Organic Eucalyptus Salve for cold and flu season, Sinus congestion, Allergies and Skin. Eucalyptus leaves have many impressive benefits. They may help decrease pain, promote relaxation, and relieve cold symptoms. Many over-the-counter products also use eucalyptus extract, soothe irritated skin, and repel insects. Inhaling vapor made with the essential oil can loosen mucus so that when you do cough, it’s expelled. Using a rub containing eucalyptus oil will produce the same effect.

Eucalyptus is an effective alternative for those who aren’t able to use DEET for repeling bugs away. Respiratory conditions such as asthma and sinusitis may be helped by inhaling Eucalyptus Oil when added to water. The oil reacts with mucous membranes, not only reducing mucus but helping loosen it so that you can cough it up.


  deodorized shea butter
 beeswax pastilles
unrefined coconut oil
 vitamin E oil
 lemon (Citrus limon) essential oil
 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus radiata) essential oil


 At Herbs for Ailment, we do not use synthetic stabilizers.  As a result, our natural products can be sensitive to temperature changes.

Since melting is a natural reaction to heat and we have no control over the conditions during transit or delivery, please understand that we cannot be responsible for melted products. 

We have the same problem as companies who make and ship fine chocolates during summer months!


On sunny or warm days, it is best to refrigerate BEFORE opening the jars or tins.  If you open items, especially those in tins, to check if melting has occurred, they may spill out and make a mess!

The quality and healing properties of our products are not affected by melting.

Salve /Balms: Place it in the refrigerator. The melting will not affect the quality of the  Salve/Balm.

The statements presented on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The use of herbs for the prevention or cure of disease has not been approved by the FDA or USDA. The products offered on this web site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please, use reasonable caution. I list all the ingredients here in case of allergies, but it is wise to do a patch test just in case you have a sensitivity.