Antique vintage books in PDF format on DVD disk microscope microscopy


 Microscopes , Microscopy, Histology

 225 Rare Vintage Books on  Computer disk (DVD)


An amazing collection of out-of-print rare books scanned to digital PDF format and put on to Disk on the subject of the history of the Microscope and Microscopy.

The amazing collection of books forms the complete reference library spanning several hundred years. Discover the origins, development and history of the microscope. A chance to learn about vintage microscopes and their design and construction. Read how the microscope has been used and applied to further science - microscopy and its application in medicine, histology, biology, nature and all other branches of science.

The 1000's of pages contain essential knowledge and insights, diagrams, images and explanations that provide a truly encyclopaedic library of knowledge that is unsurpassed. This totally unique collection is the most complete available.



rare vintage books dvd microscope microscopy histology science

225 Books on Computer disk  DVD



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This item is a computer disk containing vintage, copyright-free books scanned into digital PDF format and provided to you on disk (as above); there is no physical book, there is no video, there is no audio.

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List - 225 Books on Disk


A course of practical histology, being an introduction to the use of the microscope - E. A. Sharpey-Schafer (1877)

A decade of curious insects. Some of them not describ'd before, shewn in their natural size, and as they appear enlarg'd before the Lucernal microscope - J Hill (1773)
A familiar introducton to the study of polarized light; with a description of, and instructions for using, the table and hydro-oxygen polariscope and microscope - C. Woodward (1851)
A guide for the microscopical investigation of vegetable substances - W. J. Behrens (1885)
A handbook of medical microscopy - J. G. Richardson (1871)
A laboratory manual of plant histology - M. B. Thomas (1894)
A manual of elementary microscopical manipulation for the use of amateurs - T White (1887)
A manual of microscopic mounting - J Martin (1878)
A manual of microscopical technology for use in the investigations of medicine and pathological anatomy - C. Friedlaender (1885)
A practical treatise on the use of the microscope - J. Quekett (1852)
A retrospect of the progress of microscopic investigation, and of the more important recent contributions to normal and pathological histology - R. D. Lyons (1850)
A text-book of histology arranged upon an embryological basis - P. Stohr (1913)
A text-book of histology, including microscopic technic - A. A. Bohm (1900)
A text-book of histology, including microscopic technic - A. A. Bohm (1904)
A treatise on the construction, proper use, and capabilities of Smith, Beck, and Beck's achromatic microscopes - R. Beck (1865)
Amusement microscopique tant pour l'esprit, que pour les yeux Vol 1 - M Ledermuller (1764) [French]
Amusement microscopique tant pour l'esprit, que pour les yeux Vol 2 - M Ledermuller (1764) [French]
Amusement microscopique tant pour l'esprit, que pour les yeux Vol 3 - M Ledermuller (1764) [French]
An Account of Micrographia,or the Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies, Made by Magnifying Glasses (1665) [9-page Article]
An apology for the microscope, being the introductory lecture to the first course on microscopic anatomy and pathology - R. D. Lyons (1851)
An atlas of clinical microscopy - A. Peyer (1885)
An elementary text-book of the microscope - J. W. Griffith (1864)
An Illustrated Description of First-Class Achromatic Microscopes, Apparatus - Miller Bros. (1879)
Animal micrology, practical exercises in zoölogical micro-technique - M Guyer (c.1917)
Animal Micrology. Practical Exercises in Zoological Microtechnique - M Guyer (1917)
Animal micrology; practical exercises in microscopical methods - M Guyer (1906)
Apparate und Arbeitsmethoden zur mikroskopischen Untersuchung kristallisierter Korper - C. Leiss (1914) [German]
Beck microscopes - R. & J. Beck Ltd. (19--)
Catalogue of Mathematical, Optical and Philosophical Instruments - Newton & Co. (ca. 1870)
Catalogue of microscopes and accessories - C. Lentz & Sons (1899)
Catalogue of microscopes and accessories - W Watson & Sons (1912)
Common objects of the microscope - J. G. Wood (1861)
Common objects of the microscope - J. G. Wood (1900)
Compendium of microscopical technology; a guide to physicians and students in the use of the microscope - C. Seiler (1881)
Das Mikroskop - J. Vogel (1884) [German]
Das Mikroskop und die mikroskopische Technik - H. Frey (1868) [German]
Das Mikroskop, Theorie und Anwendung desselben - C. Nageli (1867) [German]
Das Mikroskop. Ein Leitfaden der wissenschaftlichen Mikroskopie - A. Zimmermann (1895)  [German]
Das mikroskop. Theorie, gebrauch, geschichte und gegenwartiger zustand desselben - P. Harting (1859) [German]
Des microscopes et de leur usage - C. Chevalier (1839) [French]
Description of a new microscope, for the use of medical practitioners at the bed-side - D. Gruby (1846)
Descriptions et usages de plusieurs nouveaux microscopes - L. Joblot (1718) [French]
Drops of water - their marvelous and beautiful inhabitants displayed by the microscope - A. Catlow (1851)
Electron microscope - E. F. Burton (1942)
Elementary microscopical technology; a manual for students of microscopy. - F James (1887)
Elements of applied microscopy. A text-book for beginners - C Winslow (1905)
Employment for the microscope - H. Baker (1753)
Enzyklopadie der mikroskopischen Technik Vol 1 - P. Ehrlich (1910) [German]
Enzyklopadie der mikroskopischen Technik Vol 2 - P. Ehrlich (1910) [German]
Essays on the microscope - containing a practical description of the most improved microscopes - G. Adams (1798)
Evenings at the microscope  or, Researches among the minuter organs and forms of animal life - P. H. Gosse (1860)
Evenings at the microscope  or, Researches among the minuter organs and forms of animal life [Revised Edition]- P. H. Gosse (1877)
Extracts from micrographia - or some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses, with observations and inquiries thereupon - R. Hooke (1902)
Guide to the microscopic examination of the eye - R Greeff (1913)
Half-hours with the microscope; being a popular guide to the use of the microscope as a means of amusement and instruction - E. Lankester (1874)
Handbook of practical botany for the botanical laboratory and private student - E. Strasburger (1911)
Handy guide to surgical instruments and medical appliances, physical and physiological apparatus, microscopes, spectacles, artificial eyes, etc. - Reynolds & Branson (1887)
Hooke's Micrographia - L Woodruff (1919) [18-page Article]
How to see with the microscope - J. E. Smith (1880)
How to use and care for the microscope, a simple treatise on the use of the microscope especially adapted to laboratory work - Spencer Lens Company (1916)
How to use the microscope - J. Phin (1882)
How to use the microscope; a guide for the novice - C Hall (1912)
How to work with the microscope - L. S. Beale (1861)
Illustrated price list of microscopes, microscopic apparatus and other optical instruments, manufactured - R. & J. Beck, London (1882)
Illustrated scientific and descriptive catalogue of achromatic microscopes, manufactured - J. & W. Grunow & Co. (1857)
Illustrations of disease with the microscope - F. P. Porcher (1861)
Le microscope a la portee de tout le monde - Henry Baker (1754)
Le microscope, theorie, applications - H. Hager (1884) [French]
Lectures on histology Vol 1 - J. Quekett (1852)
Lectures on histology Vol 2 - J. Quekett (1852)
Lehrbuch der mikroskopischen Technik - B. Rawitz (1907) [German]
L'etudiant micrographe - traite theorique et pratique du microscope et des preparations - A. Chevalier (1865) [French]
Manipulation of the microscope - E. Bausch (1891)
Manual of clinical microscopy and chemistry, prepared for the use of students and practitioners of medicine - H Lenhartz (1904) vers.2
Manual of clinical microscopy and chemistry, prepared for the use of students and practitioners of medicine - H Lenhartz (1904)
Manual of micrurgy - R. B. Howland (1931)
Manuel de technique microscopique - P. Francotte (1886) [French]
Marvels of pond-life  or, A year's microscopic recreations among the polyps, infusoria, rotifers, water-bears, and polyzoa - H. J. Slack (1861)
Marvels of pond-life  or, A year's microscopic recreations among the polyps, infusoria, rotifers, water-bears, and polyzoa [Second Edition] - H. J. Slack (1871)
Medical microscopy - a guide to the use of the microscope in medical practice - F. J. Wethered (1892)
Methods in microscopial research; vegetable histology - A. Flatters (1905)
Methods in plant histology - C. J. Chamberlain (1901)
Methods in plant histology [Third Revised Edition] - C. J. Chamberlain (1915)
Methods of research in microscopical anatomy and embryology - C. Whitman (1885)
Methods of using the microscope, camera-lucida and solar projector for purposes of examination and the production of illustrations - N. A. Cobb (1905)
Micoscopes and microscopic accessories [32nd Edition] - Carl Zeiss Jena (1902)
Micoscopes and microscopic accessories [33rd Edition] - Carl Zeiss Jena (1906)
Micoscopes and microscopical accessories [27th Edition] - Carl Zeiss Jena (1885)
Micoscopes and microscopical accessories [31st Edition] - Carl Zeiss Jena (1898)
Micrographia restaurata, or, The copper plates of Dr. Hooke's wonderful discoveries by the microscope - R. Hooke (1745)
Micrographia, containing practical essays on reflecting, solar, oxy-hydrogen gas microscopes; micrometers; eye-pieces, etc. - C. R. Goring (1837)
Micrographia, or, Some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses - R. Hook (1667)
Micrographia, or, Some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses - R. Hook (1837)
Microscope principles - T. Stephinades (1947)
Microscope teachings - descriptions of various objects of especial interest and beauty  adapted for microscopic observation - M. Ward (1866)
Microscopes & Optical Accessories - Flatters & Garnett Ltd (1963)
Microscopes and accessories catalog  - Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. (1900)
Microscopes and accessories catalog  - Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. (1914)
Microscopes and accessory apparatus, Catalogue 35 - Ernst Leitz (1894)
Microscopes and accessory apparatus, Catalogue 36 - Ernst Leitz (1896)
Microscopes and accessory apparatus, Catalogue 38 - Ernst Leitz (1899)
Microscopic botany - a manual of the microscope in vegetable histology - E. Strasburger (1887)
Microscopic illustrations of a few new, popular and diverting living objects - C. R. Goring (1830)
Microscopic illustrations of living objects, their natural history, etc. - A. Pritchard (1838)
Microscopic illustrations of living objects, with researches concerning the methods of constructing microscopes - A Pritchard (1845)
Microscopic objects, animal, vegetable and mineral; with instructions for preparing and viewing them - A. Pritchard (1847)
Microscopical diagnosis - C. H. Stowell (1882)
Microscopical praxis; or, Simple methods of ascertaining the properties of various microscopical accessories - A. C. Stokes (1894)
Microscopy in the service of man - R. M. Neill (n.d.)
Microscopy the construction, theory, and use of the microscope - E. J. Spitta (1907)
Microscopy the construction, theory, and use of the microscope - E. J. Spitta (1920)
Mikroskopische Untersuchungen - J. Weisner (1872) [German]
Minerals and the microscope; an introduction to the study of petrology - H. G. Smith (1914)
Minute marvels of nature, being some revelations of the microscope exhibited by photo-micrographs taken - J. J. Ward (1908)
Modern microscopy; a handbook for beginners and students - M Cross (1912)
Nature through microscope & camera - R. Kerr (1909)
New microscopical discoveries - J. T. Needham (1745)
Notes on the early history of microscopy - C. Singer (1914)
Objects for the microscope, being a popular description of the most instructive and beautiful subjects for exhibition - L. L. Clarke (1863)
Observations d'hidtoire naturelle faites avec le microscope - Louis Joblot (1754)
Of microscopes, and the discoveries made thereby Vol. 1 - H. Baker (1785)
Of microscopes, and the discoveries made thereby Vol. 2 - H. Baker (1785)
On angular aperture of objectives for the microscope - G. E. Blackham (1880)
On the construction and use of the microscope - A. Hannover (1853)
On the diatom prism, and the true form of diatom markings (1869)
On the employment of the microscope in medical studies - J. H. Bennett (1841)
One thousand objects for the microscope - M. C. Cooke (1869)
Optic projection - S. H. Gage (1914)
Original microscopic drawings made between the years 1824 and 1840 mostly published in works by Dr. Goring & A. Pritchard (1824)
Phase Contrast Equipment with the Heine Condenser - E. Leitz-Wetzlar (n.d.)
Photography Applied to the Microscope - Frederick William Mills, Thomas Charters White (1891)
Physiological histology, methods and theory - G. Mann (1902)
Practical Hints on the Selection and Use of the Microscope. Intended for Beginners - J Phin (1877)
Practical Hints on the Selection and Use of the Microscope. Intended for Beginners [Third Edition]- J Phin (1881)
Practical Methods in Microscopy - C Clark (1900)
Primer of the clinical microscope - E. Cutter (1879)
Principles of microscopy, being a handbook to the microscope - A. E. Wright (1906)
Quarterly journal of microscopical science (1853)
Quarterly journal of microscopical science (1866)
Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science (1868)
Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science (1874)
Quarterly journal of microscopical science (1885)
Quarterly journal of microscopical science (1892-93)
Quarterly journal of microscopical science (1903-04)
Recent advances in microscopy; biological applications - A. Piney (1931)
Section-cutting; a practical guide to the preparation and mounting of sections for the microscope - S. Marsh (1879)
Stohr's histology - P. Stohr (1906)
The amateur microscopist or, Views of the microscopic world, a handbook of microscopic manipulation and microscopic objects - J. Brocklesby (1871)
The beginner's guide to the microscope, with a section on mounting slides - C. E. Heath (1922)
The compound microscope as an aid to the study of the skin and skin lesions in situ - H. G. Piffard (1875)
The electron microscope, its development, present performance and future possibilities - D. Gabor (1948)
The influence of the microscope upon the progressive advance of medicine (1859)
The intelligent use of the microscope - G. W. Olliver (1951)
The Journal of marine zoology and microscopy Vol 1 & 2 (1893-1897).
The methods of microscopical research - A Cole (1895)
The micrographic dictionary; examination and investigation of the structure and nature of microscopic objects Vol 1 - J Griffith (1883)
The micrographic dictionary; examination and investigation of the structure and nature of microscopic objects Vol 2 - J Griffith (1885)
The microscope - A. Ross (1877)
The microscope - an introduction to microscopic methods and to histology - S. H. Gage (1911)
The microscope - an introduction to microscopic methods and to histology (12th Edition - revised) - S. H. Gage (1917)
The microscope - being a popular description of the most instructive and beautiful subjects for exhibition - L. L. Clarke (1870)
The microscope - D. Lardner (1856)
The microscope - E. Hawks (1920)
The microscope - its construction and management. Including technique, photo-micrography, and the past and future of the microscope - H. Van Heurk (1893)
The Microscope - Its Design Construction and Application - F. S. Spiers (1920)
The microscope - its history, construction, and application, being a familiar introduction to the use of the instrument and the study of microscopical science - J. Hogg (1856)
The microscope - its history, construction, and application, being a familiar introduction to the use of the instrument and the study of microscopical science - J. Hogg (1883)
The Microscope . An illustrated Monthly Vol 5 (1897)
The Microscope A Simple Handbook - C Beck (1921) vers.2
The Microscope A Simple Handbook - C Beck (1921)
The microscope and its application to clinical medicine - L Beale (1854)
The microscope and its lessons - J. Crowther (1891)
The microscope and its revelations - W. B. Carpenter (1856
The microscope and its revelations Vol 1 - W. B. Carpenter (1883)
The microscope and its revelations Vol 2 - W. B. Carpenter (1883)
The microscope and microscopical methods - S. H. Gage (1896)
The microscope and microscopical technology - H. Frey (1880)
The Microscope and some hints on how to use it - E. Leitz (1910)
The Microscope and Some of the Wonders it Reveals - W Houghton (1875)
The microscope in its application to practical medicine [Second Edition] - L. S. Beale (1858)
The microscope in its application to practical medicine [Third Edition] - L. S. Beale (1867)
The microscope in medicine - L. S. Beale (1878)
The microscope in the brewery and malt-house - C. G. Matthews (1889)
The microscope in theory and practice - K. W. Nageli (1887)
The microscope in theory and practice [Second Edition] - K. W. Nageli (1892)
The microscope made easy or, I. The nature, uses and magnifying powers of the best kinds of microscopes - H. Baker (1742)
The microscope made easy or, I. The nature, uses and magnifying powers of the best kinds of microscopes [Fourth Edition] - H. Baker (1754)
The microscope prism and the structure of the Produra  scale (1869)
The Microscope Vol 1 - 2 - C. Tuthill (1820)
The microscope, its revelations and application in science and art - J. Ferguson (1858)
The microscope, or Descriptions of various objects of especial interest and beauty - F. M. Ward (1869)
The microscope, or Descriptions of various objects of especial interest and beauty [Fifth Edition] - F. M. Ward (1880)
The microscope; an advanced handbook  - Beck, Conrad (1921)
The microscopic cabinet of select animated objects  with a description of the jewel and doublet microscope, text objects, etc. - A. Pritchard (1832)
The microscopist; or, A complete manual on the use of the microscope - J. H. Wythe (1852)
The microscopist; or, A complete manual on the use of the microscope [Third Edition] - J. H. Wythe (1877)
The microscopist's companion, a popular manual of practical microscopy - J. King (1859) vers.2
The microscopist's companion, a popular manual of practical microscopy - J. King (1859)
The microscopy of drinking-water - G. C. Whipple (1899)
The microscopy of drinking-water [Third Edition] - G. C. Whipple (1914)
The microscopy of technical products - T. F. Hanausek (1907) - Copy
The microscopy of technical products - T. F. Hanausek (1907)
The microtomist's vade-mecum. A handbook of the methods of microscopic anatomy - A. B. Lee (1893)
The microtomist's vade-mecum. A handbook of the methods of microscopic anatomy [Fifth Edition] - A. B. Lee (1904)
The preparation & mounting of microscopic objects [New Edition] - T. Davies (1912)
The preparation & mounting of microscopic objects [Second Edition] - T. Davies (1873)
The Principles of Optics - F. Hardy (1932)
The principles of pathological histology - H. R. Gaylord (1901)
The romance of the microscope; an interesting description of its uses in all branches of science - C Ealand (1921) vers.2
The romance of the microscope; an interesting description of its uses in all branches of science - C Ealand (1921)
The smallest living things; life revealed by the microscope - G Calkins (1935)
The smallest living things; life revealed by the microscope - G Calkins (c.1932)
The student's handbook to the microscope. A practical guide to its selection and management - T White (1887)
The telescope and microscope - T. Dick (1851)
The telescope and microscope - T. Dick (1852)
The use of the microscope in clinical and pathological examinations - C. Friedlaender (1885) vers.2
The use of the microscope in clinical and pathological examinations - C. Friedlaender (1885)
The use of the microscope in clinical medicine. Illustrated - L Beale (1857)
The use of the microscope in the differential diagnosis of morbid growths - S. F. Speir (1871)
The use of the microscope; a handbook for routine and research work - J. Belling (1930)
Thoughts on animalcules  or, A glimpse of the invisible world revealed by the microscope - G. A. Mantell (1846) vers.2
Thoughts on animalcules  or, A glimpse of the invisible world revealed by the microscope - G. A. Mantell (1846)
Through a microscope - S. Wells (1886)
Traite pratique du microscope et de son emploi dans l'etude des corps organises - L. Mandl (1839) [French] vers.2
Traite pratique du microscope et de son emploi dans l'etude des corps organises - L. Mandl (1839) [French]
Treatise on Practical Light - R. S. Clay (1911)
Use and care of the microscope - E. Bausch (1902)


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