1. Usually shipped by Fedex, sometimes by UPS or USPS, we will ship all orders within 3 business days after the payment clears.

2. It is the buyer's responsibility to provide us with the correct shipping address on the checkout page prior to payment. If you need to change it after payment is completed, please contact us before we ship your order.

3. If an order needs to be canceled or redelivered or the address changed after we have shipped your item, you will be responsible for any costs associated with contacting us in that case.

Returns are accepted and all of our items have a 30-day return policy.

1. All non-seller error returns are subject to a $20-$50 per box restocking fee and the buyer is responsible for paying return shipping costs. (e.g. not fit, purchased by mistake, or no longer needed). 

2. or if you would like to mail it yourself, please feel free to contact us via eBay message to get our warehouse address. Once the unwanted item is returned to us, please send us the tracking number for the return. Our warehouse will track the package and then refund you as soon as it arrives.

3. Please note: Used items will not be accepted for return.

4. We reserve the right to offer buyers replacements, parts, or full or partial refunds.

Contact us: We offer 3 years free parts replacement service. If there is any problem with our products, please feel free to contact us. We usually respond within 24 hours of the business day.