All products are returnable in good condition. If you find for some reason you have either received the wrong item, or it is not fitting, please contact us before you start a return. We will work with you to see what is wrong and correct the problem. To insure the quality of our service and our products, we need to know why you need to return an item. Most times we can just send out a replacement piece.- If you wish to return a product because you do not need it, have changed your mind, or ordered in error, you will be subject to the cost of the return shipping as well as the initial shipping (even on items with free shipping).
- If for any reason you are returning a product because it is defective or not as described you would not be subject to any charges.
Please be sure to read the entire listing carefully and check the year, make and model of your vehicle before ordering. If you do have an issue with any product we do always prefer to try to exchange it for the correct item. Otherwise, we will refund the purchase if you prefer. Please message us if you require assistance in doing an exchange or return.