Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and your family closest of all...

Orphaned at the age of eight, Lady Cecily Burkhart becomes the ward of a rich and prestigious family. Welcomed as one of their own, Cecily is nurtured and loved by Lord Hal and his wife Lady Grace.

As the years pass the family s devout daughter, Mirabella, becomes increasingly consumed by her religious vocation. But when Henry VIII s reign of terror begins to spread throughout England, Mirabella s monastic life is ripped from her. As her life is torn apart, the true reason for her religious fervour becomes clear her forbidden love for the family s priest and tutor, Father Alec.

As the family falls apart, Cecily must hold them together. But a dangerous mutual attraction between her and Father Alec begins to grow. Plagued with jealousy, Mirabella unleashes a tumultuous chain of events that threatens to destroy everyone around her, especially Cecily...