Note: Many of my clients are scholars and researchers seeking specific information related to their field of interest. For their convenience I include the following details directly from this book:

Places and Topics Discussed/Illustrated in this Book (General and Partial Only, See Full Contents Below): Maritime Nautical Oceanic Gulf Stream Tides Wind Waves Atlantic Pacific Indian Arctic Antarctic Ocean Mediterranean Polar Regions Eskimo Ice Northwest Passage Franklin Expedition Sailing Ship Captain Francis Hall Polaris Greely Icebergs Coral Reefs Pearls Pearl Diving Sponges Seal Hunting Fur Sea Lions Whale Whaling Sperm Harpoon The Essex Princess Charlotte Aimwell Trafalgar Achilles Sharks Great White Shark Fishing Hammerhead Basking Shark Sea Horse Narwhal Methods of Fishing Stingray Sea Lamprey Oysters Porpoise Dolphin Lobsters Flying Fish Sea Shells Birds Albatross Auk Puffin Petrel Penguin Frigate Bird Superstitions Witchcraft Tempest Rats Omens Dead Bodies Mariners Ghost Ships Giant Cuttlefish Sea Monsters Serpents Kraken Squid Great Lizards Tropical Fish Mirage Aurora Borealis Halos Mock Suns Water-spouts Tornado Typhoon Trade Wind Bore Egre Sunken Treasure Shipwrecks Gold Coins Diving Bell Royal George Wreck Lady Charlotte Lutine Ocean Steamships Sailing Sailor Sailboat Sailing Vessel Age of Sail Fishing Fisherman Shipwrecks Signal Service Life Saving Service Stations Lighthouse Light House Keeper Apollo at Rhodes Bell Rock Lighthouse Skerryvore

THE WATER WORLD. A Popular Treatise on the Broad, Broad Ocean. Its Laws; Its Phenomena; Its Products and Its Inhabitants; Graphically Describing Its Currents, Tides, Waves; Its Whirlpools, Water-Spouts, Typhoons and Trade Winds; Its Coral Reefs, Pearls, Shells, Sponges, Fisheries; Its Animal Life, Minute and Mammoth, From the Butterflies of Submarine Forests and Meadows, To Sharks, Whales and Sea Dragons; With Chapters on Steamships, Light-Houses, Life-Saving Service &c, &c., &c. By Professor J.W. Van Dervoort. Published in 1886 by Union Publishing House, New York. 8.5” x 6” decorated cloth hardcover. Illustrated. 512 pages.

Condition: VERY GOOD ANTIQUE CONDITION. Beautiful exterior as shown in photo. Firm binding. Text is clean and complete. No torn, loose or missing pages. A brilliant example of this antique Victorian maritime title.


It's said that if you hold a seashell to your ear, you can hear the sound of the sea. So it is with this beautiful Victorian book: open it, and before you will unfold all the wonder of Earth’s oceans, from the strange creatures who dwell beneath to the bold and intrepid men who venture upon the waves to find their fates and fortunes.

THE WATER WORLD is one of the 19th century’s most ambitious books about the sea. Beautifully bound and lavishly illustrated, it seeks to impart an authentic maritime experience to even the most landlocked of readers.

The Preface states:

We write about the ocean because it is a subject of universal interest, and for the reason that a knowledge of its laws, phenomena, and inhabitants is conducive to right-living and enjoyment.

It has been our aim to write for the people and by avoiding technical terms clothe the subject in such language as shall make it interesting and easily comprehended by all.

We have endeavored to fill these pages, not with dry and uninteresting facts compiled from the cyclopaedia, but with living, breathing thoughts, which, if rightly entertained, will lessen some of the weariness of daily life, give a greater impulse to right living, and cause us to revere and adore a Creator who has multiplied, everywhere in nature, countless objects for our present and future well-being.

Of our fifty millions of people, many will live and die without ever having heard the voice of the sea. All want to see it; all are interested in its majestic power and the life with which it teems. To those who are denied the privilege of witnessing it for themselves, as well as to the dwellers on its border, do we send this pen picture.

For your interest, I have prepared a summary of the book’s contents below, followed by an accounting of the many beautiful illustrations throughout the book. You can even see some of these beautiful antique images further down the page.

I invite you to take a look.

Contents Are:

CHAPTER ONE ~ THE OCEAN ~ ITS LAWS AND ELEMENTS: Vastness and sublimity of creation * The sea a laboratory * The many wonderful objects it contains * The ocean essential to the existence of man and vegetation * If the existing waters were increased only one-fourth * There is perhaps nothing more beautiful * What is water? * The saltness of the ocean * Why was the sea made salt? * Currents * The Gulf Stream * Its influence on climate * Utilizing currents to carry messages * Brig towed by the undercurrent * Recent invention * Gulf Stream the great “ weather breeder” of the North Atlantic * Its influence on commerce * Tides * Wind waves * The crossing of waves * Va.riety of color * Milky sea * Luminosity of the sea * Divisions of the ocean * Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Antarctic * Extreme breadth of Atlantic * Its relation to civilized countries * Mediterranean Sea * The central ocean of the ancients * Pacific discovered by Balboa * Indian Ocean

CHAPTER TWO ~ THE FROZEN OCEAN: Instances of extreme cold in the Arctic regions * Human endurance of cold * McClure and Parry * Dr. Kane * Esquimaux * Arctic voyagers * Ice dwellings * Attempts to discover a shorter passage to India across the Northern sens * Sir John Franklin * His sad end * Relics of the expedition discovered * Discovery of the Northwest passage * Release from a perilous position * The Arctic and Antarctic circles * The reason of the cold in the polar regions * Dangers from floating ice * Fearful incident in the frozen seas * Frozen to death * Expedition of Capt. Francis Hall * His search for Franklin * His appeal to Congress * The "Polaris" sailed * Award of Paris Geographical Society * The Jeannette Expedition * Return of the survivors * Polar Stations * The Greely Expedition * Retreat to Cape Sabine * Starvation * The Relief Squadron * Home again

CHAPTER THREE ~ ICEBERGS: Icebergs among the wonders of the ocean world * Grand and imposing * Imitating every style of architecture * Differ in color * Strange and sudden formations * Many of great height * Origin * Greenland * Glaciers * Their immense length * Birthplaces of icebergs * Moved by powerful currents * Dangers from icebergs on their floating voyages * Terror excited by them among the early navigators * Awfu1 sublimity of the floating ice mountains * Hair-breadth escape * Supposed loss of the “ President ” and other vessels from collisions with icebergs * Danger of mooring vessels to icebergs * A picnic on an iceberg * The “ Resolute ” exploring ship * Formation and destruction of ice * Beautiful provision of Nature

. CHAPTER FOUR ~ LIFE IN THE OCEAN: Sublime ideas of the infinite * Mystery of life * Two great powers * Death is the foster mother of life * Life maintains 1ife * Exuberance of life * The ocean in its profoundest depths * Sea influences * Seashore deposits * Source of greath wealth * Unity and diversity

CHAPTER FIVE ~ MINUTE ANIMAL LIFE: Vastness of organic life in the ocean * Food to the larger marine anima1s * Abundance in the Northern seas * Sea nett1es * They color the waters * Microscopic determinations * A naturalist’s calculation of the number of a.nimalcu1ae * Animals in a drop of water * Illustrates the immensity of creation * Seaweeds * Animated worlds * Minute creation governed by the same laws as larger * Jelly-fish * Abound in the South Atlantic * Curious shapes * Sea-worms * Sea-mouse * Its beautiful color * Curious arms of marine worms * Nereids * Beautifully colored * White rag worms * Sea-leech * Leaping-worms * “Jumping Johnnies" * Butterflies of the deep

CHAPTER SIX ~ CORAL – THE ROCK BUILDERS: Beauty of color * Its curious form in the ooean * Fornerly supposed to be marine plants * Discovered to be the work of minute animals * Coral wonders described * How their habitations are made * Coral examined under the microscope * Continents built by the polyps * Wonderful instinct of the coral workers by building walls on the windward side * Qualities and varieties of coral described * Manufacture of false coral * Superstitions respecting the changing of color * Perils of the coral reefs * An incident of shipwreck

CHAPTER SEVEN ~ PEARLS: Rare and valuable objects of creation * Perilous employment of the divers * Condemned criminals formerly employed * Characteristics of the pearl divers * Shark charmers * Pearl fishing in the Gulf of Manaar * Of the Bahrem Islands * Cingalese divers * Separation of the pearl from the oyster * Extent of the pearl fishery in Ceylon * System pursued at the Pearl Islands * Oriental pearls * Their preparation for market * How pearls are formed in the oyster * Amusing account given by Pliny * Doherty’s Description * Suppositions respecting pearls * Curious methods pursued by the Chinese * The pearl oyster not the only mollusk which produces pearls * Pearls found on the British coasts * Incidents * Extravagant fancy of the ancients * Names applied to various kinds * Largest pearls on record * Runjeet Sing and his string of pearls

CHAPTER EIGHT ~ SPONGES: Ancient use of the sponge for helmets, etc. * One of the most valuable spoils taken from the ocean * Long undecided whether sponges belonged to the animal or vegetable kingdom * Ranked as “zoophytes” or animal plants * Aristotle’s definition of the sponge * Finest qualities come from the Ottoman archipe1ago * Sponge fishery at the island of Calymnos * Numbers of persons engaged in the sponge fishery * Depth at which sponges are found * Methods pursued in diving * Average quantity taken * Preparation for market * The sponge in its natural state * Growth and increase of the sponge * Article of commerce * Digestion and respiration * Preservation of the sponge fisheries

CHAPTER NINE ~ SEALS: Arctic summer the proper season for seal fishing * Divisions of labor by the Esquimaux * Seal’s flesh their chief food * Ancient superstitions * Use of blubber * Methods of capturing the seals * Seal fishing the great employment of the Greenlanders * Dangers attending * Difierent species of seals * The sea-calf * Pecu1iar characteristics * Enemies of seals * The bearded or great seal * The hoop-seal * The fur seal * Description, habits, and use * Seals fond of music * Tame seals * Incidents * The marbled seal * Contrast between seals of northern and southern seas * Sea elephant * Sea lions * The sea 1eopard * The otories

CHAPTER TEN ~ WHALES THE MONARCHS OF THE OCEAN: Peculiarities in whales * Distinct from fishes and land animals, though resembling both * Description * Strength and utility of its tail * Size of the head * Smallness of the throat * Food of the whale * Whalebone * Tongue of the whale * The skin * The blubber * Quantity of oil taken from a whale-Ears, eyes, and fins of the whale * Age when they attain their growth * Anecdotes relative to the capture * Doherty’s description * Different species * The northern rorqual * The smaller rorqual * The sperm whales * The white whales * The deductor * Great capture of whales * Fight between a whale and a grampus * Other enemies of the whale * Anecdotes * Attachment of whales to their young

CHAPTER ELEVEN ~ THE WHALE FISHERY AND ITS PERILS: Description of ships employed in the whale fishery * Hard work in the Polar seas * Mode of fishing * The harpoon * Struggles of the whale * Disappointment of a Dutch whaler * Dead whales * Cutting up the whales * Whale fishery in the southern seas * Incident to the Essex in the Pacific Ocean * Ship destroyed by a collision with a whale * Story of a Dutch harpooner * New Zealand Tom * Neetmok * Incident in the Pacific to the whaling vessel * Independence * Paying out the rope * Incident to the whaling vessel Aimwell * Loss of the Princess Charlotte * Wonderful escape of the Trafalgar * Calamities of a whaling squadron * The Battler * The Achilles

CHAPTER TWELVE ~ SHARKS THE PIRATES OF THE OCEAN: Fossil sharks * Enormous teeth * The white shark * Its extreme voracity * Great tenacity of life * Its preference for human flesh * Horrible tragedy * Habit of bounding out of the sea * Punishing a shark * Manner of catching sharks in the South Sea Islands * Captain Basil Hall's account of the capture of a shark * Worship of sharks by the inhabitants * Rapacity of the shark * Hooks for shark fishing * Fearful incident to the crew of the “ Magpie"* The hammer headed shark * The smooth shark * Dog fish * Angel fish * Greenland shark * Basking shark * Taken for the sea serpent * Pilot fish * Companion to the shark * Pilot fish described

CHAPTER THIRTEEN ~ SEA HORSES AND NARWHALS: The morse walrus or sea-horse * Description * Immense slaughter of them * For what purposes-* Ferocity when attacked * Affection for its young * Battles between the walrus and the Polar bear * The sword fish a fierce enemy * Sea unicorn * Described * Color * Their habits * Mode of catching them * Herd in flocks * Playfulness * Its speed

CHAPTER FOURTEEN ~ NAUTILI THE FLOATING NAVIGATORS OF THE OCEAN: The nautilus “the ocean mab” and "fairy of the sea" * The fish described by Prof. Owen * Real method of its propulsion * The paper nautilus * Its supposed sails * Glaucus a real rover on the ocean * A wonderful builder * Intelligence displayed * Pearly nautilus * Gem of the deep * The argonaut * Sea bladder or Portuguese man-of-war * Beauty of its colors * Appear like prismatic shells * Their stinging properties * Specimens of fossil nautili in the British museum * Ammonite * Most beautiful of all fossils * Petrified snakes * The cuttle fish * One of the feasts of fishermen * Their ink bags * Prodigious size of some species * Mode of fishing with the cuttle fish described by Columbus * Belongs to a period before the flood

CHAPTER FIFTEEN ~ MODES OF FISHING IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES: Use of nets dates from the earliest times * Great improvements of late in the manufacture of nets * Variety of nets used by fishermen * Description of them * Fishing by electric light * Birds trained to catch fish * Their wonderful sagacity * South Sea Islanders expert fishermen * Singular mode of taking the needle fish * Fishing by the light * Indians’ method of taking the candle fish * The white porpoise * Fishing for the sea pike * The tunny fishery * Sturgeon fishery * Conger-eel fishery * Great conger-eel described * Sand-eel fishery * Mackeral fishery * Nets employed * Herring fishery * Modes of fishing * Curing herring * Dog fish * Hake * Pilcherd * Sprats and white bait, and how taken * The Sardine * Cod fishery on the banks of Newfoundland * The modern cod sinock * The haddock * The coal fish * Common hake * The turbot * The turtle * Modes of taking them * Crabs * Mode of taking them * Hermit crab * King crab * Prawns and shrimps * Mussels * Mussel farms * Oyster farming * Age at which the oyster is ready for the table * Its best qualities * The enemies of the oyster * Lobsters

CHAPTER SIXTEEN ~ ODDS AND ENDS ABOUT FISHES: Strange and varied characters of fishes * The money of commerce in some countries * Form of fishes * The tail the great organ of motion * Air or swimming bladder * Respiration * Baits made attractive by scents * Nostrils of fishes * Taste * Touch * ScaIes * Eyes * Teeth * Hearing * Brain * Eggs * * Uses of fish * Curative properties of certain fish * The torpedo * Violent shocks * Electric apparatus described * Effects produced on fishermen * The electric eel * Its physical properties * The sting ray * Enormous fins * The great and little weever * Stinging powers of the physalis * Sucking fishes * Sea owl * Snail * Lumpsucker * The sea lamprey * Its powerful sucker * Lainpreys fed on human flesh * The gunard fish * Peculiarities * Many species remarkable for beauty of colors * The sea scorpion * Sticklebacks * The flying gunard * Emits phosphoric light * Flying fishes * Musical fish * The devil fish * Its enormous size and strength * Devil fish taken in Delaware Bay * Monstrous skates * The fishing frog or angler * Description * Mode of attracting its prey * Capture of an immense saw fish * An East Indiaman attacked by a sword-fish * Do1phin * Atlantic species * Cat-fish * Sucking fish * Sea peacock * Blue fish * The true dolphin described * Pursue the flying fish * The common mackerel a beautiful fish * The John Dory * The boar fish * The opah or king fish * The red mullet * Purchased at enormous prices * The basse or sea perch * The Mediterranean Apogon * The lettered seranus * The choetocion * The Archer * A favorite with the Chinese * The Riband shaped fish family * The butterfly fish * Wrasses, or old wives of the sea * The rainbow * Parrot fish * The scarus * The sea horse * The chimera or rabbit fish * Repulsive form * Beauty of colors intended for the admiration of man

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN ~ SHELLS: Wonderful shaping and moulding of shells * The structure of shells adapted to the requirements of the inhabitant * Apparatus of two shelled animals * Power over the valves * Conchology * Shells formerly regarded as toys * She1ls of southern Europe * Greater portion of shell animals carnivorous * Shells of tropical America * Western coasts of Africa * The harp shell * The cockle * The cwry * Beautiful and rare shells found on the coasts of Australia * Deep sea shells * Lowest part of the earth consist of shell remains * Shells used for making roads * Helix or snail genus * The clam or bear's paw * Varieties of shells * Formation of Pam shells * Sea shells perform an important part in the economy of nature * Use of shells multifarious * Trumpet shell * Shell fish as an article of food * Giant clams * Porcelain shells * Roaring buckie harp shells * Fountain shells * Razor shells * Trough shells

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN ~ BIRDS: Number and variety of marine birds * Roosting p1aces * The gull family * General description * Some gulls expert in breaking the shells of mollusks * Tricks played by seamen on gulls * The skuas * The petrels * Among the most interesting of marine birds * The storm petrel * Sea swallows * The albatros * A great fish eater * The divers * Expert fishers * The guillernots * The great ausk * Puffiin or sea parrot * The penguins * Darwin’s description of the “jackass” penguin * The cormorant * Trained to fish by some nations * The pelican * Peculiar pouch for storing fish * The ganet * Assemble at breeding times in myriads on the bass rocks * The hooper or wild swan * The great sea eagles * The osprey and its fishing habits * The tropic sea birds * The frigate bird * Its tyrannical treatment of the booby

CHAPTER NINETEEN ~ SUPERSTITIONS CONNECTED WITH THE OCEAN: Seamen naturally superstitious * Incidents regarded as prodigies * Phantom ship * Power of raising tempests at sea by witchcraft * Incident to James VI. of Scotland * Wind pillars * Double sight * Apparitions at sea * Rats leaving a ship * Omens for good or evil * Crows as guides to mariners * The ancient mariner * Carrying dead bodies in ships * Good luck * Bad luck * Curious reflections * Sea divinities of the ancient times

CHAPTER TWENTY ~ MARINE PRODIGIES: The Krasken a wonderful sea monster * Able to pull men-of-war to the bottom of the ocean * The sea serpent * marvelous stories related by our sailors * Account forwarded to the admiralty * Fishes of the ribbon family may give rise to what are called sea serpents * Mermaids and women * Icelandic description of a mermaid * P. T. Barnum's famous exhibition * The manatee * The dugong * The ste1lerus * A mermaid shown in London in 1822

CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE ~ MONSTERS OF THE DEEP ~ SEA DRAGONS: Gigantic reptiles inhabiting the ocean before the deluge * Huge sea lizards * Limestone rocks at Lyme Regis * Dragons in story books * Description of the sea lizard * Head like a crocodile * Numerous immense teeth * Enormous eyes * Body like that of a fish * The plesiosaurus * Peculiarities of this huge monster * Head like a lizard * Teeth of a crocodile * Neck of enormous length * Body rounded. like that of a marine turtle * Its habits described * The teleosaurus * The great pirate of the ocean * Armed to the teeth * Its enormous jaws * Able to swallow animals as large as an ox * The moesusaurus * Thought to be a crocodile

CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO ~ SUBMARINE SCENERY ~ ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE: The earth has its counterpart in the ocean * Glory of submarine scenery * In the tropics * China seas * Deepest colors of fishes and marine vegetation in the tropical seas * The Indian Ocean * Splendid colors of tropical fishes * Flowers of the ocean * Abundance and beauty of marine fauna * Wonders of coral scenery * Coput medusae, or basket fish * Anemones the loveliest ornaments of sea-gardens * Sea anemones a hungry class * Clearness of the waters of the red sea * Sea slug and sea cucumber * Waters of the North Sea remarkable for its transparency * Submarine forests and meadows * A sea covered with weeds * Enormous expanse of the Atlantic Ocean covered with vegetation * Seaweeds brought from a great depth * The true seaweed * Beauty of smaller varieties * Marine plants vie with land-flowers * Seaweeds as food * Numerous applications of seaweeds

CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE ~ THE BED OF THE OCEAN ~ DEEP SEA SOUNDINGS: Beauty of the tropical ocean * Average depth of the sea * Long a difficult question * First determined by the U. S. navy * Mode of taking soundings * Brooks’ sounding apparatus * The telegraph plateau * No currents below 3,000 feet * No decomposition at extreme depths * The sea a great nursery * Animal life at extreme depths * Preservation of marine life * Conclusions of Professors Bailey and Ehrenburg * Deep sea dredging expeditions * Food of deep water anima1s * Limestone formations

CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR ~ PHENOMENA OF THE OCEAN: Optical illusions in Arctic seas * The 1nirage * Vivid description by Dr. Hayes * Aurora Borealis, or “Northern Daybreak ” * Origin supposed to be electrical * Other luminous meteors * Halos and mock suns * The ice blink * Tide rip and Sea drift * Evaporation and precipitation * Formation of water-spouts * Perilous escape from a water-spout * Tornadoes and typhoons * The trade winds * Explanation of atmospheric currents * Their functions * The monsoon * Its beneficial eflects * Hurricanes and cyclones * Description of the Bore and Egre * Sub-marine earthquakes and volcanoes * Islands rising from the sea * Cause * Red fog, or shower-dust

CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE ~ OCEAN STEAMSHIPS: Universal interest respecting the “ocean palaces ” * Fulton’s “ Clermont” * Her size and rate of speed * Her first trip from New York to Albany * Terrific appearance * Contrasted with modern steamships * The Anchor Line of Steamships * The City of Rome * The largest passenger steamer afloat * Her remarkable dimensions * Minute description of her interior

CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX ~ THE SIGNAL SERVICE: Various modes of signaling * Field telegraph trains * Instruction of officers and men for the service * Branches taught * N umber of stations with equipments * Inauguration of the "Weather Bureau” * Co-operation of Agricultural and other societies * Rapid expansion of the work * Improvement of instruments * Superior to European systems * Mode of preparing the daily weather-map * Predicting rise and fall of great rivers * Great benefit to interstate commerce * Storm signals described * Universal benefit of the Signal Service * International code of flag-signals * Incidents illustrating the service

CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN ~ THE LIFE-SAVING SERVICE: Development of the system * Number of stations * Appliances * Patrol men on duty * Wreck of the “J. H. Hortzell” * The “ Life Boat Coming ” * A terrible journey * Relief at hand * The “ short-cut” * The frightful spectacle * The perilous descent * Preparations for the rescue * The breeches-buoy * Life car attached * The crew saved * Wreck of the schooner "A. B. Goodman ” * To the rescue * Sublime heroism displayed

CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT ~ LIGHTHOUSES AND BEACONS: The “Pharos" * The oldest lighthouse * One of the seven wonders of the world * Colossal statue of Apollo at Rhodes * Lighthouse on the Eddystone rocks * Originally built by Winstanlev * His sad fate * The Bell-Rock * The “ Skerryvore ” on coast of Scotland * Minot’s Ledge lighthouse * Modes of signaling in fogs * Coal or wood fires formerly used * Later adaptations * The electric light * Life in a lighthouse * Appointments to position of keeper * How obtained * The sea veteran

ILLUSTRATIONS INCLUDE: Aurora Borealis in Artie Regions * Albatross * Archer Fish * Arctic Chimaeridar * Boats Stranded by the Tide * Breaking up of Icebergs * Boobie * Common Carp * Cormorant * Cramp Fish * Coral * Drag Net * Diver at Work * Devil Fish * Electric Eel * Esquimaux Seal Hunters * Frozen to Death * Fleet of Medusae * Flying Fish * Frog Fish * Father Lasher * Fight between Walrus and Polar Bears * Frightful Encounter with Sharks * Gurnard * Greenland Whale * Gigantic Cuttle-Fish * Globe Fish * Great Auk * Golden Penguin * Hurricane * Halibut * Herring Fishing * Ice Blink * Luminosity of the Sea * Launching the Life Boat * Lamprey Eel * Lump Fish * Monsters before the Flood * Montauk Lighthouse * Mirage * Northern Lights * Ocean Shells * Penguins * Pipe Fish * Piles Covered with Mussels * Pearl-Divers at Work * Pearl-Producing Shells * Potwal * Punt of the Marsh * Skate Fish * Sword Fish * Sea Shells * Swell at Sea * Sticklebacks—Nest-building Fishes * Shark Fishing * Stratagem of the White Bear * Submarine Scenery of the Indian Ocean * Sections of Ocean Cable * Steamship City of Rome * Ship in a Storm * Spring Tide * Ship under Full Sail * Ship in the Ice * Submarine Scenery * Sponge-Divers at Work * Sponge in its Natural State * Sea Lions * Tree Coral * The Nautilus * The Albatross * Whiting Fish Wandering Ghaetodon * Walrus * Water-spout, First and Second Stages * Water-spout, Third Stage * Water-spout in the Mediterranean

(Note: Some of the photos below are from one of my previous sales of this title on eBay. I use them as a time-saver, since the same illustrations are featured in the book currently at auction. There may be slight variations in foxing/toning, etc.)

Remember folks, this is an 1886 original. This book is 138 years old.


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