• Brand New - Unused Parts
  • Genuine OEM Eureka Product
  • Includes (1) Fan as pictured
Item Specifications:
  • Eureka, Sanitaire Vacuum Fan
  • Fits Models SC886 SC887
  • Plastic Impeller Fan
  • Measures 5" x 1/4" center hole
  • 30-Day Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Fit and Function Guarantee
  • Fast, Free Shipping! ~ Check our feedback and buy with confidence

Unsure? Email us with your model number and we would be happy to confirm compatibility!

      - This is a New, Genuine OEM product and it is backed by our 30-Day Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee.  
  Many replacement parts should be installed only by a professional.
  Be safe. If you are not qualified to install this item, you are more than welcome to return it.