Plug-N-Grow iGS-061 CO2 Controller Intelligent Indoor Grow Systems

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Shipping & Delivery

Shipping will be automatically calculated with the shipping calculator and are based on your location. International buyers: Customs fees, duties, taxes, tariffs other fees are your responsibility. Arrival time will depend on your location. Please allow for ample shipping time for international destinations. 

Return Policy

Products may only be returned if defective. If you have any issues with your item, we must be notified within 14 days of delivery.

If you need anything beyond that, let us know and we will try to work something out. since we rarely find issues with our equipment, problems are handled on an issue-to-issue basis.

We work with our customers to take care of exchanges, repairs, returns, etc.

Before purchasing, please check into the equipment and examine the photos to ensure this is exactly what you want. If available, we supply a manufacturer's description and specifications.

Otherwise, only the information listed on the item itself is carried over to the description. Again, if something is not pictured, it is not included.