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Detective Stories Mystery Crime Vol 5  Lot of 20 Audiobooks in 20 MP3 Audio CDs

This is a collection of 20 classic mystery and detective stories written by various authors.

Anybody But Anne
Read by Celine Major
Running Time:06:18:51 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Narrated in the first person by Raymond Sturgis, Anne's old high-school beau, the story opens with a lavish house party hosted by the Van Wycks. David Van Wyck has suddenly decided to become a philanthropist and proposes to give away his entire fortune to the building of a new library in the community, thus leaving his family penniless. The morning following his late meeting with the library committee, David is found dead in his locked study. The Van Wyck pearls are missing as is the deed giving away the fortune. But is it murder or suicide? A detective is hired but when he fails to solve the mystery Fleming Stone is called in to wrap things up. The characters are diverse & interesting, not to mention that a few of the men are extremely anxious to become Anne's next husband.

Call Mr. Fortune
Read by Multiple Readers
Running Time:06:11:36 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Call Mr. Fortune is a collection of short stories which introduce Reginald Fortune. Reggie, like his father, is a physician. The son applies his diagnostic skills to crime-solving. As he is not a civil servant, he is free to represent the government, the accused, or the injured.

I Spy
Read by James R. Hedrick
Running Time:06:39:45 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Here is a novel whose pregnant caption suits these parlous times. . . . It's all about a German spy plot to steal two American inventions deemed of inestimable value for war use. One is a camera for taking a map of the country from an airship. The other is a process for making glass armor—coats of mail of interwoven mica and glass that Mauser bullets cannot penetrate. Washington, D. C., is the locale. . . . Almost everybody turns out to be a bit of a spy, and the last unraveling chapter certainly carries the element of complete surprise -

Jacqueline of Golden River
Victor Rousseau (1879 - 1960)
Read by Roger Melin
Running Time:7:16:32 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Jacqueline seems to have contracted a touch of amnesia, as she is found in an apartment with a dead man, and with a weapon in her hand. But she remembers nothing of any incident, remembers not her name nor where she comes from, not even why she is where she was found. She only remembers her father, and that he is in danger. Action and adventure soon follow, as Paul Hewlett and Jacqueline attempt to get answers to her questions, taking them on a journey into Quebec and points northward, and Paul knows that they are being followed during their trip. What secrets are both Jacqueline and Paul unaware of? What will they uncover following their northbound journey? Who is Jacqueline?

Max Carrados
Ernest Bramah (1868 - 1942)
Read by Don W. Jenkins
Running Time:6:42:54 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Max Carrados is a blind detective who has developed his own remaining senses to a superior level and who has enlisted the superior observations skills of his butler to fill in for any deficiency of his own. His visual deficiency is no obstacle to solving the most difficult cases. As with some better known sleuths, Mr. Carrados' feats amaze, entertain and satisfy.

Murder in the Sacristy
Daniel A. Lord (1888 - 1955)
Running Time:3:19:05 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
A sacristan is found murdered in the sacristy and the safe robbed of valuable jewels. All clues seem to point to the priest as the murderer. But is the priest the guilty party - or is it the communist - the nazi - the Senator's wife - or someone else?

This mystery novel, set in World War II Chicago, was written by Daniel A Lord, S.J., who was a priest and popular American Catholic writer. The subjects of the works in his bibliography range from religion, humor, plays, songs, mysteries and even politics. His most influential work was possibly in drafting the 1930 Production Code for motion pictures.

The Diamond Pin
Carolyn Wells (1862 - 1942)
Read by Celine Major
Running Time:05:49:24 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Eccentric and wealthy New York widow Ursula Pell loves playing cruel jokes on her guests and particularly on her niece and nephew who are destined to inherit the millions in gems left to her by her late husband. Therefore when she is found brutally murdered in a locked room the morning after a dinner party her niece Iris the most recent victim of Ursula's humiliating pranks is first suspected until all the clues point to her nephew. Where did she stash the gemstones and the much mentioned diamond pin promised Iris. Enter Fleming Stone, famous detective who hopefully can prove the innocence of the nephew, the true value of the diamond pin and discover WHO killed Mrs. Pell.

The Haunted Hotel, A Mystery of Modern Venice
Wilkie Collins (1824 - 1889)
Read by Nathalie J.
Running Time:6:59:18 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
A kind, good-hearted, genteel young woman jilted, a suspicious death or two that only a few think could be murder, strange apparitions appearing in an hotel all combine to create a horrifying conundrum. Who was the culprit and will finding out finally put an end to the mystery?

The Heart of a Mystery
L. T. Meade (1854 - 1914) and Robert Eustace (1854 - 1943)
Read by J. M. Smallheer
Running Time:03:55:07 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
The Heart of Mystery by L. T. Meade and Robert Eustace was published in 1901 in six installments in the Windsor Magazine, Vol. 14. The stories relate the adventures of a young Englishman summoned to the deathbed of an old friend in Paris who subsequently finds himself embroiled in a web of danger, espionage and intrigue.

The House by the Lock
Alice Muriel Williamson (1869 - 1933)
Read by Roger Melin
Running Time:6:13:27 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
What secrets lay within the walls of the house by the lock? What secrets, if any, are held by the man who owns that mysterious house?

A body is found in a backwater creek not far from the house by the lock, but what leads Noel Stanton on a quest to determine who the killer might be is more than merely the disappearance of his American friend Harvey Farnham. He has reason to believe that the wealthy and influential owner of the house, Carson Wildred, might somehow be implicated in the coincidental disappearance and murder. But as Stanton's search progresses, he learns that his friend is safe and sound back in the U.S. and he therefore must learn more about the house itself with its peculiar construction, it's hidden passageways, and the peculiar smoke occasionally seen rising from its inaccessible areas. But everything is accounted for by the police, the servants, and Mr. Wildred during his investigation, leaving a most strange mystery left for Stanton to unravel.

The House Without A Key
 Earl Derr Biggers (1884 - 1933)
Read by Retroindiereader
Running Time:13:43:04 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
A Boston man's travels to Hawaii to convince his aunt to return home with him, but his trip is extended after one of their relatives is murdered and he helps detective Charlie Chan to solve the mystery.

The Interrupted Kiss
Richard Marsh (1857 - 1915)
Read by Celine Major
Running Time:07:14:59 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Clare awakens in the middle of the night with no idea why. Her husband is not in his bed and as she goes in search of him she runs into her cousin Elsie who's heard a terrified shout from Rupert. When Clare returns her husband is burning papers in the grate. Next morning they discover that Uncle John a very shady and disagreeable usurer has been murdered!! Who is the culprit and will the earlier interrupted kiss ever be completed?

The Just And The Unjust
Vaughan Kester (1869 - 1911)
Read by Tom Weiss
Running Time:8:57:47 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Framed for a murder he did not commit, John North must rely on his friends to help clear him of the charge. But, are they really his friends? Many have dirty little secrets they wish to keep private, even at the expense of John North’s life. Ironically, those keeping quiet include members of the legal profession. Only one drunken man knows the true identity of the killer but he has mysteriously disappeared. Deceit and betrayal flourish in this story, with a tense conclusion.

The Midnight Passenger
Richard Henry Savage (1846 - 1903)
Read by MaryAnn Spiegal
Running Time:8:22:39 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Randall Clayton was surrounded by enemies. His father’s business partner had looked after him in the years since his father’s death. But Hugh Worthington’s motives were not altruistic – he had a secret to hide and a scheme to bring to fruition that would make him millions at Clayton’s expense. Clayton’s roommate, Arthur Ferris, had his own schemes, including stealing the affections of Worthington’s daughter away from Clayton. Clayton worked for a pittance in New York, where he was watched day and night by Worthington’s spies, and by the ruthless Fritz Braun, who plotted to rob Clayton of the large deposit that he daily carried for his employer. It seemed that Jack Witherspoon was his only friend, the only one he could trust. But Jack was sailing for Europe and neither man fully comprehended the danger that was closing in on Randall.

The Secret Tomb
Maurice Leblanc (1864 - 1941)
Read by Campbell Schelp
Running Time:08:10:01 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
'In Robore Fortuna'. What could these three words mean? Join Dorothy as she works to figure this out while simultaneously parenting orphaned boys. But beware, she may encounter hidden treasures, betrayal, and death along the way.

The Tickencote Treasure
William Le Queux (1864 - 1927)
Read by Steven Seitel
Running Time:08:34:58 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Paul Pickering is a doctor without a fixed practice, and when an old sea captain asks him to join a voyage around the Mediterranean, that's finally an exciting prospect for him. The journey goes well until they spot a most strange vessel somewhere off the coast of Algeria. It is an old Elizabethan craft that looks to have been submerged for hundreds of years and recently bubbled back up to the surface. The men board it and find that it had been hermetically sealed all these centuries, all contents intact. But it does not, as first hoped, contain gold. The men find barely legible manuscripts and a mysterious old man, who appears to be as old as the vessel itself.

The Turnpike House
Fergus Hume (1859 - 1932)
Read by Celine Major
Running Time:07:31:06 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
A prolific writer of crime and detective stories Fergus Hume is known for his clever plots. The Turnpike House is another wonderful example of his many intriguing mysteries. EXCERPT: "Suddenly there was the cry of a human being in pain. The light was extinguished, and the mists closed thicker round the ruined building; it might be to hide the sight within the room. Could the walls only have spoken they would have shouted "Murder!" with most miraculous voice. But the age of miracles being past, the walls were dumb, and there was no clamor to greet the horror of this deed done in darkness."

The Weird Picture
John R. Carling (1880? - 1920?)
Read by Multiple Readers
Running Time:08:51:16 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Frank Willard is studying in Germany when he receives a letter summoning him home for Christmas and for his brother George's wedding. His bride is to be Daphne, the love of Frank's life, leaving Frank conflicted. He decides to attend, but what has happened to George?

Vicky Van
Carolyn Wells (1862 - 1942)
Read by Celine Major
Running Time: 06:09:34 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Carolyn Wells always provides an enjoyable read and this one is probably one of her most intriguing murder mysteries. Vicky Van is a lithe, joyful and vibrant society woman beloved by all. A man named Sommers shows up uninvited at one of her famous parties. He is found murdered shortly after he follows her out of the card room and Vicky Van is seen standing next to him with blood on her dress. She disappears before the police arrive and is considered guilty. In spite of little notes she leaves here and there no one can find her or her maid Julie. Why did she kill a stranger? Why can't the police find her? This one will baffle Fleming Stone more than any other.

X Y Z - A Detective Story
Anna Katharine Green (1864 - 1935)
Read by Carolin Kaiser
Running Time:1:59:13 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
"Sometimes in the course of his experience, a detective, while engaged in ferreting out the mystery of one crime, runs inadvertently upon the clue to another. But rarely has this been done in a manner more unexpected or with attendant circumstances of greater interest than in the instance I am now about to relate.

For some time the penetration of certain Washington officials had been baffled by the clever devices of a gang of counterfeiters who had inundated the western portion of Massachusetts with spurious Treasury notes. Some of the best talent of the Secret Service had been expended upon the matter, but with no favorable result, when, one day, notice was received at Washington that a number of suspicious-looking letters, addressed to the simple initials, X. Y. Z., Brandon, Mass., were being daily forwarded through the mails of that region; and it being deemed possible that a clue had at last been offered to the mystery in hand, I was sent northward to investigate."

Public domain books

A public-domain book is a book with no copyright, a book that was created without a license, or a book where its copyrights expired or have been forfeited.

In most countries the of copyright expires on the first day of January, 70 years after the death of the latest living author. The longest copyright term is in Mexico, which has life plus 100 years for all deaths since July 1928.

A notable exception is the United States, where every book and tale published before 1926 is in the public domain; American copyrights last for 95 years for books originally published between 1925 and 1978 if the copyright was properly registered and maintained.