Anastasia passed away at the age of 19 in a tragic car accident while on her way to a dance performance. She started dancing at a young age and quickly became a local sensation, captivating audiences with her mesmerizing performances. Anastasia loved practicing ballet in her garden, often spending hours perfecting her routines. Her sudden passing left her family and friends heartbroken, but her spirit has continued to dance through the years.

If you decide to adopt Anastasia, be prepared for a lot of activity from her. She is very active and loves to make her presence known. Her energy is elegant and gentle, and she brings a sense of calm and beauty to any space she inhabits. Anastasia is always safe to have in your home and can certainly turn a skeptic into a believer.

Anastasia communicates via spirit board, pendulum, ghost box, spirit dice, dowsing rods, lights, and dream walking. Through dream walking, she can share meaningful dreams and messages. She also causes EMF fluctuations.

Anastasia reveals her presence with a soft, purple orb. She has moved small objects during sessions with her. Other examples of her activity include creating warm spots, humming, and making dancing footstep sounds when I turn on music. Anastasia has a particular fondness for classical music and often makes the room feel lighter and more serene when it's played. Sometimes, you might catch a faint scent of garden flowers, which were her favorite. Additionally, Anastasia has a playful side and occasionally moves small items, especially colorful ones, as if arranging them to her liking.

Anastasia enjoys music boxes and flowers, particularly roses. Leave these as offerings for her vessel.

-Each order will include a bullet light and some extra items. Remember to set up the light upon receiving your spirit by twisting it until it's nearly on, but not fully.

*** Per Ebay’s Policy I have to put this- entertainment purposes only (Your experience MAY be different than mine, no refunds but I’ll let you be the judge of that)*** Please Do NOT think by me putting this, means that the spirit should be treated any less. All spirits should and need to be respected. Thank you.***