King George II
1739. Wool Act 1739 c. 21. An act taking off duties upon woollen and bay yarn imported from Ireland to England, and for the more effectual preventing the exportation of Wolf in Great Britain, and will, and will manufacture, from Ireland to foreign parts.
 Disbound Danby Pickering, 1765 Very Good Condition

Book Publishing Details
Author: King George II
Full title:1739. Wool Act 1739 c. 21. An act taking off duties upon woollen and bay yarn imported from Ireland to England, and for the more effectual preventing the exportation of Wolf in Great Britain, and will, and will manufacture, from Ireland to foreign parts.
Publisher:Danby Pickering, 1765
Size:Octavo format (130mm x 210mm, 5.25 x 8.5 inches)
Book ID:350969
Comments & Item Features
Category: Parliamentary Acts::George 2nd, Parliamentary Acts::Danby Pickering. Language: English.

15 pages.

Octavo format (130mm x 210mm, 5.25 x 8.5 inches), separated from the Statutes at Large. Disbound from the larger volume, with no title page (as issued), and the caption title doesn't usually start at the head of the page, but some way down it. This is quite normal for Statutes. Overall condition is very good, with bright clean pages.

Book Condition Report
Book Condition: Very Good Condition.
Size of Item & Shipped Weight
Size: Octavo format (130mm x 210mm, 5.25 x 8.5 inches).
Keywords and Associated Terms
BZDB395 Parliamentary Acts::George 2nd; Parliamentary Acts::Danby Pickering; Printed Before 1800; Parliamentary Acts::Danby Pickering. King George II 1739. Wool Act 1739 c. 21. An act taking off duties upon woollen and bay yarn imported from Ireland to England, and for the more effectual preventing the exportation of Wolf in Great Britain, and will, and will manufacture, from Ireland to foreign parts.