Ethiopian Bible
In the English Language
Dimensions: 11.25 inches X 8.75 inches X 2.25 inches
Weight: 6 pounds
55 full-page, black-and-white illustrations

Contains the standard Old Testament plus the following 18 books unique to the Ethiopian canon of sacred scripture:

1. Enoch: The Book of Enoch
2. Enoch: The Book of the Secrets of Enoch
Testament of Solomon
3rd Ezra
4th Ezra
Additions to Esther
1 Macabees
2 Macabees
3 Macabees
Wisdom of Solomon (The book of Wisdom)
Pseudo Josephus
Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)
The Prayer of Azariah
Baruch (Includes the Letter of Jeremiah)
Daniel (Including Bel and The Dragon and Susanna)