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This DVD is a must-have for anyone who loves Hallmark movies. The story follows the life of Irena Sendler, a courageous woman who helped save the lives of hundreds of Jewish children during World War II. The DVD is in the DVD: 1 (US, Canada...) format and is brought to you by Hallmark. It is perfect for anyone who loves movies that tell inspiring stories.

Hallmark The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler Hall of Fame War

I've always been interested in the Holocaust, because I'm an activist for women's and GLBT rights and equality. I see certain pundits and politicians of the right-wing who are using exactly the same formula that Hitler used to get an entire population to accept the dehumanization of certain groups of people. Sendler risked her own life to get Jewish children out of Warsaw as they were being rounded up for the death camps, a story I had never heard about. I find it fascinating that so many 'good Germans' were so thoroughly brainwashed against their friends and neighbors that they happily participated in helping the Germans put every Jew and other 'sub-human' or 'non-Aryan' into railroad cars to be sent to their deaths. When I see the pundits of Fixed Noise refer to those they dislike as 'rag-heads' for Muslims, use every insult for blacks except the N-word to disrespect the President and encourage their unbalanced viewers to commit acts of violence upon whomever they have targeted as an 'acceptable' target, I see the voices and faces of hatred and bigotry that were so prevalent in Hitler's day. When Bill O'Reilly used the term "Tiller the Killer" to describe a women's clinic doctor over a several week period because he personally is against a woman's right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, until finally one of the fanatics that obeys the orders coming out of the television hunted down Dr. Tiller and shot him---in church---there is absolutely no difference between brainwashing against doctors who perform abortions by the right-wing and the brainwashing of the German people by Hitler and his henchmen until virtually every non-Jew in Berlin and the big cities in Germany got whatever weapons they could muster, from guns to knives to machetes to clubs and went out in the street, demolishing every Jewish-owned business they could find and beating, stabbing, shooting, and killing with their bare hands every Jewish man, woman, or child that they could find. "Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it." Santayana It's too bad that our non-functional education system fails to teach students the end result of hatred and bigotry. American children should learn about the Holocaust all throughout their public education so they know what can handle if they allow themselves to be brainwashed into fear of and hatred toward any ethnic, religious, economic, gender-oriented, or racial group. If they allow themselves to be conned into thinking that men are better than women or Christians are better than Jews or Muslims or atheists, or white people are smarter, better, and should have the right to own members of other races, then the kind of behavior displayed in Germany and Poland during the war can----AND WILL---begin again.