XL Mylar Packet - Western Sunflower Seeds
Gold Vault Mylar Zip Packet

  Sunflowers were named for their habit of turning their faces to the sun. At the beginning of the development they exhibit heliotropism, or following the sun in its course from east to west, though the mature blossoms usually end up facing straight east. These are said to be the happiest of flowers, and in the language of flowers they symbolize loyalty and constancy. This particular sunflower is "western" not because it originates in the American West, but rather because it grows mainly in the western nations of the United States and Europe.

  Direct sow in late fall, planting the seeds 1/2" deep. For spring planting, mix the seed with moist sand and store it in the refrigerator for 30 days before direct sowing. To start indoors, sow seeds in a flat or individual peat pots, keeping the soil lightly moist and at a temperature of 65-70 degrees F until germination, which usually occurs within 10-20 days. Keep the seedlings moist. When the weather has warmed and the seedlings are well established, transplant outdoors. This plant adapts to a wide range of soils including shallow or rocky ground and clay.

  These seeds are non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms), and are also free from all Neonicotinoids.  They are packaged in our superb Gold Mylar Mylar Zip Packaging, which gives the seeds the best storage possible, and allows you to reseal the bag for later use.  The artwork and labels on the packet are loaded with information - many people comment that it is the most beautiful packet that they have ever seen.  If you have never tried out our seeds before, this is your chance to experience something special!