Sundews attract and capture insects with their adhesive leaves, breaking down and digesting their bodies for vital nutrients. Drosera Filiformis var. Filiformis, also called threadleaf sundew, is a sundew that uniquely has linear growing leaves. It is commonly found in the eastern United States and has a lot of natural variety. These plants are very easy to grow as long as their basic requirements are tended to.

Your purchase includes 1+ medium-sized bareroot plants, securely wrapped in damp paper towels, along with comprehensive care instructions. Keep in mind that these plants are very easy to grow, but do have certain care requirements that need to be tended to in order to keep the plant healthy.

Preferred Growing Conditions:

Light: Thrives in full or partial sunlight outdoors, or under strong lights for 10-14 hours if indoors.

Soil: Requires well-draining, nutrient-poor media or a mix of peat and perlite for optimal drainage. (Generally 1:1 Ratio)

Fertilizing: While not necessary, fertilization can accelerate growth. We find that Maxsea fertilizer is very effective.

Humidity: Adaptable to various humidity levels, making it suitable for a range of environments.

Watering: Keep soil consistently moist by using a tray method. Use low-mineral (PPM/TDS), reverse osmosis, rain or distilled water for watering.

Temperature: Ideally thrives in temperatures between 40-100°F, avoiding freezing conditions.

Dormancy: Drosera Filiformis has a dormancy period in the winter, where it dies back to a hibernaculum (thick bud at the growth point). Don't worry when this happens though! It'll come back even more robust in the spring.

For additional questions or inquiries, feel free to reach out to us via Ebay. Enhance your botanical collection with this captivating carnivorous plant!