20 Strawberry Guava Seeds
 (Psidium cattleianum)
 Large Edible Fruit Plant Shrub 
Strawberry guava is a large shrub or small tree that is native to South America and loves a warm climate. There are some good reasons to choose strawberry guava plants over the common guava, including more attractive fruit and foliage, and a better tasting tropical fruit. Strawberry guava generally grows to heights between 6 and 14 feet (2-4.5 m.), although they can grow taller. As the name suggests, this tree usually produces red fruit, but yellow fruits are also possible. The fruit on the strawberry guava is similar to that of the common guava: a fragrant, juicy pulp with seeds. However, the flavor of this type of guava is said to have a strawberry essence and is considered to be less musky. It can be eaten fresh or used to make puree, juice, jam, or jelly. Another advantage over the common guava is that strawberry guava care is generally easier. This tree is hardier and will tolerate more difficult conditions than common guava. Although it prefers a warmer climate, the strawberry guava will remain hardy down to zones 9-11 & temperatures as low as 22 degrees Fahrenheit (-5 C.). It does best in full sun. It will tolerate poor soils that other fruit trees will not, including limestone soils. If you do have poor soil, your tree may need more watering to produce fruit.  These fruity berries grow on a large shrub that can grow to be up to 14 feet high. Strawberry guava season peaks in the spring, but can be available year-round in certain parts of the globe. At Rancho Santa Cecilia, a farm in California where the fruit in your Farm Stand shipment comes from, the season lasts typically from November to July. Strawberry guava season in the United States is like having a little bit of summer early in the year!
Strawberry Guava Germination:
1) To scarify in order to break their dormancy, you need to soak the seeds in boiling water for five minutes.
2) Be sure to use a heated propagator to ensure the soil maintains a temperature as constant of 80-85 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything less will result in poor germination results.
3) To plant the seeds, prepare a potting mix by adding soilless seed-starting mix in a 4-inch planting mix.
4) Place the seeds on the center of the 4-inch starting mix and gently press them into the center. Place the seeds about 1/4-1/2 down the sterile soil mix and make sure you keep the potting mix moist. Add a small handful of the mix to ensure that the seeds are settled in the soilless seed-starting mix. Water slowly to soak the pot. You are also required to be checking from time to time to make sure the soil remains moist.
5) Patience is needed as with and Exotic Tropical Germination will be erratic and can take any time from two weeks to more than eight weeks. 
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Germinación de la guayaba y la fresa:
1) Para escarificar y romper su letargo, debes remojar las semillas en agua hirviendo durante cinco minutos.
2) Asegúrate de usar un propagador calentado para asegurar que la tierra mantenga una temperatura constante de 80-85 grados Fahrenheit. Cualquier temperatura menor dará como resultado malos resultados de germinación.
3) Para plantar las semillas, prepara una mezcla para macetas agregando una mezcla para iniciar la siembra sin tierra en una mezcla para plantar de 4 pulgadas.
4) Coloca las semillas en el centro de la mezcla para iniciar la siembra de 4 pulgadas y presiónalas suavemente hacia el centro. Coloca las semillas aproximadamente 1/4-1/2 hacia abajo en la mezcla de tierra esterilizada y asegúrate de mantener la mezcla para macetas húmeda. Agrega un puñado pequeño de la mezcla para asegurar que las semillas se asienten en la mezcla para iniciar la siembra sin tierra. Riega lentamente para remojar la maceta. También debes revisar de vez en cuando para asegurarte de que la tierra permanezca húmeda.
5) Es necesaria paciencia, ya que la germinación de las plantas tropicales exóticas será errática y puede llevar desde dos semanas hasta más de ocho semanas.
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