You will receive THREE rooted tropical fruit plants, each about 6 inches tall. The fruits are Longan, Paw Paw and Loquat.

About the Fruits
Longan fruits are very sweet and tasty, with tropical flavors. They are the size of a large grape, with white flesh and juicy pulp that you can bite off. Inside is a black seed. The taste is similar to pear mixed with lemonade. It is more sweet than sour.

Paw Paw
Pawpaw fruits are very sweet and custard-like, with tropical flavors. They are the size of a large mango, with yellowish-orange flesh and creamy pulp that you can scoop out. Inside are several dark brown seeds. The taste is similar to banana mixed with mango and melon. It is more sweet than tangy.

Loquat fruits are very sweet and are a tasty treat. They taste like a tangy blend of citrus, mango, peaches, and apricots. You have to try it. The fruit is yellow and soft, about the size of a lime. It can be very addicting. It is native to Asia.

About the Plants
Longan plants can grow up to 20-40 feet tall, and enjoy full sun. The leaves are very ornamental. These plants can be grown to full size for fruit, or, if you have a specific variety in mind, can be used as a rootstock for grafting your favorite variety onto. If grown outdoors, these plants are self-fruitful and do not require hand-pollination.

Paw Paw
Pawpaw trees can grow up to 15-30 feet tall, and thrive in full sun to partial shade. The leaves are large and tropical-looking. These trees can be grown to full size for fruit production, or used as rootstock for grafting preferred varieties.

Loquat plants are very easy to grow. The plants require minimal maintenance and once established, produce fruits every Spring. The trees are also very beautiful, and will look nice wherever you plant it, such as in your front lawn or backyard grove.

These plants can be grown to full size for fruit, or, if you have a specific variety in mind, can be used as a rootstock for grafting your favorite variety onto. They do best in USDA zones 9b-11, and can be sensitive to extreme heat or frost. If your area snows in the winter, you can take your plant indoors and keep it near a bright window.

Please note: This listing is not for selling the longan, pawpaw, or loquat fruit. You will receive three plants for growing. Also, seedlings are not always similar to their parent plants.

Will be shipped bare-root with a bit of substrate. Pot and soil will not be included. You provide soil and pot.

Full instructions to care for the plant will be included with order.

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