Virginia Creeper Vine Seeds 
(Parthenocissus quinquefolia) 
Fast Hardy Climber Plant
Virginia Creeper is a Vigorous, Deciduous Woody Creeper and Climbing Vine can Grow up to 50 Feet – and Over 20 Feet in a Single Year – Clinging to Surfaces with Small, Branched Tendrils that have Strong Adhesive Disks on the Tips to Fasten onto Bark or Rock. Virginia Creeper is a Plant that is Especially Noticeable in the Fall when the Leaves become Colored Red in Cool Weather. It is Hardier than Boston Ivy, Growing in Zones 3-9, so it is Often used where Boston or Japanese Ivy Does Not Survive. This Highly Adaptable & Cold Hardy Vine Grows in Full Sun or Full Shade. When Grown as a Groundcover, it Can Provide Erosion Control on Slopes. Virginia Creeper is Very Drought Tolerant and a Vigorous Grower. Virginia Creeper Leaves Turn a Brilliant Red in the Fall, and the Vines Produce Dark Blue Berries that are Valued by Birds and Other Wildlife. 
Zones 3-9
Virginia Creeper Germination:
"Use more than you will need as not all seeds will germinate"
1) Place seeds in a zip lock bag filled with moist vermiculite and place in the fridge for 8 weeks. Periodically check & mist with a spray bottle to keep moist...never wet.
2) After 8 weeks, remove the seeds and scarify them by rubbing with a nail file or rough grit sand paper. Never sand too deep into the shell.
3) Soak in water overnight.
4) Plant the seeds 3/8" deep in a well draining seed starting mix.
5) Keep the temperature between 60-68 degrees F. & keep in partial shade with only low filtered light.
6) Expect germination in 2-3 Weeks
Germinación de la enredadera de Virginia:
"Use más de lo que necesitará, ya que no todas las semillas germinarán"
1) Coloque las semillas en una bolsa con cierre hermético llena de vermiculita húmeda y colóquela en el refrigerador durante 8 semanas. Revísela periódicamente y rocíela con un atomizador para mantenerla húmeda... nunca mojada.
2) Después de 8 semanas, retire las semillas y escarifíquelas frotándolas con una lima de uñas o papel de lija de grano grueso. Nunca lije demasiado profundamente la cáscara.
3) Remójelas en agua durante la noche.
4) Plante las semillas a 3/8" de profundidad en una mezcla para semillas que drene bien.
5) Mantenga la temperatura entre 60 y 68 grados F y manténgalas en sombra parcial con luz tenue filtrada.
6) Espere la germinación en 2 o 3 semanas