What a wonderful look at life in 1800’s.  This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Marion County and its people.


This is a scanned copy on CD of the original book published in 1883.


The History


Marion County,





A History of the County; its Townships, Towns, Churches, Schools, etc ; General and Local Statistics; Military Record; Portraits of Early Settlers and Prominent Men ; History of The Northwest Territory;

History of Ohio; Miscellaneous

matters, etc., etc.





Leggett, Conway & Co.




1132 pages on 1 CD

An essential resource for Genealogists

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.

This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * 






Geographical Position

Early Explorations

Discovery of Ohio

English Explorations and Settlements

American Settlements

Division of the Northwest Territory

Tecumseh and the War of 1812

Black Hawk and the Black Hawk War






History of Ohio

French History

Ordinance of 1787, No. 32

The War of 1812


The Canal System

Ohio Land Tracts


State Boundaries

Organization of Counties

Description of Counties

Early Events

Governors of Ohio

Ancient Works

Some General Characteristics

Outline Geology of Ohio

Ohio's Bank During the War

A Brief Mention of Prominent Ohio Generals

Some Discussed Subjects


Comments upon the Ordinance of 1787, from the

Statutes of Ohio. Edited by Salmon P.

Chase, and Published in the year 1833






CHAPTER I.Geology, Zoology, Meteorology

Situation and Area

Surface, Features and Soil

Geological Structure

Material Resources








CHAPTER II. — Indians and Early Settlement


F. C. Buehrmund's Collection

Other Collections

Historic or Modern Indians

The Tribes of this Vicinity

The Burning of Col. William Crawford

The Wyandots and Delawares

The Greenville Treaty

Capt. Beckley's Reminiscences of Indian


Last Exodus of the Indian

The Wyandot's Farewell Song

Early White Occupants of Ohio

Early Settlement of Marion County

First Marriages

The First Deed

The First Will


CHAPTER III—Pioneer Life

The Log Cabin

Sleeping Accommodations


Women's Work

Religious Worship


Trade and Money


Agricultural Implements

Hog Killing

Wild Hogs

Bee Hunting

The Shakes


Spelling and Singing Schools

Guarding Against Indians


A Retrospect


CHAPTER IV.—Reminiscences

By Capt. George Beekley

By William La Rue

By Daniel S. Drake

By Henry Peters

By Joseph Morris



Marion County

First County Officers and their Work


The County Seat

The First Court House

The Proposed Court House

The Jail


Wall Maps

County Atlas

Table of Air Line Distances

Post Offices in Marion County


CHAPTER VI.—Political

Log Cabin Campaign of 1840


Election Returns

Representatives in Congress

State Senators

Representatives to the Legislature

County Officers

First Justices of the Peace

Personal Sketches


CHAPTER VII.—Bench and Bar


The Bench

The Common Pleas Court

Some of the Associate Judges

Bill Anderson

The Bar of the Past

The Bar of the Present


CHAPTER VIII.—Material Progress


First Roads and Turnpikes


Proposed Railroads

Express and Telegraph


Marion County Agricultural Society

Patrons of Husbandry

Fine Stock

Marion County Importing Company

Manufactures in 1881

Buildings, value of, in 1881

Valuation of Property

Financial Condition of the County


CHAPTER IX—Religion, Temperance, Education,

Literature and Art


County Bible Society

County Sunday School Union




Marion Art School



CHAPTER X.—Medical

Early Physicians of Marion County

First County Bible Society

The New Organization



Early Marion Journals

The Independent

The Mirror

Daily Star

Prospect Advocate

La Rue News

Caledonia Argus


CHAPTER XII—Miscellaneous








CHAPTER I.Earlier Wars

Revolutionary War

War of 1812

Mexican War




CHAPTER III.—War of the Rebellion


CHAPTER IV.—Regimental Histories and Soldiers' Roster

War Reminiscences of James F. Mohr







CHAPTER I.Marion Village

Jacob's Well

War Road

First Settlers

General Progress

Marion in 1825

Marion in 1827

Marion in 1828

Sundry Beginnings

Reminiscences of Marion

Business Establishments

Municipal History


Secret Societies


Miscellaneous Societies

Two Great Fires


Marion Township

Biographical Sketches


CHAPTER II.— Big Island Township

Biographical Sketches


CHAPTER III.— Rowling Green Township

Biographical Sketches


CHAPTER IV.—Claridon Township

Biographical Sketches


CHAPTER V.—Grand Township

Biographical Sketches


CHAPTER VI.—Grand Prairie Township

Biographical Sketches


CHAPTER VII.—Green Camp Township

Biographical Sketches


CHAPTER VIII—Montgomery Township

Biographical Sketches


CHAPTER IX—Pleasant Township

Biographical Sketches


CHAPTER X.—Prospect Township

Biographical Sketches


CHAPTER XI—Richland Township

Biographical Sketches


CHAPTER XII.—Salt Rock Township

Biographical Sketches


CHAPTER XIII.—Scott Township

Biographical Sketches


CHAPTER XIV.—Tully Township

Biographical Sketches


CHAPTER XV.—Waldo Township

Biographical Sketches













[Ex-Union soldiers are marked with a *.]

Abel, Christian

Abston, John N.

Ackerman, Henry

Adams, Benjamin C.

Allen, Curtis

Allen, E. G.

*Allinger, G. C.

Almendinger, Jacob

Amrine, David

Anderson, Ezra

Anderson, James H.

Anderson, John

Anderson, Joseph

Anderson, Thomas J.

Anderson, Mrs. Sarah

Anselment, John W.

Apt, George W.

*Apt, Capt. Jacob F.

Aronhalt, William

Augenstein, Daniel

Augenstein, George F.

Augenstein, W. D.

*Ault, George W.

Ault, John A.

Aye, Melville C.

Aye, Morris J.

Backus, Thomas

Bader, Samuel

Bain, John

*Bain, William

Bain, William (deceased)

Bair, A. J.

Baker, Charles

Baker, Hon. Eber

Baldinger, Jacob

Barks. George F.

Bartram. Hon. John

Bartraml Samuel H.

Bates, Rev. Samuel D.

Battenfeld, J.

Bauer, Philip


Bean, D. J.

Beckley, Mrs. Eliza

Beckley, F. C.

Beckley, Capt. George

Bechtold, Christian

Bechtold, John C.

Bee, Judge Thomas

Beerbower, Peter

*Beerbowar, Samuel T.

Behner, Gottleib

Behner, John

Bell, David M.

Bell, Jonathan

Bell, J. L.

Bell, Layfayette

Bell, Mrs. Margaret

Bell, Samuel

Bender, Philip

Bennett, Judge Sanford S.

Berger, Jacob

Beringer, John

Berridge, Samuel

Berry, James H.

Berry, James R.

*Berry, William A.

Biggerstalf, Friend

Billings, Joseph

Birch, David

Birch, Martin J.

Blanchard. John

Bland, William

Boalt, Charles L.

Bonham, Harrison

*Bonham, Timothy C.

Bottenfield, Meeker

Bowdish, Dr., Russell C.

Bowen, Hon. Ozias

*Bower, David J.

Bower, Jacob P.

Boyd, Austin A .

Boyd, John Wesley

Boyd, Robert A

Boyd, Robert G

Boynton, Cashius

Brady, Albert J.

Brady, B. D.

Bretz, Andrew D.

Brewer, Emery

Bricker, John

Brigel, Michael

Briggs, Silas W.

Briggs, W. W.

*Brinker, John

Britton , James

Britton, Mrs. Mary S.

Brenizer, Dr. N.

Brown, Ellis W

Brown, Ezekiel

Brown, George

Brown, Hon. William

Brocklesby, William

Brownlee, D.W.

Brownlee, James

Brugger, John

Brundige Family

Biundige, John

Brundige, John F.

Brunner, Hon. L. A.

Bryan, James E.

Bunker, Peleg

Burdge, Marshall S.

Burkhart, John S.

Burtsfield, John

Busby, Hon. George H.

Bush, Frederick

Camp, B.J.

Campbell, Francis

Campbell, Michael

Campbell, W. J.

Carey, William A.

Chard, David

Chase, M. B.

Christian, George B.

Christian, Dr. J. M.

Christanz, John

Church, James

Church, Oliver

Clark, A. L.

Clark, David M.

Clark, Enoch

Clark, Oeorge S.

Clark, Isaac

Clark, John G.

*Clark, Joseph

*Clark, Nathan

Clark, Robert T.

Cark, Samuel W.

Cark, William N.

Clary, Michael

Cleveland, Sumner

Click, Michael

Cline, Jerome N.

*Cline, William H.

*Clowes, H. R.

*Cluff, Ami

Clutter, William

Cochran, Alexander

Codding, J. Q.

Coify, James

*Cole, Ira B.

Cole, William

Conch, Simeon A.

Concklin, W. W.

Conklin, Ezra M.

Conklin, Jacob S.

Conley, Edmund

Coon, Elkana

Coons, C.

Conrad, George W.

Conrad, Harry

Coonrod, Mrs. Mary

Cook Brothers

Cook, Frank M.

Cook, G. W.

Cook, Dr. E. R.

Coulter, J. Harvey

Court, B. Frank

Court, George

Court, John J.

Court, Jr., Joseph

Court, Joseph

Court, Stephen A.

Court, William F.

Copeland, George D.

Copeland, Dr., Joshua

Copeland, Josiah S.

Coutu, Joseph B.

*Cranmer, A.

*Cratty, Joseph

Cratty. Robert

*Crawford, George

Crissinger, David

Crissinger, Elias

Crissinger, John

Criswell, Dr. John H.

Croft, John

Croft. Samuel

Cromer, Christian H.

Cross, T. A.

Crowley, James

Culbertson, James

Cull, John

Cummin, T. S.

*Cunningham, H. H.

Cunningham, Isaac D.

Curl, Mrs. Sarah E.

Curren, Hugh

Cusick, Bartholomew

Cyphers, Barnet

Davids, John E.

Davis, Dr. B. W.

*Davis, John J.

Davis, Josiah T.

Davis, Nehemiah

Davis, Richard B.

*Davis. William Z.

Day, Allen

Day, Samuel

Deal, Harrison S.

Deal, Henry

Delauder, George D.

Denison, L.

*Denman, Isaac

Denman, Dr. William C.

Denman, William E.

Dennig, William C.

Devore, Hon. James W.

Dickson, Isaac

Dickson, Thomas

Dickson, W. H.

Diebold, John

Diegle, George

Dietrich, Philip

Dilts, Austin M.

Dilts, Peter

*Dix, Clark

Dix, Elijah

Dodd, Thomas P.

Dodds, S. C.

Dombaugh, Philip

*Donithen, Alfred L.

Douce, Mrs. Ann

Douce, George W.

Douce, James L.

Douce, Richard R.

Douce, William T.

Dowling, John W.

Drake, Daniel S.

Drake, Francis M.

Drake, Capt. William S.

*Drake, Dr. William S.

*Drollsbough, John

Dumble, John B

*Dunible, Samuel R.

Dumm, R. D.

Duncan, Thomas

Dutt, Philip

Dutton, Benjamin P.

*Durfee, Bradford R.

Durfee, E.

Ehlers, John

Eibling, Gottleib

*Elseroad, John W.

Emery, James

Emery, Martih

Epley, Francis M.

Evans, John

Everett, William

Everhardt, John

Farnum, Dr. J. L.

Fatzler, Jacob F.

Fehl, Valentine

Fetter, Jr., George

Fields, Eward D.

Fields, John

Fields, Joseph

Fies, William

Fink, Mrs. Elizabeth

Firstenberger, Daniel

Firstenberger, Elias

Firstenberger, Jacob

Fish, Samuel

Fish, Samuel A.

Fisher, Charles C.

Fisher, J.B.

Fisher, T. B.

Fisher, William

Flaherty, Anthony

Folk, Byron

Foos, John A.

Foos, Hiram K.

*Fox, Jr., Jacob F.

Fox, Sr. Jacob F.

Frame, H. C.

*Francis, Joseph A.

Francis, P. K.

Free, Adam

Free, Dr., Daniel

Frederick, John L.

*Gable, Abraham

*Gabler, William

Garberson, Charles F.

Garberson, Judge John R.

Gavin, Henry C.

Glaivin, William

Gast, Christian

Gast, Christian

Gast, David

Gast, George

Gast, G. F.

Gast, John B.

Gast, John M.

Gast, Philip M.

Gast, Rev. Philip

Gearhiser, George W.

Gearhiser, Jacob

Giddis, .John ,T.

Gillespie, Evan

Gillespie, Noah

Glidden, Dr. T. J.

Qodman, H. C.

*Godman, James H.

Gotnpf, J. G.

Gompf, John P.

Gooding, Charles H.

Gooding, George

Gooding, John

Gorenflo, Frederick, Jr.

Gorton, Hezekiah

Gracely, Christian

Gracely, Christopher

Grant, Samuel H.

Gray, George

Gray, J. F.

Gregory, James D.

Grimke, Frederick

Griswold, S. A.

Gruber, Abraham

Gruber, Sidney W.

Gruber, Thomas B.

Gugle, John

Gurley, John

Gurley, John

Gunn, Lewis

Guthery, Hon. John D.

Guthery, Philip E.

Guthrie, Joseph D.

Guthrie, J. H.

Haberman, Christian

Haberman, Fred

*Haberman, John

Hahn, Dr. Charles

Hain, Adam

Hain, Daniel

Hain, Henry

*Haines, Columbus L.

Haines, L.C.

Haines, Mrs. M. F.

Haines, M. W.

Halloway, Dr. George

Halt, Frederick

Hane, Hon. J.J.

Hanley, John

*Harrah, Mathew

Harraman, Aaron

Harraman, James

Harraman, M. J.

Harris, Jacob

Harris, John

Harrison, John V.

Harrison, Michael R.

Hardy, Capt. Elisha

Harder, Perry

Harper, Charles

Harper, James

Harsch, Wesley

Harshberger, J. R.

Harshberger, L. D.

Harvey, D. H.

Harvey, James M.

Harvey, Paul G.

Harvey, Thomas

Hastings, John

Hastings, John D.

Hastings, Hunter

Havens, Mrs. James

Hazen, Martin L.

Hecker, Jacob

Heimlich, John

Heiner, John

Heller, Uev. J. M.

Henness, George

Henderson, Mrs. Martha

Herbster, Benjamin K.

Hettler, Frederick G.

Higgins, David

Highly, Robert L

Hill, Alexander

Hill, Kdraon E

Hill, Hon. Robert

Hill, Samuel

Hiller, Martin

Hinds, Charles W

Hinds, John B

Hinds, Joseph D

Hinds, Mrs. R. A

Hinds, William W

Hinerman, Frederick

Hinklin, Henry

Hinklin, Mrs. Susan

Hippie, Dr. J. R.

Hipsher, Adam

Hipsher, Lemma

Hipsher, Uriah

Hipsher, Z. W.

Hite, Benjamin F.

Hoberman, H. C.

Hoch, Enoch

Hodder, Thomas H.

Holverstott, Jacob

Holverstott, Henry J.

Holverstott, La Fayette J.

Holverstott, Michael

Holverstott, Peter W.

Holmes, William

*Hood, John

Hopkins, Archibald

Hopkins, Hon. John J.

Hopkins, Reuben

Hopkins, Bobert

Hord, Amaziah H.

Hord, Hon. Peyton

Hostetter, John G.

Houser, Anthony

Howison, John H.

Howser, Andrew H.

Howser, Jacob

Howser, James

Howser, John H.

Huber, Edward

Hudson, John

Hudson, Mrs. Sarah A.

Hughes, Evan

Hull, E. H.

Hull, William

Hume, John F.

Hume, S.

Humphrey, David J.

Hummer, Mrs. Pauline

Hummer, William T.

Hunter, Hezekiah

Hurd, Adolphus R.

Idlemau, C. M.

Idleman, Rev., Jacob

Idleman, Silas

Imbody, John

Irey, James S.

*Irey, John F.

*Irey, Harrison H.

Irvine, James and Brothers

Iosleib, Frederick A.

Jackson, Abner M.

Jacoby, Michael

Jones, Albert

Jones, Andrew J.

Jones, David

Jones, John

Jones, Levi

Jones, Nelson

Johnson, James

Johnson, John

Johnson, Joseph E.

Johnson, Mrs. Martha

Johnson, R. H.

Johnson, Mrs. Sarah E.

Johnson, William C. M. D.

Johnson, William G., Jr.

Johnson, William G., Sr.

Johnston, Elizabeth

Johnston, J. C.

Johnston, Jesse T.

Johnston, John N .

Johnston, Bezin W.

Kanable, Byron

Keiler, Jacob

Keller, C. F.

Keller. Gottlop

Kelley, Tim

Kellogg, George

Kemper, Benjamin G.

Kennedy, J. W.

"'Kennedy, Thadeus C.

Kennedy, W. K.

Kerr, Mrs. Jane

Kerr, Robert

Key, George

*Keyes, George W.

*Kibler, John

King, A. L. D.

King, George J.

King, James

King, John

King, Samuel H.

Kinsler, John

Kinsler, John H.

Kinnamon, William

Kirts, William

Knapp, James W.

*Knapp, John R.

*Knachel, Emmanuel

Knickel, Christian

Kniekel, Henry

Knight, George C.

Knowles, Capt. Hiram

Kling, Amos H.

Klingel, Adam

Klingel, Lucas

Klinefelter, Joseph

Kolb, Jacob

*Koons, Hiram A.

Kridler, Alexander

Kramer, William C.

Kraner, Christian

Lafferty, William F.

Lance, Joseph

Lane, Ebenezer

*Lannon, Patrick

*Lapham, Capt. Valentine

La Rue, David H.

La Rue, Luther R.

La Rue, Maj William

La Rue, William P.

La Tourrette, Abram

Lawrence, Charles W.

Lawrence, Daniel

Lawrence, George

Lawrence, George E.

Lawrence, James

Lawrence, William

Leatham, Henry

Lee, John C.

Lee, Noah

Leech, Dr. W. C.

Leeper, William

Leffler, Andrew

Leffler, Charles W.

Leffler, Godfrey

Leffler, J. G .

Leffler, John F.

Lenox, Luke

Leonard, James H

Leonard, John E

Likins, James

Lindsay, James

Lindsey, J. F.

Lindsay, Oliver

Lingo, Edward H.

Linn, Daniel

Linn, Philip Jr.

Lippincott, Christopher S.

*Little, David D.

Little, James M.

Livingston, J.

Long, James

Longacre, Elmus

*Lucas, H. S.

Lust, Jacob D.

Lust, John F.

Luvisi, Daniel

Mack, George

Mack, Albright

Mahaffey, Samuel

Malone, John W.

Manning, Jabez P.

Marggraf, Charles T.

Marggraf, Gustavus

Magruder, T. J.

Markert, J. C.

Markey, John

Martin, Jacob F.

Martin, John

*Martin, John T.

Mason, Isaac

Mason, Joseph

Marsh, James F.

Marshall, Dr. Samuel B.

Matthews, Albin D.

Matthews, John

Matthews, John B.

Matthews, J. N.

Mautz, Jacob

McClellan, Mrs. Elizabeth

McClenathan, John L.

McDole, John W.

McDonald, James

McDonald, J. S.

McDowell, John Adair

McElheny, Thomas D.

McElheny, Theodore

McKinstry, Mathew

McMurray, Dr. A. B.

*McMurray, Thomas J.

McNeal, Allen

*McNeal, J. F.

McNeff, Thomas

McWherter, William B.

Mears, George N.

Mears. Robert

Meinhart, John

Melvin, Mrs. Elizabeth (Adair)

Melvin, William A.

Merchant, Isaac A.

Merchant, John T.

Merrill, John

Merritt, Caleb

*Messenger, Col. Everett

Messenger, Mrs. Elizabeth M.

Messenger, Orren

Messenger, Reuben W.

Messenger, Mrs. Patience

Metcalf Benjamin F.

Metz, Henry

Metz, James

Metz, Leonard

Metzger, John

*Miller, Mathew G.

Miller, Jacob, Jr.

Miller, Mrs. Mary

Miller, Obadiah

Miller, T. S.

Miller, Thomas S.

Miller, Washington E.

Miller, William

Milisor, Jacob

Millisor, Barney F.

*Morgenthaler, Henry

Mohr, C. L .

Mohr, David

*Mohr, James F.

Monnett, Abraham

Monnett, Josephus

Monnett, John T.

Monnett, M. H.

Morral, David

Morral, Milton

Morral, Samuel, Jr.

Morral, Samuel, Sr.

Morral, William L .

Mollov, Edmond L.

Moon, Henry N.

Moore, Charles

Moore, John E.

Moore, William II

Morris, Albert B.

Morris, John R.

Morris, Joseph

Morris, Joseph

Morris, Rev. William R.

Morrow, Adam T.

Morrow Brothers

*Morrow, James M.

Morrow, John F.

Morrow, Joseph

Morrow, Joseph K.

Mounts, Amos C.

Mouser, Isaac

Mouser, David

Mouser, Dr. J. A.

Mouser, John B.

Mouser, Robert

Muntsinger, W. M.

Mustain, James C.

Myers, Elias

Myers, Gilbert N.

Myers, John J.

Myers, Jonathan

Myers, Mrs. Mary

Mvers, William J.

Neff, Mrs. Rosanna

Neimeyer, Conrad

Neimeyer, Reuben

Nesbitt, Henry W.

Neubauer, Charles

Newcomer, James K.

Nickelson, Jobn

Norton, Alson

Norris, C. H.

Noyes, Charles

O'Hara, Lara

Orr, Joseph

Osborne, A.

Osborn, Lewis

Osbun, Nathaniel

Owens, Mrs. Jane

Owen, William T.

Parker, William E.

Patten, Charles L.

Patten, Benjamin R.

Patten, L. L.

Patten, Orren

Patten, Dr. Milton

Payne, M. V.

Penry, David

Penry, John P.

Penry, Thomas L.

Pettibone, Milo D.

Peters, Capt. Ebenezer

Peters, Harvey

Peters, Nathan

Peters, Wilson

Pettey, Hugh B.

Pettit, David

Pfeiffer, John

Phillips, Philip

Phillips. Thomas

Pittmau, Mrs. Jane M.

Plotner, Mrs. Sarah

Pommert, Christian

Porter, David H.

Postles, George H.

Prettyman, Cord H.

Prettyman, David

Pugh, Thomas

Pugh, Wesley

Raichley, Lewis F.

Ramer, Henry

Ramer, Winfield S.

Ranck, Lewis

Randall, John

Randall, Kelsey E.

Randall, M. F.

Rapp, William C.

Raub, William L .

Rayl, James

Rayl, John

Rayl, Samuel L.

Reber, Felix

Redd, Philip O.

Redding, J W.

Reed, J. S.

Reeser, William

Reid, William II

Reiley, John (3d)

Reiner, Godfrey

Reiner, Jacob

Betierer, David

Retterer, George

Retterer. Jacob

Rhoads, George

Rhoads, Henry

Rhoads, Milton H.

Rice, E. Melvin

Rice, John

Rider, Harvey

Ridgway, John H.

Riley, Ellas

Riley, James B.

Riley, John P.

Riley, John S.

Riley, S. R.

Riley, William

Riley, Horace W.

Ringer, Jacob C.

Rinker, George C.

Ritzier, George A.

Roads, J. Q.

Roberts, J. J.

Roberts, Thomas

Roberts, Madison

Robinson, Alexander

Robinson, Daniel T.

Robinson, Thomas M.

Robinson, William H.

Robbins, William

Rowe, George

Rosencrans, Hon. John

Rosencrans, S. F.

Roston, Mrs. Catherine

Roston, Miles

Rubins, Edward H.

Rubins, Joseph S.

Ruehrmund, F. C.

Rundle, Mrs. Minerva

Runyan, Noah M.

Rupp. S. H.

Russell, William A.

Russell, William M.

Ruthardt, Jacob

Rutter, Orsamus

Sager, Benjamin

Sager, Benjamin F.

Salmon, George E.

Sappington, John A.

Sargent, Richard

Sawyer, Dr. Charles E.

Schaft'ner, Henry

Schaaf, Jacob A.

Schoenlaub, Jacob

Schoenlaub, Jacob J.

Schneider, John

Schotte, Henry

Schrote, Jacob

Schweinfurth, George

Scofield, Capt. William E.

Scofield, Will E.

Scott, Dr. J.K.

Scranton, Leroy

Scranton, Warner

Seaburn, Jacob

Seckel, Andrew

Seckel, Thomas M.

Seckel, Washington

Seiter, Daniel, Sr

Sells, P. C.

Sharp, Henry II

Sharpless, P.

Sharrock, Timothy

Shewey, David

Shields, D. A.

Short, John

Short, Henry L.

Shoots, Barton

Shoots, Landy

Showen, Peter

Shrock, Adam

Shupp, Isaac

Sifritt, Joseph II

Simons, Mrs. Lydia

Slagle, Jacob

Slagle, Joseph

Slanser, Joseph

Sloan, Wm. B.

Sataith, David

Smith, Isaac

Smith, James

Smith, J.K.

Smith, John J.

Smith, John S.

Smith, Samuel

Smith, S. N.

Smith, Thomas

Smith, T. R.

*Smith, William J.

Snyder, George

Spelman, E. G.

Sprague, Sarah

Sprague, William H.

Stahl, B. F.

Stallsnutli, William M.

Steinhelfer, Christopher

Stiffler, Alpheus

Stockman, Daniel

Strelitz, Julius

Strinc, John

*Sulser, Jacob H.

Suit, Joseph

Sutter, Rev. John J.

Sutton, Rev. Jeremiah A.

*Sweney, Dr. Robert L.

Swinnerton, James

Swinnerton, James (deceased)

Taylor, Amos

Tavenner, Addison

Terpany, Charles H.

Terry, Chauipness

Thew, Henry

Thew, John W.

Thew, Richard

Thew, P. B.

Thew, William

Thew, William P.

Thomas, Charles E.

Thomas, Dr. F. W.

Thomas, John H.

Thomas, William B.

Thompson, Thomas A.

Thomasson, Albert

Thomasson, John D.

*Thomasson, Richard H.

*Titus, Major S. N.

*Titus, John C.

Tidd, A. M.

Toplift', Mrs. Dorcas

*Travis, John B.

Treese, Henry

Tristram, Bartholomew

Trumbo, Emanuel

Trumbo, Henry

True, Henry

True, Dr. H. A.

*Turney, Clark

Turney, W. A.

*Uhler, Ira

Ulsh, David

Ulsh, George

Ulsh, Harrison

Ulsh, John

Ulsh, Levi

Ulsh, Samuel

Uncapher, Andrew

Uncapher, Daniel

Uncapher, Edward W.

Uncapher, Isaiah

Uncapher, James O.

Uncapher, John A.

Uncapher, John G.

Uncapher, Joseph

Uncapher., Martin V.

Uncapher, Thomas J.

*Underwood, Benjamin E.

Underwood, Elihu F.

Vanarsdall, Mrs. Lucy

*Van Fleet, H. T.

*Van Houten, Charles

*Vanorsdall, John A.

Vaughau, James H.

Virden, George W.

Virden, Henry H

Virden, Henry M

Virden, Joshua D

Virden, T. D

Virden, William A.

Virden, William J.

Waddel, William

Walters, Daniel

Walters, G. W.

Walters, James C.

Wall, Joseph S.

Wallace, Thomas P.

Waples, Eli

Ward, Washington P.

*Watkins, Ephraim II

Watkins, Thomas P.

Watkins, Watkin

Watkins, Watt

Watson, Cooper K.

Weaver, John II

*Weber, Jacob

Weeks, Mrs. Jeannette

*Weeks, O. W.

Weir, Samuel

Weisel, Redden S.

Weist, Philip

Welch, Solomon B.

Weston, David M.

Weston, John

Wheat, Almeron

Wick, George J.

Wilcox, Hira

Williams, Andrew M.

Williams, Benjamin

Williams, George W.

Williams. John J.

Wilson, Amos H.

Wilson, Richard

Wilson, Samuel

Wishek, John H.

*Wittred, William

Wittred, William P.

Wixtead, John

Wixtead, William

Wolfe, Henry R.

Wolfe, Nelson L.

Wolford, J. A.

Wolford, John G.

Wolfinger, Elias

Wolfinger, William

Wood, George S.

Wood, F. M.

Wood, Hampton

Wood, Isaac M.

Wood, Dr. James M.

Wood, William B.

Wottring, James F.

Wottring, L. H.

Wrenn, Mrs. Priscilla

Wright, G. H.

Wyatt, David H.

Wyatt Family

*Wyatt, James B.

Wyatt, John B.

Wynn, Charles

Wynn, Edward

*Wynn, Isaac

Wynn, John

Yake, Daniel

Yake, Jacob

Yake, John J.

Yauger, Mrs. Mary

Young, B. G.

Young, Gabriel M.

Young, Isaac

Zachman, Francis X.

*Zachman, Solomon

Zieg, Christian

Zieg, Justus

Ziegler, Mrs. Lydia