25 Pigeon Pea Seeds Florida-Grown Wild Organic Non-GMO

Fresh Packed for the 2024 growing season

This fast growing powerhouse legume "tree" is a fundamental bean crop in many parts of the world. It will grow 5-10 feet in height and yield hundreds of pea pods twice a year, with an average lifespan of 3-5 years total. The protein-rich seeds are quite similar to lentils and boast a succulent nutty flavor when cooked. Harvest the pods early for soft green peas, or harvest the pods later for dry brown seed good for storage and sprouting.

Pigeon Pea shrubs thrive in most soil types but prefer warmer climates. Sensitive to frost and waterlogging.

Multiple uses: Nitrogen fixer, windbreak, shade, chop & drop, natural trellis

A must-have for your garden, food forest, finca!

25+ high quality seeds per pack. 

Seed Color: Striped

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