1. Please dont buy eggs off me if you try to hatch with a heat lamp. 2.. If you dry stack  or if you use a cheap incubator, also if you have to ask me why at day 10 do i not have any chicks. Also, if you are planning to leave your package at the post office for 10 days and complain, the eggs are broken or won't hatch. Also, if you are a repeat customer who places so many orders and wants to cancel 95 percent. Or if you are one of the few who says every egg is broken and wants replacements but doesn't show any proof, EGGS ARE ALWAYS A RISK TO SHIP. I TRY MY BEST TO PACK. ALTHOUGH THINGS HAPPEN. PLEASE MESSAGS ME IF THERE ARE ANY PROBLEMS AND LET ME MAKE IT RIGHT BEFORE LEAVING FEEDBACK ALSO, THIS ORDER IS FOR 12 EGGS. IF I HAVE EXTRA, I WILL SEND, ALTHOUGH NOT ALWAYS THE CASE AS I HAVE ORDERS ALWAYS GOING OUT AND I SHIP MY EGGS FRESH.

This is for an assortment of hatching eggs that can come from the following breeds.

Black Giant, Death Layers Silver and Gold, Brahamas, Polish, Buff and Brown Orpingtons.  Easter Eggers, Cream Legbar. Red and Silver Leghorns , Dominique, Cochins( Differnt Colors, Turkens, White and Red Rhode Islands, Silver and Gold Lace Wyandottes

This will be a mixture with no guarantee what breeds will be sent out.

All eggs packed in bubble wrap and sent out well packed.