Recital book for of Alfred‘s basic piano library contains a refreshing variety of pieces, including familiar songs, folk, melodies and dances, classics, a theme from an opera, sacred music, and a number of original selections. It may be assigned after the student has learned Tarantella, the first piece and lesson book 4. As with all supplementary materials of this course, this book is coordinated page by page with the corresponding lesson book. The instructions in the upper right hand corner of the first page of each piece clearly indicate exactly exactly what each one may be assigned. The pieces may be assigned in anytime after the designated pages are covered, but should not be learned sooner than these references indicate. The recital book of this course serve dual purpose. They provide additional pieces at the exactly the proper level for the students, pleasure and enjoyment. At the same time they provide review and reinforcement for each new concept introduced in the corresponding lesson book, particularly when they are used in conjunction with the theory book of the same level. The pieces in this book are selected in composed with great care. We sincerely believe that they will be helpful to the student and will also provide many hours of fun and entertainmentto teachers, students and audiences everywhere. Studio written on front cover.