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The Kew Gardens Girls at War

by Posy Lovell

"First published in the United Kingdom in 2021"--Title page verso.

Brand New

Publisher Description

Inspired by real events, a touching novel about a new class of courageous women who worked at London's historic Kew Gardens during World War II.

In the face of war, gardening is their duty…When Daisy Cooper's new husband joins the RAF to fight the Battle of Britain, she's terrified she's going to lose him. So when her mother Ivy suggests she join the gardeners at Kew to keep busy, Daisy's intrigued. After all, Ivy worked at Kew during the last great war and made lifelong friends along the way. Louisa Armitage, not ready to hang up her gardening gloves just yet, and Beth Sanderson, an aspiring doctor looking to make a difference, decide to enlist as well. When tragedy strikes, the women are forced to come together to support one other during their darkest hours. But can the Kew Gardens Girls survive the horrors of war-torn London this time?

Author Biography

Posy Lovell is a pseudonym for British author and journalist Kerry Barrett. Born in Edinburgh, she moved to London as a child with her family. She has a passion for uncovering the role of women in the past. She lives in London with her family and is the author of The Kew Gardens Girls.


"Emotional…The horrible reality of war is on full display in this engrossing story, which Lovell enhances with a visceral sense of bombs falling and terrible news arriving via telegrams. This has "movie option" written all over it." –Publishers Weekly

"Complex relationships and overarching social issues unite in this sequel to Posy Lovell's The Kew Gardens Girls. It's a wonderful novel that can be read on its own, and fans of the first book will be delighted to become reacquainted with Louisa and Teddy, Ivy and Jim, and a number of other reminiscences from the first novel." –Historical Novels Review

Praise for The Kew Gardens Girls
"An absolutely charming story about the strength and beauty of female friendship. The Kew Gardens Girls blossom from the pages as WWI changes their lives and they face the challenges of being the first women to work in the famous Kew Gardens. I loved the way Ivy, Louisa and Win reveled in the many adventures they encountered and supported one another through the turmoil of wartime life. Settle into the story and be swept away!"  —Natasha Lester, author of The Paris Secret

"Utterly charming, The Kew Garden Girls, set in World War I London to the backdrop of the women's suffrage movement, is a tumbling bouquet of detail and dialogue that immediately transports the reader to one of the most famous city gardens in the world, a century in the past. Inspired by real events, Posy Lovell deftly explores issues of friendship, loss, class, equality, and freedom, weaving those serious topics into a beautiful story of women in wartime who find solace and meaning in tending the plants of Kew Gardens, coaxing new life from the soil even as they struggle to hold their own lives together. I'll never look at the sprawling, brilliant Kew Gardens—one of London's top tourist attractions and a World Heritage Site—the same way again." —Kristin Harmel, author of The Book of Lost Names

"The Kew Gardens Girls weaves an engaging, charming story of three women and their friendship while exploring the fascinating struggle for women's suffrage during World War I Britain. Lovell's story is just as layered and beautiful as the gardens she writes about. A delight!" –Julia Kelly, author of The Light Over London

"[An] endearing slice of wartime life." –Booklist

"[An] emotional, heartwarming story." –Woman's World

"Heartwarming...Even non-gardeners will be inspired to browse flower catalogues and grow a garden as a tribute to courageous characters like Ivy, Louisa, and Win." –Historical Novels Review

"The Kew Gardens Girls is a delightful story about women from very different backgrounds who end up working together at London's Kew Gardens during WWI, taking on the jobs of the men who have gone to war. The 'Girls' form fast friendships and something like a surrogate family. With beautifully well-drawn characters that you root for from the beginning, and interesting historical details about both the Suffragette movement and Kew Gardens during WWI, this is a poignant, heartwarming read that I highly recommend!" —Jane Healey, author of The Beantown Girls

Review Quote

"Emotional...The horrible reality of war is on full display in this engrossing story, which Lovell enhances with a visceral sense of bombs falling and terrible news arriving via telegrams. This has "movie option" written all over it." - Publishers Weekly Praise for The Kew Gardens Girls "An absolutely charming story about the strength and beauty of female friendship. The Kew Gardens Girls blossom from the pages as WWI changes their lives and they face the challenges of being the first women to work in the famous Kew Gardens. I loved the way Ivy, Louisa and Win reveled in the many adventures they encountered and supported one another through the turmoil of wartime life. Settle into the story and be swept away!" --Natasha Lester, author of The Paris Secret "Utterly charming, The Kew Garden Girls , set in World War I London to the backdrop of the women's suffrage movement, is a tumbling bouquet of detail and dialogue that immediately transports the reader to one of the most famous city gardens in the world, a century in the past. Inspired by real events, Posy Lovell deftly explores issues of friendship, loss, class, equality, and freedom, weaving those serious topics into a beautiful story of women in wartime who find solace and meaning in tending the plants of Kew Gardens, coaxing new life from the soil even as they struggle to hold their own lives together. I'll never look at the sprawling, brilliant Kew Gardens--one of London's top tourist attractions and a World Heritage Site--the same way again." --Kristin Harmel, author of The Book of Lost Names " The Kew Gardens Girls weaves an engaging, charming story of three women and their friendship while exploring the fascinating struggle for women's suffrage during World War I Britain. Lovell's story is just as layered and beautiful as the gardens she writes about. A delight!" -Julia Kelly, author of The Light Over London "[An] endearing slice of wartime life." - Booklist "[An] emotional, heartwarming story." - Woman's World "Heartwarming...Even non-gardeners will be inspired to browse flower catalogues and grow a garden as a tribute to courageous characters like Ivy, Louisa, and Win." - Historical Novels Review " The Kew Gardens Girls is a delightful story about women from very different backgrounds who end up working together at London's Kew Gardens during WWI, taking on the jobs of the men who have gone to war. The 'Girls' form fast friendships and something like a surrogate family. With beautifully well-drawn characters that you root for from the beginning, and interesting historical details about both the Suffragette movement and Kew Gardens during WWI, this is a poignant, heartwarming read that I highly recommend!" --Jane Healey, author of The Beantown Girls

Excerpt from Book

Chapter One Kent, Summer 1940 Louisa heard the engines before she saw the planes. They were high-pitched and droning like bees. Angry bees, she thought. She straightened up, rubbing the small of her back because she wasn''t as young as she''d once been and bending over the plants in her garden always made her ache, and peered upward. It was a glorious day. The sky was bright blue, with little puffs of white clouds. Louisa shut her eyes for a second, enjoying the feeling of the sun on her face, then opened them again almost immediately as the droning engines grew louder. And suddenly there they were, right overhead. Two planes-no, three, four-spinning and spiraling, silhouetted against the cornflower-blue sky as they dived down. Louisa felt a little thrill of fear and excitement. The war often seemed far away from her sleepy Kent village, but not today. "Teddy?" she called to her husband. "Teddy, come and see." The noise was louder now, engines screaming and guns crashing. The planes swooped downward and Louisa gasped, thinking that surely they couldn''t come this low, but then they were shooting upward again, into the clouds. She could hear voices around her, as the village children crowded out into the street. She knew they''d be running to the fields, hoping to find some bits of shell or shrapnel. Part of her wanted to go and see what they would find, but she couldn''t tear her eyes away from the battle in the skies. One of the planes came powering across the horizon, with another in pursuit. Louisa couldn''t tell which was German and which was British. She narrowed her eyes, squinting against the sun. German in front, she thought, and a Spitfire closing the gap from behind. "Good Lord." She turned to see Teddy standing next to her, his nephew Christopher at his side. Teddy frowned as he saw the planes and Louisa immediately regretted calling him outside to look. Teddy''s son had been killed in the last war and he''d been devastated when this conflict had begun. Devastated. Without taking her gaze from the sky, Louisa reached for Teddy''s hand and squeezed his fingers in hers, letting him know she was there. Teddy was resigned to the war now. He knew that Hitler had to be stopped, but that didn''t mean he liked it. He refused to do anything that supported the fighting; instead, he was the billeting officer for the evacuees who had flooded the village. Overhead the sky was crisscrossed with contrails as the planes raced across the blue. The droning of the engines was peppered with gunfire so loud that Louisa almost wanted to put her hands over her ears to drown it out. Her stomach was fluttering. It was scary and exhilarating to watch these pilots battling it out over their heads. But then, she''d always liked a bit of drama. "He''s been hit," Christopher said, pointing to the German plane, which had a trail of thick smoke coming from the wing. "He might bail out. Look for a parachute." Louisa breathed in sharply. "He''s turning round." The plane streaked across the sky, leaving wisps of inky-black smoke in the blue. "Look!" She took her hand from Teddy''s and pointed upward. "Look, he''s going back the way he came." She laughed in excitement. "Our boys have seen him off." Teddy gave a little shudder and walked back up the garden toward their cottage without a word. Louisa felt a moment''s regret for enjoying this dogfight as much as she had. She looked at Christopher. "Poor Ted," she said. "This is tough for him." Christopher nodded. "Every day must bring back memories of Philip." Overhead the planes were disappearing into the distance, the sound of gunfire fading as they went. Louisa wondered if the German pilot would make it back to France safely or if he would bail out. She was surprised to realize she hoped he would be all right and smiled to herself. That was what marriage to Teddy did, she thought. She remembered how passionate she''d been during the early years of the last war, gobbling up every bit of news from the Front and even, she swallowed down a burst of shame at the thought, abusing the men who didn''t fight. She and Teddy had very different memories of the last war. Very different. Louisa looked toward the house, where she could see Teddy getting his bicycle out of the shed at the side of the cottage. "It helps when he''s busy," she said to Christopher. "He''ll be off to see his evacuees now." Christopher sat down on the lawn with a thump. Louisa looked round at him. He was a funny chap, Christopher. Forgetful and distracted, tall and ungainly and always falling over, but loyal and honest and with a real talent for growing plants. She was very fond of him, as was Teddy-whose younger sister was Christopher''s mother-and they''d been delighted when he''d got a job as a farmhand nearby. "Do you wish you were more involved?" he asked bluntly. "More involved with the war, I mean?" With a small grunt and a rather graceless motion, Louisa sat down next to him, wondering how to explain how she felt. "I do," she admitted. "I feel rather . . ." "Useless?" "That''s it exactly." She smiled at Christopher. "Last time round I was doing my bit." "At Kew Gardens?" "You''ve heard all my stories a thousand times." "I like them." Louisa sighed. "I know it was hardly the same as what Philip did, or the other men who fought at the Front, or the women who nursed or supported the troops in other ways. But by keeping the gardens going we freed up the male gardeners to go and fight." "I''m thinking about joining up," Christopher said. Louisa turned to look at him, surprised. He''d never mentioned this before now. "Really?" "I know I''m probably no use to anyone," he said, giving a small, self-conscious smile. "I''m so clumsy. But I just feel . . ." This time it was Louisa who said: "Useless." "All the lads from back home, friends from school or the ones I used to play with growing up, they''ve all gone, Louisa. I should be doing my bit." "Farming is a reserved occupation," Louisa pointed out. "You''re fighting the war in the fields." "I know that," Christopher said, nodding vigorously. "But even so." "What would you do?" He shrugged, his skinny shoulder blades pushing against the fabric of his shirt. "Army, probably. I wouldn''t last five minutes in a plane and I get seasick." Louisa laughed but Christopher looked serious. "Do you think Uncle Teddy would be upset?" "I think he''d understand," Louisa said carefully, though she wasn''t sure she was telling the truth. She glanced at where her husband was crouched down next to his bike, prodding the tire, out of earshot of their conversation. "And what about you?" "What about me?" "Do you think I should enlist?" Louisa felt a little prickle of something that she thought might be envy. "I can''t tell you what to do, Christopher." She plucked at a piece of grass. "What would you do?" Christopher said. "If you were me?" Louisa thought about the charming village they lived in, where she knew everyone''s name and everyone knew her. She thought about her friends in the Women''s Institute, strong, capable women who kept the village running smoothly. She thought about the rolling fields and the beautiful hills and the woodlands where she could walk and about her carefully tended garden. And then she thought about the last war, when she worked so hard at Kew that she would be asleep each night before her head hit the pillow. She thought about her friends Ivy and Win-the Kew Gardens girls, they called themselves-who supported one another and fought for one another when things went wrong. And she thought about her time as a suffragette, battling for the vote and doing things she''d never have thought herself capable of. "Louisa?" Christopher said. "What would you do if you were me?" "I''d enlist." "Thought so." Louisa felt a lurch of fear. She adored Christopher but she wasn''t blind to his flaws. She knew he was being honest when he said he was clumsy. She couldn''t imagine him with a gun in his hand. "Don''t do it because of me," she said quickly. "And don''t rush into anything, will you? This is a big decision." Christopher bit his lip, making him look like the little boy he''d been when Louisa and Teddy had gotten married. "You''re needed on the farm," Louisa added. "Mr. and Mrs. Oliver would be lost without you." "They''re getting some Land Girls," Christopher said with a shrug. Louisa doubted that Land Girls-good as they might be-would know with a glance at the soil what crop would thrive there and what would fail as Christopher did, but she smiled. "Do what you think is best," she said. "No one else can make that decision for you." Up at the cottage, Teddy had stopped fiddling with his bicycle tires. "Off to see my evacuees," he called cheerfully. "Save some lunch for me." Louisa waved. "Will do." "Uncle Ted wouldn''t enlist," Christopher said, as Teddy sailed round the side of the cottage and out onto the street, ringing his bicycle bell as he went. "No." "And he wouldn''t want me to either." "No." Louisa felt uneasy, as though she were being disloyal to Teddy even having this conversation. She curled her legs to one side and stood up-with some difficulty, because she was almost s


Author Posy Lovell
Pages 448
Language English
Year 2022
ISBN-10 0593419715
ISBN-13 9780593419717
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2022-04-19
Country of Publication United States
AU Release Date 2022-04-19
NZ Release Date 2022-04-19
US Release Date 2022-04-19
UK Release Date 2022-04-19
Publisher Penguin Putnam Inc
Imprint G P Putnam's Sons
DEWEY 823.92
Audience General
