This captivating memoir by Jeannette Walls, titled "The Glass Castle," tells the story of a dysfunctional family struggling with poverty and homelessness. The book, published in 2006 by Scribner, falls under the genres of family and relationships, self-help, biography and autobiography, and social science. It has 304 pages and weighs 9.6 ounces, with dimensions of 8 inches in length, 5.2 inches in width, and 0.9 inches in height.

The book is a page-turner that explores the themes of personal memoirs, adult children of substance abusers, and the challenges faced by women in the society. It's written in English and is available in a trade paperback format. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in literary works that highlight the struggles of dysfunctional families, poverty, and homelessness, among other societal issues.