This clutch/handbag by Victoria's Secret is a luxurious and feminine accessory that will make you feel glamorous. It is made of 100% polyest that has a smooth and shiny texture. The front of the clutch/handbag has ruffles all over that create a voluminous and elegant effect. The back of the clutch/handbag is plain and has a black color that matches the front. The clutch/handbag has a zipper closure that is easy to use and secure. The inside of the clutch/handbag is lined with red fabric that adds a pop of color and contrast. The clutch/handbag is 10 inches long, 5 inches high, and 2.5 inches wide. It can fit your essentials such as your phone, wallet, keys, and makeup. The clutch/handbag is in good condition. This clutch/handbag by Victoria's Secret is a stunning and sophisticated piece that will make you stand out from the crowd.