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A Lancashire Fuslier's First World War, by Norman Hall, edited by Patricia Rothwell

Book published by P3 Publications, 158 pages. Paperback (N8568PEA7)

From the rear side cover: Norman Hall enlisted as a private in Liverpool in September 1914, becaming an officer with the Lancashire Fusiliers in Bury about a month later. He went to France with the 21S'h Lancashire Fusiliers in May 1915. This version of his diaries focuses on the 215,h,s training, deployment in the trenches, and the Battle of the Somme. An Afterword summarises Norman's later service with the 1/5'h Lancashire Fusiliers. Norman was naturally observant, and took a keen interest in his surraundings, his companions, and, in fact, everything that he experienced or saw. His military career was unusually varied, including service as a Signalling Officer, Campany Commander, Quartermaster and Adjutant.

The result is a fascinating insight into life as a soldier on the Western Front, covering a broad range of subjects, such as anecdotes about fellow soldiers, what it was like to be in the trenches, time spent out of the Line, demonstrations of new weapons, the evolution of the gas mask, skirmishes in No Man's Land, a gas attack by the British, the capture of a German prisoner, and much more; sadly it also includes some heart-achingly poignant accounts of the deaths of a number of Norman's comrades in arms.
The contents include:

First Impressions, First Decisions, First Actions, Liverpool and Bury 01.08.14 to 07.11.14
Southport and Bury 08.11.14 to 18.04.15
Bedford and Crossing to Boulogne 18.04.15 to 03.05.15
Boulogne, Norrent-Fontes, Cornet Malo, Caionne etc. 04.05.15 to 19.05.15
Arques 20.05.15 to 08.07.15
Estaires and Laventie 09.07.15 to 27.07.15
Corbie, Bouzincourt, Albert, Aveluy, Martinsart and Senlis 28.07.15 to 28.08.15
Aveluy, Martinsart, Senlis, and Aveluy again 29.08.15 to 04.11.15
First Leave to England 05.11.15 to 14.11.15
Martinsart, Thiepval Wood and Authuille Wood 15.11.15 to 01.01.16
Baizeux, St Gratien, Rainneville, St Sauveur, etc. 02.01.16 to 02.02.16
Leave in England, Beaumetz, Le Meillard, Halloy, etc. 03.02.16 to 29.02.16
Riviere, Blairville and Monchiet 01.03.16 to 15.03.16
Blairville, Blamont Quarry and Monchiet 16.03.16 to 09.04.16
Blairville, Riviere, Blairville again, and Monchiet 10.04.16 to 13.05.16
Blairville and Bretencourt 14.05.16 to 25.05.16
Blairville, Simencourt and Dainville 26.05.16 to 28.06.16
Dainville, Agny and Barly 29.06.16 to 19.07.16
Beaudricourt etc., Journey to the Somme, and Happy Valley 20.07.16 to 30.07.16
Briqueterie, in Reserve at Trones Wood, and Death Valley 31.07.16 to 07.08.16
Trones Wood and Guillemont Village 08.08.16 to 09.08.16
Carnoy, Bronfray Farm etc. Franleu and Cayeux-sur-Mer ' 10.08.16 to 30.08.16
The Albert to Mericourt Road near Millencourt, and Fricourt 31.08.16 to 06.09.16
Montauban, Delville Wood and Ginchy 07.09.16 to 09.09.16
Heilly Casualty Clearing Station N° 36, N° 2 British Red Cross, 10.09.16 to 14.09.16
List of those who Died who are Mentioned in the Diary
Time Line of Norman Hall's War Service
List of Officers with the 2/5th Lancashire Fusiliers on 03.05.15, and/or Frequently Mentioned
List of Maps and Plans Included in the Diary
Endnotes, and Further Narrow Escapes after September 1916

Condition of the book is generally very good. The covers have one or two very minor scuffs but are clean and bright, the spine is intact and all pages are clean, intact, unblemished and tightly bound.

When we post our books, we take great care in packaging them - first your book will be wrapped in bubblewrap, which protects the book and even keeps out any rain (in the event that it's raining when the postie delivers it!). Then we wrap your book in stiff cardboard, taking care to make sure all the corners are protected, and finally the package is wrapped in thick brown paper.

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