Lot of 1pcs

Technical characteristics of GI-46B:

GI-46B filament current - 2.45 ± 0.15 A.

The working point is negative - 7.05 ± 1.35 V.

The slope of the characteristic is 21.5 ± 4.5 mA / V.

Reverse grid current - no more than 40 μA.

Cathode emission current at Uа = Uс = 400 V - not less than 24 A.

Permeability when Ua changes by 200 V - 0.6 ± 0.2%.

The useful power in the continuous generation mode at Un = 8.5 V, Uа = 1.5 kV, Iа = 350 mA, ׀ = 29 cm - not less than 120 W.

The readiness time of the GI-46B triode is no more than 100 s.

Interelectrode capacities:

- input - 16.5 ± 2 pF;

- straight line - 5.75 ± 0.65 pF.

The durability of GI-46B lamps is at least 500 hours.

Durability criteria:

- useful power - not less than 96 W;

- negative working point - 7 ± 3 V.

GI-46B glow voltage - from 7.7 V to 13.9 V.

Anode voltage - 1.9 kV.

The pulse voltage of the anode is 15 kV.

The power dissipated by the anode is 350 W.

The power dissipated by the grid is 20 W.

DC anode current - 350 mA.

Anode current in a pulse - 15 A.

The duty cycle of the GI-46B triode is 500.

The pulse duration is 15 μs.

Resistance in the grid circuit is 10 kOhm.

The temperature of the anode withdrawal is + 200 ° C.

Mesh output temperature - + 200 ° С.

The cathode outlet temperature is + 120 ° С.

Cooling of the GI-46B lamp - forced air 24 m3 / h.


- length -113 mm;

- diameter - 65 mm.


- without a radiator - no more than 205 g.



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