelman--none of whom would have had the slightest objection.'"

From the back cover: "The witty, bestselling grammar book that proved English could be fun is now revised, updated and expanded with fresh dos and don'ts throughout. And there's a whole new chapter on the ins and outs of e-mail, if 'you've got mail,' you need this book."