This is a 1926 Commerce Violet, 25th Anniversary Edition, yearbook of the School of Commerce, Accounts, and Finance in New York University. The book is hardcover, with covers of black cloth over boards.  The yearbook measures 10 3/4" X 8" and there are 351 pages, including advertisements. At the beginning of the book is a section of photos of campus scenes framed with ornate red borders. There are also many unique sketches, protected by glassine sheets, throughout the rest of the book.


1.  Views (photographs taken at various campus locations plus history of the School of Commerce)
2.  Faculty
3.  History
4.  Seniors (individual photographs of seniors)
5.  Other Classes (junior, sophomore, freshman classes)
6.  Athletics
7.  Honorary
8.  Organizations (including publications)
9.  Gala Nights
10. Fraternities
11. Advertisements