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Oxford to Cambridge Railway - The Long Return, by Bill Simpson

Book published by Lamplight in 2017, 96 pages. Large A4 size softback (N6776X1)

Brand New Book

This book is a fascinating pictorial history of the Oxford to Cambridge line, and details recent efforts t begin re-opening the line. The book is illustrated throughout with lots of colour and black and white  includes photographs of the stations, signals and signalling sheds, steam and Diesel locomotives, rolling stock, and much more!

From the rear side cover: The railway that once existed between Oxford and Cambridge was one of the group of Britain's railways that were described as cross-country lines, the in-between group. Railways that provided a unique link between a number of principal railway centres between the major trunk lines and the hundreds of branch lines serving villages along a few miles of track.

The railways had their age of prosperity, until the effects of two World Wars made demands for which they were never truly compensated. Following on from their recovery, the spread of road competition seriously placed them at a disadvantage in the latter decades of the twentieth century. It seemed then, that their one time essential service was in something of a decline, serving as a reduced dependency to support the transport needs of the nation.

In recent years this has proved to be a false assessment, for a number of reasons. The railways have had to learn to adapt, to modernise and improve their efficiency. Also reverse the one time poor morale of what had once been a very proud area of public service. In areas where the railways have sought to do this, the travelling needs of the public have prospered to an extent that did not seem likely in the 1970s and 1980s.

This line, between the two famous academic cities survived in parts. The section between Bedford and Cambridge was totally removed, the remainder at different levels. It is re-emerging now as something that it always was, an essential cross­ country link. So much so, that millions are being invested to reinstate its use. This book includes a history of the line, along with the situation so far in its recovery, undertaken by the East West Rail Alliance and Network Rail. It is good to publish a compilation with so much positivity, and not simply looking back to former faded

Please note their is a price printed and a small price sticker, both on the rear side cover.

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